Foundations Laid For OpenGL GPU Support In webOS 1.3.5

OpenGLThere's always a bit of a mad flurry amongst the Palm community whenever a new webOS update is pushed out, as the techies and uber-fans dig deep and try to discover every little change. Rod Whitby of WebOS Internals tweeted out a particularly interesting observation: two new binary packages have appeared in webOS as of the latest version 1.3.5: opengles.ipk and opengles-omap3.ipk.

What does this mean? It means that GPU support is inching ever-closer for the Pre. As a famous philosopher or something once said: sweeeeeet.

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foundations schmoundations

jca666us @ 12/28/2009 7:50:58 PM # Q
it really means nothing until the os has proper support and apps. are taking advantage of it.

any idea which version of opengl es palm will end up supporting?

RE: foundations schmoundations
ChiA @ 12/29/2009 1:06:21 AM # Q
I think Palm should be commended for the speed and frequency of their WebOS updates. Palm has been receptive and active in dealing with issues encountered by users on WebOS. It's a given that OpenGL is on its way if it's not built in already.

WebOS isn't ALP; it's a rapidly evolving OS that's in use.

It seems Palm made a good call to develop WebOS rather than go with Cobalt/ALP.

RE: foundations schmoundations
LiveFaith @ 12/29/2009 5:43:06 AM # Q
** it really means nothing until the os has proper support and apps. are taking advantage of it. **

Did you actually read the title and content of the article? Nobody said it was ready. Saying that clear evidence of it's coming reality means nothing, is like saying that making it to Colorado from NY means nothing because you are not yet to California.

The point is the Palm IS bringing it and has laid a foundation for it. That's how things normally get accomplished.
Pat Horne

RE: foundations schmoundations
jca666us @ 12/29/2009 6:22:25 AM # M Q
and did you read my reply?

foundations don't mean squat - let's see real support.

RE: foundations schmoundations
hkklife @ 12/29/2009 1:49:31 PM # Q
I'd have taken Cobalt/ALP, personally. The trusted, sterling PIMs we have known for nearly 14 years now, good ol' Hotsync (or at least the option for it), the possibility for stylus/Graffiti support, removable memory card support.

Had Palm never spun off PalmSource we wouldn't even be having this silly discussion right now!
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RE: foundations schmoundations
LiveFaith @ 12/29/2009 6:15:45 PM # M Q
Had they not spun it off. Now there is the caveat!

I saw where RIM's BB just had it's 10th B-day this week. Wow, what a difference management of a company makes. I remember the bewildered feeling I had back in 04' (?) when I heard of plans for the split. I even made a Tungsten with Pocket PC OS on screen as a joke. Turned out 2B a nightmare.
And the decision makers all got even richer. Strange world we live in.

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OpenGL Released

poorman @ 12/28/2009 11:21:06 PM # Q
My contact at Palm says there are games that support OpenGL now. Check the catalog.
RE: OpenGL Released
Tim Carroll @ 12/29/2009 6:08:55 AM # Q
Remember, you're talking to an international blogger who currently can only see 70 apps of the 900-odd ones in there. ;)

But please, if you have more to share...

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rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support

ardiri @ 12/29/2009 7:47:36 AM # Q
i've heard rumors on wire about a native SDK being provided with webos 1.4 - if that happens; i'll be coming back to support the devices, for now - there are limits of what you can do with the device.
Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer
RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
palmato @ 12/29/2009 8:13:27 AM # Q
Interesting rumor. Let's hope Palm finally puts some sense in their (currently) hopeless developer strategy.

Hey Admin: Why do we have to keep two profiles?

RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
ardiri @ 12/29/2009 8:24:23 AM # Q
i have almost every palm device ever released - need to pick up one of these palm pre's :) i can confirm there is a "native sdk" available; but it has been kept within a limited group of companies - but like everything, nothing stays locked up forever, leaks happen :)

... just realized my PIC id is #84 - almost 10 years on this site :)

Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer

RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
mikecane @ 12/29/2009 10:43:06 AM # Q
A native SDK would really be something.

With a mini-tablet, Palm could really blunt the sense of entitlement Android currently has, thinking it will sweep that space.

Unfortunately, one of the first Android mini-tablets is, um, a bit weak:

And fragmentation of the UI will stifle sales for months.

Also, Android, AFAIK, doesn't have something like TCPMP/CorePlayer. Thus it's limited to MP4 and 3GP. What about the Pre/Pixi. Is there software for those that can do what my frikkin LifeDrive can do -- that is, play just about ANY damn AVI I get off the Internet?

Being able to THAT on a webOS mini-tablet would rock. As kidz like Gekko say.

RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
hkklife @ 12/29/2009 1:44:14 PM # Q
Palm's best hope to stay afloat and give WebOS some serious traction would be to introduce the following 3 new products:

1. A prosumer-style "Treo" w/ WebOS. No slider, just a tall, thin device. Give it the keyboard of the Treo 800w or at least the Treo Pro, at least the Pre's screen (3.5"+ would be even better) and a generous battery (borrowed from, say, the Treo Pro). Add to that video capture, a fast CPU, solid built quality, and availability in GSM & CDMA flavors, and Palm might have a chance at the higher end of the market. Thin is still in, but bigger screens and resolutions are here to stay!

2. A WebOS tablet. All of those gestures that seem inane on the silly little gesture area mated to a 2 or 3-inch screen become a LOT easier and more intuitive. Something like, oh, 7" to 9" with the industry netbook-standard 1024x600 would be a nice start. So far Android seems DOA on anything other than smartphones. THIS is Palm's opportunity to strike! I've been saying that WebOS seems to be a natural fit with its card metaphor on a larger tablet-style device ever since CES last year.

3. Address the main shortcomings of WebOS in future builds: the dreadful performance, the dreadful battery life, no removable storage support, no video recording, no native voice memo app, weak-ass PIMs, no local sync (even as an option), no voice dialing over BT, weak email client etc etc. Also start fresh with WebOS 2.0 and ditch the gesture area & button/nub. That is precious real estate that would be better suited towards giving Palm's device larger screens and/or keyboards. All necessary multitouch gestures can be done onscreen. This is not 1996 with Palm OS 1.0 and we do not need a dedicated "area" for anything any more.

Also, bring back d-pad support and/or some kind of onscreen zoom & navigation support as a fallback should Apple get litigious and play hardball (ala Xerox with Graffiti 1's strokes). I don't miss multitouch ONE BIT on my Droid and to date keep those gestures disabled on all of my note/netbooks that support it. The only one I find remotely intuitive is pinch zoom.
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RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
2klbs @ 12/29/2009 4:10:39 PM # Q
@ mikecane:

Correct on video formats supported from Android direct from the Big G:

However, individual carriers can customize as G1 did for .wma files

off topic: did you see Amazon's cooking of the numbers of ebook sales by aggregating no-cost books in their Christmas Day sales?


WebOS would seem to intuitively be a great match for a tablet or some other type of web appliance, but based on the last earnings call, Palm was almost unequivocal that they had no current plans beyond Pre/Pixi- I don't think anyone is biting for a license given the free and customizable nature of Android, right or wrong.
Not "Pre-verted"- Android Assimilation?

RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
hkklife @ 12/29/2009 4:27:34 PM # Q

Palm's comments from the last earnings call were seen & duly noted by me. Also, you're right in that Android might have many warts and usability shortcomings, but it's free and is being updated on a breakneck pace.

I am sticking to my guns with my firm belief believe that Ruby & co. have no long-term plan other than a mantra of "sell, sell, sell"....or are just now scrambling to develop one with the realization that there are no deep-pocketed suitors interested in Palm at the moment. Honest-to-goodnesss, I think Palm management and Elevation Partners both figured that they were gonna be able to unload Palm for beaucoup $ at some point in the post-CES frenzy and subsequent run-up of Palm stock price.

Let's rewind the clock for a minute: WebOS was present at CES '09, the Pre present at CES, and the Pixi was rumored/leaked to us at CES. The GSM Pre was spotted in Barcelona at MWC a month or so later. Then we have the recent words from Ruby that Palm are sticking to the Pre & Pixi, so that squashes any hope for a WebOS tablet, a Fooleo 2.0, a WebOS Treo etc. So, we can basically surmise that Palm's effective lineup for 2009 AND 2010 was "done" over a year ago. Palm had nothing on their long-term agenda aside from carrier maneuverings & software-related items. We may see the Pre & Pixi formfactors getting as long in the tooth as the Treo 600 and T|E did.

Sure, they can make under the hood changes such as more storage or wi-fi to the Pixi...but neither WebOS device has set the world of industrial design on fire the way the Palm V did. That makes me personally quite worried by Palm's reliance on two underwhelming devices.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid

RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
SeldomVisitor @ 12/29/2009 4:55:49 PM # Q
2klbs wrote:
off topic: did you see Amazon's cooking of the numbers of ebook sales by aggregating no-cost books in their Christmas Day sales?

== "...And in case you were wondering–because I was–Amazon says
== it is not counting free book downloads when it releases sales
== statistics like the one it put out on Saturday, when it said more
== customers had purchased Kindle titles than physical books on
== Christmas day."

RE: rumors of webos 1.4 - and native support
2klbs @ 12/29/2009 7:19:10 PM # Q
SV, thanks, I appreciate the clarification and good info on the "economics" of Amazon's short term and long term pricing "strategy".

I can't find any link-back to anyone quotable at Amazon or in their press release elsewhere to support the statement verifying they are looking a books above $0 besides Kafka's implication he had it direct. If you find one, please drop me line.
Not "Pre-verted"- Android Assimilation?

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