Palm Infocenter CES 2010 Meta-Liveblog
Greetings, PICexicans! Today's the day: Palm will once again front the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, and Palm Infocenter will be covering it... kinda. We're not there in person this year - pesky life stuff has conspired against all of us - but, Internet permitting, we'll be watching a live stream and liveblogging the event as it unfolds. And if there's no stream? Heck, we'll just monitor the coverage that will no doubt be flooding in from other sites and have ourselves a good old chat about it. Pre and Pixi Plus? Native development? All will be revealed in a few hours...
Hit the jump to participate in the chat. The intention is to open the gates around 10.45am. Why not join us?
Article Comments
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RE: Cue Palm is Going Out of Business Threads...
RE: Cue Palm is Going Out of Business Threads...
Decision Time
Palm III> Palm IIIx> Palm IIIc> Sony T615> Sony T665> Sony TH55> Palm T|E> Palm T|E2> Palm T|X>Treo 700p
RE: Decision Time
If a big, beautiful screen is the most important thing to you, it's no contest. The Droid vastly outdoes the Pre in those terms. The apps on the Droid that I looked at weren't really better than the Pre's apps, except for the voice-enabled search. That was nice.
I like the size of my Pre better. The Droid is more the size of the old TX (except in terms of thickness, of course).
For now, the Droid has more apps, but since porting Linux apps to WebOS seems easier now, that might not hold up over time.
Honestly, if the Droid came out before the Pre, I might have gotten it instead, but for how I use my phone, it's a tough call. I really like having something small and lightweight, but still powerful, and I didn't see an equivalent to Synergy on the Droid.
RE: Decision Time
Surely ATT will bring the Plus as well. I just wonder if VZW has another rediculous exclusive for 90-120 days, putting the GSM version into April - May.
Pat Horne
Latest Comments
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
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- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -dmitrygr
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- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Cue Palm is Going Out of Business Threads...
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre