Palm Showing at Cannes Film Festival
The Cannes Film Festival is going on now and Palm OS handhelds are there. Several companies have also released new content to mark the occasion.
Palm's chief marketing officer Satjiv Chahil, said, "The worlds of technology and film are converging. The film industry has continually embraced and enhanced new technologies, from the advent of sound and color, to video and DVD. Palm is now taking the Palm platform and the entertainment industry to the next level with the latest wireless and media technologies. With the new SD and MultiMediaCard expansion slot on the m500 series we're laying the foundation for the day when the latest Cannes film hit could be available on an SD card, ready to watch on your Palm handheld."
Palm Inc. is giving out a on-Palm festival guide to attendees as an alternate to the bulky paper one. They are also giving out a free CD with Ginger 2.0, which allows filmmakers to describe shots as visuals when and where they come to them and then sketch them. Ginger also allows users to keep track of where and when shots will take place. The CD also has the Movie Pack database bundle from Handmark with six movie/video databases and the Moviefone PQA.
PalmTec Ltd has released the Internet Movie Database in TomeRaider format. The IMDB is the largest and most current movie guide available. They had to reduce the file size by limiting it to films which had a UK or US cinema release. Still, there is information on nearly 30 thousand films. They will release new versions of the data every two months.
Generic Media is giving entertainment and media luminaries, studio executives, and actors Palm Vx's pre-installed with their gMovie Player and a gMovie format trailer of 20th Century Fox's Moulin Rouge, a movie appearing at Cannes.
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RE: Movies on SD/MMC
Why ?
And the 1gb cards will cost a lot, even in a couple of years !
PDA companies should stop trying to do too much with a PDA.
RE: Why ?
Yes, movies will look like crap on a PDA... at first. But if they didn't try, it would certainly never get better. Personally, I'm surprised there isn't already a TV springboard module so that Visor users can watch the tube on their PDA. Given how small "watchman" TVs can be, I'm not it wouldn't be that difficult.
RE: Why ?
Palm 505 at Cannes Film Festival
While I'm waiting on a rerplacement of a defective 505, bimbos, er starlets are playing with my replacement unit, in the south of France. So to speak.
Unfair, life is so unfair.
Stop Complaining!
RE: Sound?
I don’t like where this road is leading . . .
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Movies on SD/MMC