Bradley: webOS is Our Exclusive Smartphone OS
In a rather surprising move today, HP's Todd Bradley told CNBC that HP was using webOS for all of its smartphones going forward. This leaves the current crop of Windows Mobile 6.x-powered iPaq smartphones and PDAs as HP's final Windows-based phone products. Additionally, Mr. Bradley shot down any speculation that Android would be employed for any smartphones.
With the earlier confirmation of webOS devices in many form factors and HP's Windows 7-powered Slate only targeting an enterprise audience, WebOS looks to finally be poised to make a major push for market share thanks to the tremendous resources available to HP. This move is rather stunning, since HP and Compaq have been staunch supporters of Microsoft's mobile efforts over the past two decades ranging from Windows CE to Windows Mobile 6.5. However, with last week's news item that HP was mysteriously absent from Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 launch partner list, this shouldn't come as a complete surprise.
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RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
The Classic 111 PDA, The 211 Enterprise PDA, and the Glisten smartphone for AT&T.
I'd even go out on a limb to wager that there would be people upset by the loss of those final two PDAs than that smartphone that is (surprisingly) a rather new release model.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
smartphone business scorecard -
HP = fail
webOS/Palm = fail
add them together and what do you magically get?
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
HP won't go android until (unless) webos 2 bellyflops in the marketplace.
They (along with several other companies) see how success apple has been with their "walled garden" strategy and are playing catch-up.
The problem is with Apple extending their leadership in the marketplace, Microsoft playing catch-up, and with android becoming more entrenched, Palm is screwed.
A day late and a dollar short - here comes PalmPad! lol
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
I went to a dinner party the other night consisting of mostly young professional types. I saw 2 iPhones, probably 4 BBs, and one Android device in addition to myself. The rest were multimedia/messaging dumbphones. The problem was, all of those BBs were old Curves or Pearls and were likely work-issued and/or at the end of their contract period. All of those BB owners indicated that they would definitely purchase something flashier if their own $ were being spent.
That said, there is currently quite a gaping hole in the market for a decent Pre-style device with a touchscreen and a solid keyboard. If the rumors are correct, Palm is prepping a 3.7" or 3.8" screen improved version of the Pre for release later this year.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
77% Of iPhone Owners Say They'll Buy Another -- Versus Just 20% Of Android Owners
And those two HP PDAs? They're buggy pieces of crap, especially that Enterprise one. Maybe they're still around because they serve niche markets where they're locked down to perform only certain and restrictive functions.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
hkk - dinner party? how loosely is that defined in the South? i have visions of a bunch of barefoot hillbillies in overalls watching a pig turn on a spit while drinking moonshine out of a shared jug.
Con - you're not naive and gullible enough to believe that nonsense are you? what did Twain say? i guess you missed the growth numbers.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
Come on, stop being so silly. Everyone knows this time of the year it's too hot for overalls. Us hillbillies wear cut-off jeans ("jorts") and nothin' else until at least the end of September! Just ask Rev. Pat!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
Jelly = Too squishy and sweet = FAIL
PBJ = Hillbilly Feast!
BTW, Moonshine kills germs so sharing is no problem round here.
Pat Horne
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
And, Gekko, those numbers probably reflect the millions screwed with 1.0-1.5 phones that can never be upgraded.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
Apple will always have a certain market sector of relatively rich consumers, WP7 may capture part of the corporate market at the expense of RIM and Android is still too fragmented to give a uniformly satisfying user experience. HP and Nokia/Intel are giants in terms of resources so don't underestimate their potential.
On the HP PDAs, there were a few very positive reviews written by former Palm users I noticed.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
no - they are pretenders, wannabes, and also-rans.
i don't want to be out on some lonely island all by myself where i can't find apps, accessories, compatibility, or support.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
Remove head from your butt.
This is what Nokia specializes in:
Low end feature-phone junk. They have no big splash in smartphones and many pro-Nokia people have already stabbed the hell out of their upcoming "flagship" smartphone.
Go read how screwed-up Nokia really is internally here:
Nokia's profits continue to spiral down the drain. It makes me very happy.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
If I were close, I would hang on to see what Palm has been working on for the past year. WebOS is already awesome IMO. And, it's been consistently updated in a manner that has been very good. If the new device is big screen (ATT), I'll have a nice Pre for sale on eBay in order to upgrade.
A lot of people read the original reviews from the 2009 release and then scanned the + reviews early this year. Most do not realize the value of all the OS updates, homebrew apps, and Preware patches and community. My Pre is awesome since I got tons of apps from the store, homebrews, and 30-40 system patches, and a horsepower increase to 800mhz. The thing flies, does everything stable, is a 3G/WiFi hotspot, uses a touchstone, and does it all in elegance that even the iPhone does not match IMO.
I personally have issues that I would love to remedy:
#1 3.7-4" display for starters
#2 PIM apps still need some more functionality (I'm learning to workaround)
#3 Hardware needs to be more upscale in quality
#4 BT stack (profiles) is weeeeak
#5 A true universal search of all data (aka Palm OS)
#6 Real document viewing + editing from someone beside DV.
Palm was facing a near impossible challenge after the utter incompetence sown from 2004 until 2008. Considering where they were and how far they came in a short time, I am excited about the next big release. I expect that WebOS2 + New HW + HP Marketing make for a serious competitor in the smartphone space in 2010.
What worries me is that Palm's roadmap will probably end with this release and HP mgmt will heavily influence the future direction. If they keep the "Palm culture" alive then I have hope. But if they absorb them into the HP grinder, then we my not have a lot to be fans of anymore.
Pat Horne
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
I can't argue with any of that. It all makes sense. I do agree that the small screen is a bit cramping to live within. But to me that's a tradeoff with being able to drop it in a pocket and forget its there till I need it. Anything bigger and I'd need a holster of some kind. I agree the PIM needs some work, but it seems to me still better than many (any?) alternatives out there except for older Palms. So for those items, I don't see a better choice (although I might have missed it). And a lot of what the Palm can't do is made up for in the patches.
You lost me on the phrase: "BT stack (profiles) is weak and I would love to hear more about that. But not being able to edit documents is definitely my biggest pet peeve on this device. I keep hoping someone will add that ability in the future (but I'm not holding my breath as I expect it will take a while). Still you never know with the homebrew crew. They've created some amazing apps.
I'm not sure about what you would get for your Pre on eBay since they can already be picked up so cheap. But maybe a package deal with the peripherals (touchstones, etc...) would make it worth buying. Somehow I'm not expecting the touchstone to work with future models. It seems to be sized for a small handheld and I'd expect future WebOS phones to support larger screens to compete better.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
Doc editing is needed, but I have bought a neat $5 app called Scratch Word Processor which allows the major document editing and formatting option and syncs those docs with Google Docs.
Also, a neat little free app called Google Calendar Search lets you search your calendars on Google synced Cals. I have made the fateful decision to cloud sync my calendars recently. I'm nervous because I travel in the sticks a lot. But, Google Calendar is quite robust and allows each Palm OS "Category" to become a seperate or concurrent calendar, and WebOS syncs it all smooth as butter with a nice color scheme for each "category" / "cal". Functionality is basically the same as Palm OS now as far as my calendars. And that says a lot b/c that was one of Palm OSs strengths.
The US app catalog is over the 3,000 app total now (not including Homebrew & Preware), with very few holes. Like iOS / Android tons of them are redundant or trash. But nonetheless the WebOS community is very vibrant and fewer and fewer holes remain for the platform. Just the other day a dev blogged the cross-platform copy of an iOS game over to WebOS by takiing only 2 days, using the new PDK.
Pretty amazing, and if the deliver the hardware and SW this time with a real marketing push, things are really going to come alive.
Pat Horne
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
In the longer-term, we'll have to see what HP is going to do. Before the year is out, I imagine we'll see the next Palm handset launch simultaneously across multiple carriers and with a substantial marketing campaign from HP. The phone should have features similar to the iPhone 4/EVO/Samsung Galaxy phones launching recently - this should put an end to all the hardware gripes currently circulating. A PalmPad tablet is also a near-certainty though the timing is unclear (late 2010/early 2011). Would love to see a tablet webOS device with all the reader software available for it and that had one of the new low power screens like this:
FYI - looks like Access might be giving up on ALP given their new moves toward Android.
RE: where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
Lestrade Uses A Palm Pre
In the new BBC adaptation of Holmes, which debuted today.
Only seen ten minutes so far, so I don't know what Holmes uses.
I'd be surprised if it wasn't an iPhone. With Jailbreak!
RE: Lestrade Uses A Palm Pre
Holmes uses something with a keyboard on its face. The classic Berry form factor but I couldn't tell if it was a Berry.
The villain was using the victim's iPhone.
RE: Lestrade Uses A Palm Pre
"Many men stumble across the truth, but most manage to pick themselves up
and continue as if nothing had happened."
- Winston Churchill
Food for thought.....
RIM is developing OS6 on webkit, wait isn't some other OS webkit?
It's never gonna happen, but I think it would make sense
RE: Food for thought.....
Damn, this video looks like Berry OS 6 is a cross between iPhone and webOS:
RE: Food for thought.....
RE: Food for thought.....
"Many men stumble across the truth, but most manage to pick themselves up
and continue as if nothing had happened."
- Winston Churchill
RE: Food for thought.....
I for one would love to see a corporate version of the iphone with the requisite security features built in, but my IT dept could give a d@mn whether I can play tunes, watch movies, manage my expenses, track my workout, and stream content on my work device. To the IT dept my BB is an electronic leash. If I need more capability then use the laptop they provide me. Most corporate policies already ban the installation of 3rd party software, but they'll let some things like google maps, bing, Garmin, and Slacker not get you in trouble.
RIM is going nowhere in the consumer market, but the enterprise market is most likely not going anywhere right now, or in the next 2-3 years [just my opinion]
RE: Food for thought.....
iPhone is all over the enterprise now. many companies who were once very stringent as BlackBerry only have opened up their networks to directly support the iPhone (and also any EAS-capable phone ie Android).
3 years ago i would have said this would never happen. but all of my friends (and including myself) who work for large corporations - all of the IT departments will support the iPhone (and EAS).
the model may be moving to bring your own device and we will support it/subsidize it.
SO the moral to the story is that BlackBerry is toast.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Apple says iPhone and iPad are at use in most Fortune 100 companies
By Sam Oliver
Published: 06:55 PM EST
More than 80 percent of Fortune 100 companies are using the iPhone, and about 50 percent of the Fortune 100 are deploying or testing the iPad, Apple revealed Tuesday.
RE: Food for thought.....
What, against the iPhone?!
And how about IT adopting Android?
Yeah, especially after this!
Android wallpaper app that steals your data was downloaded by millions
RE: Kmart: Android tablet for $150
Augen Gentouch tablet gets hands on videos
Skip to 2nd video. 3rd video shows this has the requisite hard buttons required for Android.

Click here for the full story discussion page...
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where can i buy an HP WinMob smartphone today anyway?
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no big loss for MSFT.