Sony Kicks Off Holiday Promotions

Sony is offering some nice add-ons to those who purchase handhelds from their N and T series during this holiday season. Countering Palm's offer of a free 16 MB SD card, Sony is offering a free 32 MB Memory Stick for those who buy a N or T series Clié. It is also offering a leather case to N series buyers. These deals are good through January 9.

Both of these are mail-in coupons which are available from retailers and the SonyStyle webstore.

Purchasers of the N760C, N610C/V, or N610C/S can send off for the leather carrying case, which is product number PEGA-USC11 and typically sells for $40. It offers extra holders for business cards, Memory Sticks, and stylus.

The free 32 MB Memory Stick is available for those who get a N760C, N610C/V, N610C/S, or T415/S.

The important holiday shopping season is a typical type for handheld manufacturers to offer incentives to get customers to buy now. Handspring announced a week or so ago a $40 discount on the Visor Deluxe and various freebies with a handheld purchase.

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S320 owners screwed

mikecane @ 11/27/2001 12:16:25 PM #
And we get nothing! Well, people who want a *cheap* Palm PDA should buy the S320 at Circuit City. They have a $50 rebate on PDAs this week. The $167 S320 becomes just $127! (The groans of the m500 development group at Palm can be heard in Tokyo!)

RE: S320 owners screwed
skoty @ 11/27/2001 12:43:59 PM #
It's okay, the N and T series buyers of this year will get nothing next year. No support, no compatible ad-ons, nothing. Sony apparently likes to take the "disposable" approach to their handhelds, obsoleting them every quarter or so.

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:17:56 PM #
OK, you can get the S320 cheap. But then add on a cradle for $60, purchase a copy of Doc-to-Go for $70, and get the Sony leather case for another $40 (probably the most over-priced accessory there is). That adds up to...about $300. Not such a great deal now, is it?

As for a Palm m500, you spend $330 and get the cradle and DTG bundled, plus a free expansion card (albeit only 16mb). AND many retailers are offering free cases with Palm purchases. Seems like a coin-flip to me.

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:32:39 PM #
"As for a Palm m500, you spend $330 and get the cradle and DTG bundled, plus a free expansion card (albeit only 16mb). AND many retailers are offering free cases with Palm purchases. Seems like a coin-flip to me."

....OR You can save $30 and get a T415 (cradle and DTG bundled) with a 32mb card, free case.

RE: S320 owners screwed
ardiri @ 11/27/2001 5:01:48 PM #
And we get nothing! Well, people who want a *cheap* Palm PDA should buy the S320 at Circuit City. They have a $50 rebate on PDAs this week. The $167 S320 becomes just $127! (The groans of the m500 development group at Palm can be heard in Tokyo!)

um.. $167 - $50 = $117!

// az

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 8:08:19 PM #
You know they stopped support a loooooong time ago. I'm sorry if you didn't hear that before!
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RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 9:52:18 PM #
All the companies figure it's their expensive stuff that needs discounting to sell even better. Things like the S320, Palm m100, aren't worth the promotions. (No the Visor Deluxe price chop doesn't count in my book, that's to get rid of excess inventory.)

I don't know why everybody keeps saying the S320 isn't supported. What support exactly are you looking for? Because the hires color digital camera doesn't work with the lores mono S320? And the S320 is the ONLY Clie for which Sony provides wireless access.

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 10:38:20 PM #
I guess Handspring don't support springboard modules too, COZ they don't even put that in their new palm Devices. They've probably totally dropped the whole springboard concept already, sucks to be those visor users who bought alot of springboard modules, coz chances are u won't be able to use it anymore when you get a new handspring device :)

RE: S320 owners screwed
popko @ 11/28/2001 1:12:36 AM #
To whoever said that Handspring no longer supports Springboards. I don't think he/she had any clue at all on what the new Tero is all about.

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 1:18:57 AM #
Treo is all about communication / SMS / GSM, am I right ?? It's a Handspring PalmOS Device with no springboard module, becausse there's a design flaw in springboard, which is it's too big for anything other than Gameboy.

I was just joining the Trolls in bashing other devices :) So everybody has a chance of getting bashed, seems more fun than coming to PIC and see Handspring Trolls pointlessly bashing how sony not supporting S320.

RE: S320 owners screwed
mikecane @ 11/28/2001 8:17:48 AM #
Thank you, ardiri. Fast finger hit wrong key and slow eyes did not catch the typo!

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 8:18:22 AM #
Who says they're "Handspring Trolls?" The original poster appears to be a Sony Clie OWNER!

RE: S320 owners screwed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 8:18:44 AM #

How much trouble is it to press the Hotsync button in the S320? A cradle is dispensible, a hotsync cable is portable. Who's going to pay $70 bucks for Docs to Go? Why not get it for free like everyone else does online at specialty websites? I'm happy with my $169 S320, with Docs to Go, and WordSmith too! ;)


I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 12:23:39 PM #
This is just some plot to extort money from us. Consumers don't need this kind of trickery. When did all these companies become sooo greedy that their sole purpose is making money???

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 12:36:22 PM #
I think they took a lesson from the US!

jayhawk88 @ 11/27/2001 12:38:00 PM #
"When did all these companies become sooo greedy that their sole purpose is making money???"

About the time the concept of bartering for good and services came about. My guess would be somewhere around 3000 B.C.

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:15:34 PM #
extort money?


I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:51:42 PM #

I'm glad someone here has a sense of humor.

These forums have become (or always were...) just a place for people to argue the "my pda is better than yours". I also couldn't believe the comments on Palm's patriotic colors. People made a similar accusation, but they were serious, sad really. Yes they did it to make money you dolts! If a business owner does not try to use what they can to make money they probably won't be a business owner for long.

Anyways, done ramblin'.

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 8:05:33 AM #
I totally agreed that this forum has become a channel for many PDA owners to bash each other what they perceived is the perfect PDA for eveyone.

Basically each of us has different needs and requirements, so different features and functionalities of a PDA will appeal to different groups.

That is what market segmentation is all about when positioning a product that cater to different groups of consumers.

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 8:19:54 AM #'s intriguing what a jerk "I.M. Anonymous," whoever that is, can be. (If you don't get it, think about'll come to you.)

Love the PDA, but not the case.

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:21:52 PM #
I really like the current Sony models, but I HATE the case! It requires velcro, and there's something not quite right to me about having to stick velcro on something I just spent $400-$500 on. Therefore, it doesn't seem like such as great deal to me, even for free. I'd rather have a $40+ discount and get to choose what case I get.

RE: Love the PDA, but not the case.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:45:41 PM #
I couldn't agree more. The same jackass who would stick velcro on their palm device is the on who sticks velcro on the dash of their BMW to hold the redar detector.

RE: Love the PDA, but not the case.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:55:58 PM #
I love my velcro tennies!

Velcro is fine on a BWM, maybe not a Porsche
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 3:12:06 PM #

RE: Love the PDA, but not the case.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 3:34:20 PM #
I agree...........I had velcro on a Palm IIIc once and it turned out to be the dumbest accessory I ever purchased.

I'll never stick velcro on my S320. If someone developed a better would be a winner by a landslide.

Where are the coupons?

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 1:59:32 PM #
The articel says:

"Both of these are mail-in coupons which are available from retailers and the SonyStyle webstore"

The PDF for the Memory Stick is available on the SonyStyle site...

Does that mean that the "coupon" for the leather case is only available from the "retailer"

RE: Where are the coupons?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 2:56:30 PM #

man, you're just a big baby. why don't you look around the Sony website for info?

Here's the 32MB memory stick:

"Offer valid between November 23, 2001 and January 9, 2002." bummer. so I guess my $365 760C compliments of those a$$høle5 at Dell. It did come with the leather case, though, without asking for it.

Speaking of which, here's that info:

Man, the editors do everyone a great service, several updates to Palm news a day. People can get off their keisters and look some $hit themselves every now and again.

Anyone agree?


RE: Where are the coupons?
Ed @ 11/27/2001 2:57:19 PM #
You can follow the link in the third paragraph of the article or go here:
to get what you need on the leather case.

News Editor
Is Europe going to follow the offer??
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 7:41:06 PM #
I am happy for those who are in the state. I bought mine N770 in europe. Just wondering will Sony @ europe follow the offer?

RE: Where are the coupons?
popko @ 11/27/2001 7:58:17 PM #
Yeah, will Sony Canada have this offer as well?

RE: Where are the coupons?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/29/2001 4:57:58 AM #
I don't know for Europe or Canada. What I could only tell you is that Sony Hong Kong is also shipping 760c w/ 32Mb Memory Stick

RE: Where are the coupons?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:33:37 AM #
Sony has removed the coupons from their web-site.
Could someone me send a local copy of the coupon.


I looked and didn't see it

jfiscool @ 11/27/2001 9:50:34 PM #
I look on all of Sony's sites and didn't see the offer anywhere. BTW I will take it if it is true.

All I want is the T415 with Virtual Graffitti and Color screen.


Coyote67 @ 11/27/2001 10:11:52 PM #
Ok, maybe its me, but those are not add-ons. Those are ways to make the consumer pay for sony's warehousing bill of overstocked garbage. A memorystick and a case with a business card holder. HOT DOG, sony sure has innovation in their addons.

When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
RE: Add-ons
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 10:16:43 PM #
"Make the consumer pay for sony's warehousing bill of overstocked garbage?"

uhh....if they're giving the products away as a promotion (i.e., FREE!!), how is the consumer paying for them?

Also, how much innovation does one need in a pda case?

Coyote67, all this angst is not good for you. relax. it's a promotion, and they're giving stuff away. if you don't want it, then look away. simple. end of story.

RE: Add-ons
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 8:23:29 AM #
"Also, how much innovation does one need in a pda case?"

See the above post about a velcro-based case. ESPECIALLY one that retails (at $40) for about $20 more than it's worth. Also, check out E&B Cases of Vaja--they offer innovative cases, not the sh** carrying the Sony brand name.

As for your simplistic notion of a "free" promotion, you obviously don't know much about business. Here's a quick lesson in how this promotion works: Sony's making killer profit off of each Clie sold. They've also produced millions of memory sticks and cases(at very cheap marginal cost) in an attempt to sell them as complimentary good for the Clies. Unfortunately, a lot of buyers purchase the Clie, but not the Sony-branded MS or case. They get a Lexmark MS cheaper and any other case, or none at all. Sony's stuck with a lot of inventory on MS's and especially cheap-ass cases. So they throw them in as a "free" promo, knowing they'll offset the loss through the aforementioned "killer" profit they make off the Clie itself. Meanwhile, the customer goes ahead and purchases the Clie, thinking they're getting a great deal. So Sony's happy, and the customer's happy, unless the customer realizes he/she is getting one of the worst cases available for the Clie. Someone who actually paid the $40 retail price of the case to begin with? They should be REALLY pissed off...

RE: Add-ons
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 10:38:20 AM #
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 8:23:29 AM:

The person who ends up buying a clie isn't going to shell out $300 plus because they really like an optional pda case. They're going to buy one because they like its the way, there's a free 32mb memory card and a free case that goes with it. these are incentive items. nowhere in the promotion does it say that they HAVE to get them. however, if they're straddling the fence between the clies and other palm devices, then the freebies make the clies more enticing. then, as you stated, "Sony's happy, and the customer's happy."

If the customer later finds that he/she does not like the case, then guess what, they're not obligated to carry the damn thing. and here's the real beauty of a free promotion: it's no skin off their noses because they didn't have to pay for it. does this make them dislike the clie any less? no because it has the features they were looking for in a pda.

as for giving away a case that hasn't been selling very well, when was the last time a company gave anyway products that are selling well? is your argument that sony should give away or offer rebates on their high-end cases that are selling well? if so, what's the purpose in that? maybe it's you who doesn't understand business. what sony is doing is smart because, as you stated, they're offsetting losses by warehousing the products, and in the process, offering consumers free items which they may or may not have bought anyway.

And regarding your comment "They get a Lexmark MS cheaper," what's cheaper than free?

RE: Add-ons
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/28/2001 2:13:36 PM #
"And regarding your comment 'They get a Lexmark MS cheaper,' what's cheaper than free?"

I think they meant that a Lexmark memory stick can be purchased for a cheaper price than a Sony memory stick. Hence, Sony has to offer them as a free bonus to get their memory sticks out of inventory.

RE: Add-ons
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/29/2001 6:08:09 AM #

>I think they meant that a Lexmark memory stick can be purchased for a cheaper price than a Sony memory stick. Hence, Sony has to offer them as a free bonus to get their memory sticks out of inventory.

I honestly dont think thats what the original poster meant. SONY doesnt have to give these away free to get rid of them. Where is the logic in that? SONY doesnt need to make money off MS's. Within the next year or two MS's will be practically free anyway so i dont think they are concerned about inventory.

Offering 32mb free is not a desperate move on SONY's part. Anyone who has been following the price war between SD and MS knows that this is a pure strategic move.

Palm V/Vx modem

Doc_X35 @ 11/27/2001 11:12:28 PM #
Anyone looking to get a modem for the Palm V/Vx should check this out!

Champion's Choice: Minstrel V Modem
Save over 80% on this solution to make your
Palm V/Vx handheld wireless! Get full, native Internet connectivity and instantly transform
your Palm V into a virtual office, while still
retaining its sleek design and portability.

Regular Price: $369
Clearance Price: $49

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