Rumor: Handspring to Release Prism II
A source has sent in details and some images for what might be a new color Visor, to be called the Prism II. According to the source, its 16-bit screen will have a 240 by 320 resolution with a virtual Graffiti area.
It will have a 33 MHz processor with 16 MB RAM. It will be the first Visor ever to have flash ROM, meaning the OS is upgradeable. It will come with OS 4.01H.
No price for the Prism II was given and the source only said it would be announced "soon".
It measures 4.8 by 3.3 by 0.52 inches and weighs 5.3 ounces. The housing is made of magnesium with rubber around the buttons.
While it is the thinnest color Visor ever made, it doesn't have room for a internal Springboard slot so the Prism II is supposed to have an external, clip-on one like the Edge's.
For some reason, the stylus has been moved to the left side. The source said that was possibly due to the light tube that's on the right.
The details on this device seem reasonable and this might fit the rumors that Handspring is going to release a new model to replace the Platinum. The Palm m500 and Handspring's own Edge have shown that most purchasers are no longer interested in high-end monochrome devices.
On the other hand, the image looks like it might have been created with PhotoShop or a 3D CAD program.
Frankly, I'd say the odds of this rumor being real are low, just based on what the images look like. -Ed
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RE: Smells like a fake to me...
News Editor
I hope Handspring sues you for posting this nonsense.
Your actions are incredibly irresponsible and I would suggest you pull this story before more gullible individuals pick up on the story and start posting it to other Palm sites. As you know all too well, within a few hours, your little joke will start being discussed as fact by hundreds of gullible Palm enthusiasts around the globe.
RE: Smells like a fake to me...
but maybe you prefer paying high prices for low-end models, well, i shall respect that...
RE: Smells like a fake to me...
RE: Smells like a fake to me...
Purient Interest (true pornography, if anyone could define what that is)
Intent to cause a riot/violent reaction.
The story is clearly posted as a rumor; it doesn't look at all like porn to me (maybe your tastes run in a different vein...), and I don't think anyone can reasonably expected to take up arms over it....
Now, one could instead question how posting rumors hurts the integrity of a news source. I'm not interested in hearing rumors myself, and it makes me take all "news" stories from that source with a big grain of salt. I understand the rush to get the scoop, but it's not worth it in the long run.
RE: Smells like a fake to me...
Unfortunately, it's pretty much what I'm looking for if I'm going to buy another PDA at this point. Nothing on the market at the moment gets me excited.
RE: Smells like a fake to me...
Stylus outside case
RE: Stylus outside case
To compete favorably against the 505 and the Sony 710/610, Handspring would have to have a device such as this, however, this looks like a fake to me.
RE: Stylus outside case
RE: Stylus on the LEFT?
RE: Stylus on the LEFT?
BUT! Gosh, for us 10-15% who are left-handed, wouldn't that be great? We don't like being inconvenienced, either, but most of the time we have no choice.
Now, how could they accomodate users of both hands on handheld devices? Is there a way to make the stylus accessible to both, such as is done with ambidextrous computer mice? Perhaps a silo which could be attached to either side, decided by the user? A challenge for the designers, but worth a try!
And while I'm ranting about it, how about a system preference for the scroll bars? The hacks are good, but don't work with all programs.
Just my 2 cents, since the topic (barely) came up! :-)
RE: Stylus outside case
For real!
RE: Stylus outside case
about the image
personaly, i prefer the edge's look, this one seems a little too "galactic"... but who really cares the outside look if it's thin, it's lightweight and it's powerful?
ha ha ha
"On the other hand, the image looks like it might have been created with PhotoShop. "
Meaning: "haha ****ers. i tricked you."
Too fake to take seriously
RE: Too fake to take seriously
It's a shame to see them stooping to this level to try and invent "news"
RE: battery
RE: battery
1) Where is the am/pm on the time display?
2) Why aren't the icons in alphabetical order?
3) Why is there a typo in "Address" ("Adress")?
4) Why is the "S" in "HotSync" not capitalized like it should be?
5) More capitalization errors in "To do list" (the "D" and "L" should be capitalized)
Plus, in the new side view, the whole button area looks "flattened", the way it would if you manipulated a photo of something.
This thing is just about as bogus as it could be.
RE: battery
My Reasoning
To whomever pointed out the problems in the screen shot, thanks. I really should have done that myself.
Like someone said, at least this way you get to judge for yourself whether the photos are real and you don't have to depend entirely on my judgement.
News Editor
Is that going to be what you tell the lawyers tomorrow?
You'll probably be better off if you admit it was an ill-conceived joke, apologize, and pull this thread. NOW. The more you flail about trying to cover this up, the worse things will get. Remember - EVERYTHING here is now being recorded. Think about that. And if you think you'll be able to avoid accountability by saying you didn't know any better, you're sadly mistaken. You might want to give Ryan a call so he'll be prepared for whatever happens this week.
RE: battery
RE: battery
RE: battery
a rumor.
original launcher is 160 x 160 duh
of course don't forget the obligatory 33Mhz Dragon ball and 8Mb memory.
(and the year is 2003 for this yet another giant leap in PDA technology)
Rainbow colored Handera 330
RE: Palm Infocenter?

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Smells like a fake to me...