It came back from the dead -Cy
The story of my Dead Dell -Steve Bell
Windows Mobile 2003 Drowning -Shalom Outmezguine
What will happen will happen .... -unix_guide
Don’t Drink and Organize -James Holle
Something that you'd probably rather not see -Brian Wagstaff
It keeps on giving.... -Mona B
Slipcase lives up to its name -Jim Jurena
Too thick a thing for my pocket... -Scott
Canadian Carpet Bomb -Troy Fontaine
Phoenix Rising -Tony DelAguila
Supper Happy Clie N710 Reincarnation! -George Biastre Jr.
Attempted Zaurus 5500 Murder -Chad Carter
Oh, it's just the pipes creaking -Bruce Clark
Casio Pocket Viewer - Clean and Still Working -David Chick
Visor on the Farm -Shawn Hoefer
So this clie failed my "butt test" -Min-yi Shen
60 mph Mistake at the border.... -David Pabst
The Great Train Escape -David
My Zaurus 5500 Cheats Death -Chad Carter, Italy
A Narrow Escape, not a Creaking Pipe -Bruce Clark
5-Wood meets Clie -Colin Duke
A Sad Tale -Aria Wenda Ong
I figured it won't matter, WRONG! -Andrew Azzariti
The LCD Curse -FSPDeeJay
Slipped into the Abyss -J Patterson
The Palm That Went Thru Batteries in Just 2 or 3 minutes -Scott Shultis
I lost my mind, regained it only to lose it again!!! -Rrjam3
Strong Replacement IIIc Cases -Sean Dalgety
Beautiful Impression of a Tire Track -Jim Bezdan
The Lawn Mower Killer -Sharon
Batteries In Backwards
Death by Dog Bowl -MICHAEL A. ASSID, Major, USAF
Falling into a Cement Pit -Michael Powell, Esq.
I Love My Hardwood Floor, Really -Jeffrey S. Russell
Never drink with you handheld -Matt Clouse
Cold Alone! -Dimitri Gerebtzoff
A Tale of Two Taxis -Ian Darwin
Another Death by Toilet -Andrew Knox
Desk Squeeze Disaster -Darren R
Be Careful with the Windex! -Mike Longhurst
Spidey-Palm -Quiller
Deep Fried m505 -A Martz
Animal Chase Catastrophe -Sean Setters
PC Mouse Smack Attack -Richard De Guzman
Beware of Evil Tables... -Bernard Esterhuysen
Tail of a Faithful m500 -Josh Carlson
Lost and Found on the Highway -Mad Scribbler
A Stupid Computer Table -Roberval
A Cushion Between My Hip and the Cement -Paul Conway
On Palms and Skateboarding -Matt Lacey
PalmIIIx back from the grave -Frank Leaver
As It Described an Arc... -James McNalley
Like a Greased Watermelon Seed -Joe H.
Reincarnation times 10 -Brian Satzinger
Well, at least it's clean! -Benjamin Hale
Sudden And Massive Covert Battery Drainage -Rich Anderson
3rd time's a charm -Leigh Ferguson
These Pants are Cursed! -Derek Cunningham
Demise of the Unused IIIe -Cheryl Nicole Lee
The Swamp Purse -Tina Rathbone
Cleanup on Aisle Seven! -Ellen Gaynor
The Slippery Pocket Strikes Again -Troy Fontaine
The Palm IIIc that got rained on -James Cross
The Dog Ate My Homework! -Theresa O'Donnell
Don't mess with other people's Palms! (a cautionary tale) -Luis Alvarez
She went with a whimper - not a bang -Jim Gorski
My palm mysteriously committed suicide -Alex Goodwin
Check Those Pockets! -Chris Olson
Thougher than a nokia 6110? -Luca Reginato
For some unfortunate reason, I stepped on it -Enrico Pangan
Hammer Time? -Andrew
m100 taken over by Demons! -Darius Thomas
The Backpack boogie -Noah Jaehnert
My Visor had an acid flashback! -Mike Moore
Muscle Machine Mishap -Michael Anderson
Ohhhh, my Dear Visor Deluxe -Brynjar Stefansson
Thougher than my old Nokia 6110? -Luca Reginato
Tried to catch it with my foot -Tibor Lovey
His Palm died, mine revived -Juan Xavier Larrea
My Palm III Would Not Turn On -Andy Fus
Salem Witch Curse Killed My Palm -Hegamyer
The Elevator Shaft Miracle -Mark Eric Zeitzer
If all things were like my Palm III -Tjalling
A Good Idea Gone Bad -Chris Mance
Soccer talents gone wrong -J. Peperkamp
The crack mysteriously appeared -brayden
My beloved PDA drowned in my backpack -Antony Sit
A rush and a push and my Palm was repaired -Peter van Eijk
Here we go again -The Junkman
It eventually killed itself! -Chris Johnson
A Visor's double death! -Nick Carlson
FrankenPalm -Jim Weller and John Field
Carpet Crack -Jake Reynolds
Spending too much time with your gadgets... -Christian B. Sass
When dogs attack! -Cindy Burns
Flushed at 30,000 feet -Nick Trevethan
RIP after 1 day -OverAchieve
Across a four lane highway -Randall Cone
The gods were not smiling on me -Gus Simpson
I jumped high -Kurt M. Sanger
Landed on my back(pack), palm first -Scott F. Crosby
Skidding across wet pavement -Cray Drygu
PalmPilot all-too-Personal
Visor Passes Flight Test, Fails Landing -Sergeant Major Bill Russell
Calculator Heaven -Stealth
My Palm just ran out of lives -Peter Tan
Top of the car syndrome -Andrew HatField
Cockroach killed my palm! -Leonardo Carvalho
My Palm Took A Bullet For Me! -Steve Lynch
A perfect 10 Greg Louganis belly flop -Lawrence Soto
Little kid crash -Andymr
Driving over the visor is not good for the screen -Cameron Clark
Survivor of a 50mph crash -Craig Schoenthaler
Unfortunate bowling ball accident -Gary
Watch out for hungry old ladies -Rsx
It went airborn -Alexander Schrab
Life after watery death -Clym Escudero
PalmPix case damage -Gordon Cato
Ended in the toilet bowl -Sharp A520
Learning to Fly -Timothy Lutero
Death With Dignity? -Bill Rhodes
It was declared brain dead -David Ellison
After my first step I knew life would be different -BLAKEWELCH
Maybe I killed the little guy -Kaveer
Domestic Chores + Pergo Floors = Death -Paul Brown
Palm Picture Frame -David Weaver
A Crime that Cries out to Heaven for Vengence -Michael Engelbrecht
Palm suicide -Toni Riss
Resurrection or E Pluribus Unum -Kevin Bersell
Palms do not handle deceleration trauma well -Joe Tomasone
Hit and run OJ style -Shawn Callahan
For the all the Palms I loved before -matika
PDA bike accident -John Records
Psychedelic displays and Fatal Exceptions -David Siederer
Motorcycle Emptiness -Andrew Grupp
Don't phone with a PALM near the Wire! -Christian Bauer
The original Slim Leather Case -Joe Smith
Don't get too confident -Dany Asselin
Do *NOT* follow that stupid rabbit! -Brett Profitt
Shop till it drops -Timothy McCarty
Flashing black screen
Don't carry Palm in pant pocket -Ron Webb
Another Reason Not To Use Belt Pouches -Mario Camou
Watch that anger -Robert Stephens
Its life was too short -Russell Howell
Rolling down the stairs -Mitchel
Ibby-Jibbys take over.. -Samuel F. Gutierrez
Guns and Palm do go together -Noam Sheffer
Precious Palmie gets cracked -Matthew Jolley
Watch where you sit -Ahmed Maaraba
Don't belt clip on the right side! -Joel Wasinger
I'm crushed, my Palm is crushed -Ron Good
Nasty metal detector
Watch cases with metal parts -Jeff The Riffer
Cracked Pilot 1000 -Paul Drobny
The PDA Curse -Jesse Kirkpatrick
The first dead Visor -BD
DIY Palm III repair -Peter Dikhoff
Choose Your Bathroom Reading Material Carefully -Chris Swanson
A watered Palm can be repaired! -Ivo Burkart
Don't beam near the ball -Tyler Smith
Battery Meltdown -Ernie Goyette
Life Ends ... Not 2 hours old -Phil Tormanen
Crushed in my Pocket -Ray Larabie
Un día, tenía un accidente y caído le y lo rompí. -Jimmy G Baxter
Beware of washing machines -Hakan Lennestal
Wrecked at Sea -William George
Juggling in the air -Chris Hoover
Walked into a desk -Jonathan Allen
Palm V Hip Protector -Justin
Don't take Palmie Drinking
Pilot or Child -Larry Odom
A Flushing Experience -Doug
Palms are not Backpack protectors -Anders Gregow
Left at the Gas station -Ben Durrant
Sat on my Rex -Philip Marien
Palm in a deep Freeze -Dan Kirkpatrick
Kickin' the Cradle -Roland
Abandoned on the Metro -Chad Taylor
Bicycle Mistransportation -someone?
Crushed in a fall -Jake Berry
The only good CE device is a dead CE device... -Tex Jones
WOW! The PalmPilot is durable! -Brian Findlay
Slipped out of my Pocket -Robert Neilson
Beware of the Dog! -Jeff Lipsman
Winter Wonder where the hell your pilot went? -Will Dobbins