Bachmann Software Launches FilePoint 2.0

Bachmann Software has released FilePoint 2.0, extending the app’s ability to manage Palm OS files on the external memory cards of both Handspring and Sony Clié models. Its folder management system has been improved to allow users to expand and collapse the folder tree as well as rename folders. Other enhancements include faster program load time and improved memory management tools, including a warning that alerts users to low memory on RAM. It is available now for $20.

FilePoint allows users to organize data in folders. Files created in many of the third-party applications for Palm OS handhelds can be organized using FilePoint’s drag and drop feature. This allows users to find data stored either in RAM or a memory expansion card. With the stylus serving as the “mouse,” users can launch, open, print, beam, file, delete, move or save data by simply tapping the appropriate icon, avoiding the need to invoke any hidden menus.

“With handhelds taking on the utility of a truly mobile computer, users appreciate the ability to perform the same basic functions they have come to expect at their desktop. FilePoint allows users to find, organize and use their data in a way that is familiar to them”, said Dan Reuvers, Bachmann Software’s vice president of business development. “We’re helping to adapt the device to the user, rather than the other way around.”

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Not worth it!

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/14/2001 11:08:31 AM #
I've used it and immediately deleted it. What an ugly interface. Text overlapping and icons are everywhere. It shows multiple copies of the same app. Who cares about arranging folders. Give me more functionalties.

If you want a launcher replacement go with something else. If you want a real file manager look elsewhere cuz FilePoint ain't worth the $20.

Pepper into action again?

mikecane @ 11/14/2001 11:59:16 AM #
Will there be a follow-up to the review posted on PIC? Oh, Pepper...

This is getting ridiculous

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/14/2001 12:43:04 PM #
With SD memory, Palm needs to get off their arses and make file management a part of the OS.

This is getting ridiculous. We're getting nothing but incremental upgrades with vidiots like Nagle waxing about the future of handhelds.

I just want decent file management like my PocketPC brethren. Is that asking too much ?!?


RE: This is getting ridiculous
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/14/2001 9:13:26 PM #
Sony Clie comes with MSGATE to Manage your Internal and external memory.

I'd go nuts using an m500/505/m125.

You gotta go to menu, then copy, then copy the program you want to the SD/MMC.. but that only copies it, then you gotta go and delete the one in ram but wait! you can't just delete it, cuz then you'd delete the prefs, and databases... ridiculous...

Launching applications from cards is more important

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/14/2001 1:56:59 PM #
I've tried these file manager programs, and I think mcFile 2.0 has the best interface. But taking all this aside, somebody needs to develop an application that will be able to run applications from memory cards without the device from crashing!!

RE: Launching applications from cards is more important
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/14/2001 6:31:54 PM #
Give myWorkbench 2.0 a try. It does everything that you have described. It has kind of Windows look interface with split and single views.

here is the link

RE: Launching applications from cards is more important
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 8:40:14 AM #
Try PowerRUN 1.1 beta 7. Pretty stable and very little effect on battery life (since it only reads/writes from/to cards when card-based programs are opened and closed).

I'm a happy ex-PiDirect VFS user, which is a more sophisticated and transparent (PalmOS-wise) program, BUT isn't as stable (by a close margin though) and drains battery life CONSIDERABLY, since card access is constant when using card-based programs. It seemed to drain my battery even with my Palm organizer turned off! :(

FilePoint Featured in PCMagazine! got High Ratings!

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/15/2001 12:01:41 AM #
This horrible piece of program is featured in PCMagazine (just got the issue today), only it was version 1.5.. but guess what, they rated it 5/5 stars!

ugh.. this is horrible.

RE: FilePoint Featured in PCMagazine! got High Ratings!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/15/2001 5:49:01 PM #
I don't get your complaints. As a HandEra user, I've never seen anything else that will enable me to see all of my files at once - both in RAM and on card, drag and drop files where I want them, create the same type of organization that I'm used to on my PC...anywhere. I use it as my default launcher.



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