UK Carriers Give Cold Shoulder to Pre 3
The possibly still upcoming Pre 3, arguably the year's most eagerly-anticipated WebOS device, has become the surprising recipient of a cold shoulder by the entire UK wireless market, according to a new report entitled "UK Carriers Say No to HP Pre 3" by the Inquirer.
Penned by Chris Martin, the Inquirer story quotes each major UK wireless carrier's plans for the Pre 3. O2, Vodafone, and Three all reiterated their plans to not stock the Pre3 in any capacity. Thankfully, Orange does plan to offer the Pre 3 through indirect channels and resellers, but in doing so the device is guaranteed to receive little in the way of carrier marketing or support. Carphone Warehouse, a division of Best Buy, will sell unlocked Pre 3 handsets starting in September. A number of other resellers in the UK are listed in the article as carrying unbranded, SIM-free versions of the Pre 3 in its 8GB and 16GB versions. While the Pre3 is supposedly in stock at some UK retailers, as of this writing only a handful of actual reports from users receiving the devices have appeared.
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