Quickies: $400 m505, Memory Upgrades, Cliff's Notes
Rumor: According to an anonymous source, Palm is going to drop the official price of the m505 to $400 today. It is already available from some webstores for less than that. -Ed
STNE has lowered prices on all of their memory upgrades. Their 8Mb upgrades now start at $69, and 16 Mb Upgrades are now $115. It also offers screen and system repairs for the Palm V/Vx or IBM C3. -Will Stillwell
Palm Digital Media< has announced the first eBook versions of CliffsNotes, published by Hungry Minds. They cost about $5 - $6. An additional 70 CliffsNotes eBooks are scheduled for release in November. -PR
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RE: m505 price drop
DataVision m505 = $399
The two color CLIEs are at their $399 and $499 prices, but you get a 16MB MStick and a free leather case with purchase.
And Handspring is throwing in a free Springboard and Docs To Go with the purchase of select Visors.
Price reduced
Karl Browning
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m505 price drop