m500 and m500 Revealed... Mostly
The Palm webstore is in the process of being updated with the information on their new models, including pages for both the m500 and m505. There are no pictures on those pages yet but the design is described as being based on the V series, so the pictures seen earlier are almost certainly correct.
The product descriptions, though not complete, confirm many of the rumors. Both have 8MB of memory and the Universal Connector. They have rechargeable lithium polymer batteries. The m505's screen displays 65,000 colors. Both are available for order now, though they show up as backordered. The estimated shipping date for both is April 2.
Also already appearing on the site are lots of peripherals, including a keyboard, a backup module, a 16MB memory expansion card, cases, and more. To see all of these, go to the Palm Store and search for m500.
The monochrome m500 will cost $400. It is 4.5" x 3.1" x 0.4" and weighs 4 oz. Palm suggests it will get four weeks of use without needing a battery recharge.
The color m505 will cost $450. It is 4.5" x 3.1" x 0.5" and weighs 4.9 oz, so it is slightly thicker and heavier. Palm's suggested time before needing a battery recharge is half that of the m500, probably due to the increased power needs of the screen.
- m500 Memory Backup Card - $40
- m500 16MB Expansion Card - $50
- m500 Portable Keyboard - $100
- m500 HotSync USB cradle - $50
- Travel Charger - $40
- m500 HotSync Serial Cable - $20
Related articles:
Thanks to Chrys, Anona Mouse, and Spartacus who all pointed this out to us. -Ed
Article Comments
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RE: Palm Web Site
Palm Infocenter
RE: Palm Web Site
Palm M505
check out this site https://store.palm.com/Catalog/productdetails.asp?productnr=3C80801U&parent=
RE: Palm M505
Palm Infocenter
RE: Palm M505
RE: Palm M505
RE: Palm M505
Here's my theory for the day... perhaps the m500/m505 will be available from Palm on 4/2/2001
and will be available in stores like Franklin Covey in May? If I remember, that seemed to work
well for Handspring's Prism/Platinum release.
Hope Palm doesn't take my over-eagerness to order (jumping the gun on the release) as a reason
to cancel my order.
RE: Palm M505
RE: Palm M500 Series Modem
Palm Infocenter
RE: Palm M505
noon, and the order status page says my order doesn't exist.
RE: Palm M505
RE: Palm M505
RE: Palm M505
Backlit or Sidelit screen?
RE: M500 series
NEW 1) Vibrate
NEW 2) Power button/LED blink
NEW 3) Title bar indicator when you have multiple alarms that have gone off and you have not responded to them (instead of tapping on OK, OK, OK over and over)
4) Alarm sound(s) as usual
You can of course have all 3 of the alarm notification methods go off at once too which would be interestingly noisy.
High res screen
"And 65,000-color support displays your information in vibrant color on a high-contrast screen."
Could this mean a high res screen like the new Sony Clie?
RE: High res screen
RE: High res screen
The battery life is really good. With heavy use (lots of reading and video games) it will go for a week or more before you need to recharge it. I bought a travel charger and have only used it once since I got it several months ago.
RE: High res screen
Battery life
Palm Store is Taking Orders!!
RE: Palm Store is Taking Orders!!
I'm rearranging the article in hopes of preventing anyone else from making this same announcement.
Palm Infocenter
RE: Palm Store is Taking Orders!!
RE: Palm Store is Taking Orders!!
m505 why ???
RE: m505 why ???
Mal wieder typisch deutsche Pappnase!
Der einzige neunmalkluge herstellerfeindlich klingende Kommentar muß natürlich von einem deutschen Besserwisser kommen.... Natürlcih hätte PALM den m505 schon vor fünf Jahren rausbringen können - hat es aber nicht gemacht um so Typen wie Dich auszunehmen !?!?!
Schön wär's!
Die Leute haben Spaß am entwickeln, verkaufen und Geld verdienen und das ist gut so. Wenn es Dir nict gefällt dann benutz doch Papier und Bleistift...
Denk mal drüber nach
just missed my point (in german, sorry)
SD Debate
could this mean that the rumor about not being able to run apps off SD cards is untrue? don't mind me I'm just stirring up the mix a bit, we'll all just have to wait till tomorrow.
RE: SD Debate
RE: SD Debate
RE: SD Debate
RE: SD Debate
RE: SD Debate
Screen resolution?
Mobile Internet Kit is included
kit is already included, ignore the "More solutions for your Palm™ Handheld!" that are shown at the bottom of the m505 order page, those are generic items not specific to the m505.
Dennis G. Esler
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