How To: Possible Fix for m500 Series USB Problem
Many, though far from all, Palm m500 series users have had problems HotSyncing with USB. After working fine, the handheld will abruptly and permanently no longer be able connect to any computer with USB. Serial connections aren't affected. People who complain to Palm generally either get their handheld replaced or hear the suggestion that they switch to a serial cradle.
Recently, a possible fix to the problem was posted on the PIC forums by Ales Omahen, a Slovenian m505 user who used it to get his handheld HotSyncing via USB again.
Update: Palm has begun a program for replacing old m500 series cradles with new ones that offer better protection from static electricity. According to Palm, this electrostatic discharge (ESD) disrupts the handheld enough that it is no longer able to HotSync.
While it is far from clear whether this will help everyone, enough people have said that it worked for them that it is worth more attention.
The Dragonball processor defines its outside communication speed with the values of its internal registers. Mr. Omahen suspected that something somehow changed some of those values in such a way that the device was unable to talk to the USB cradle. He then looked for a way to to completely reset the device. He tried many resets with memory erase but that didn't do the trick so he decided to try totally draining the battery.
Naturally, this will erase all data on the handheld so before trying this, do a complete backup. As the Palm Desktop doesn't necessarily back everything up, consider using a third-party backup tool like BackupBuddyVFS.
To begin Mr. Omahen's fix, press and hold the Power button and, while holding it, press the Reset button on the back of the device. Hold it for another few seconds as the Palm logo appears and then release it. When you are prompted with "Erase all data?" dialog, press the Up button.
Open the Memo Pad, switch on the backlight (for extra battery drain), write the shortcut sign, and then write .1 The shortcut sign is made by drawing what looks like a cursive L.
At this point the handheld should be unresponsive, the backlight should stay on, and a line appears on the bottom. If you change your mind, do a Soft Reset to restore normal operation.
Leave it out of the cradle for as much as 24 hours until all power is totally drained. Don't be impatient. The idea is to be sure that battery is totally empty. On the other hand, one person has said they left it on for only an hour after the screen automatically shut off and the fix still worked.
After you are certain the battery is flat, put the Palm back in the cradle to recharge. After a reasonable recharge period it should be fully operational, including HotSyncing via USB.
According to several experts, completely draining the Palm's battery should not hurt it. The Palm has built-in protections to prevent damage from happening. Update: A very small percentage of the people who have tried this fix have reported battery problems afterwards.
This is a fairly new procedure and it might not be a permanent solution. However, if the USB problem crops up again, the same thing should fix it.
Obviously, this is more of a work-around that a complete cure and it might now work for everyone. No one as yet knows what actually causes this to happen in the first place and there might even be several different causes.
If you have tried this, please let us know whether it worked for you or not. Please give details like how long you let you handheld discharge before recharging it. I'd like to thank all the people who contributed to this and especially Mr. Omahen. -Ed
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Give me a break!
Face it Palm has to step up to the mat and fix their own problems,so people can't perpetuate these *@! hoaxes.
I am really dissapointed in Palm, and am still astounded how in such a short amount of time how Palm's licensees is leaving them in their dust.
RE: I tried it and it worked
RE: I tried it and it worked
RE: I tried it and it worked
I started the procedure sunday at 5.00 pm and i left the palm discharching till monday 22.00 pm. Then i started to charge, i tried after half an hour to turn it on, but nothing. I waited for an hour... Still nothing. After two hours... The same. I left it on the cradle all night and in the morning... Guess?
Well, now i don't know what to do! Please help me! I don't want to be the only one who didn't succeed in it!
RE: I tried it and it worked
I haven't sent back the old palm so i used it to test this one out and it worked great. I'm thinking about sending the replacement back now instead. Thanks for the tip
RE: I tried it and it worked
RE: I tried it and it worked
RE: I tried it and it worked
Well done to all concerned.
RE: I tried it and it worked
My palm 505 (IBM workpad 505 actually) didŽnt freeze up when I wrote that symbol followed by .1
Is the a special way of doing this, because I just write the symbol followed by .1, and press "done" i the program.
Anybody ?
RE: I tried it and it worked
Thanks for the info!
RE: I tried it and it worked
I let the Palm discharge for 5 hours from an almost full battery on full light. (Funny....battery never seemed to last that long.) Sort of an annoying problem, especially if this is to keep happening (happened once with a 505 I used to own). However, now that Palm has changed their return policies ("Yes, we realize you have paid $400 for our faulty product, but we'll still charge you $25 to send a factory refurbished unit that has caused someone else problems..."), this solution is at least worth trying out.
RE: I tried it and it worked
I followed the recommended fix and drained the battery for 12 hours.
The fix worked perfectly.
RE: I tried it and it worked
I think this is kind of odd this only happened after I got my replacement cradle to fix the SUDS problem. It had been syncing fine for over 3 years so I'm not sure what happened. Glad it worked.
RE: I tried it and it worked
After using the first method of draining the battery out completly and performing a hard-reset - it once again started functioning normally. The serial hotsync capability remained functional throughout.
Thanks for the advice and I hope this does not happen all the time!
RE: I tried it and it worked
I found the article in this forum about the battery draining procedure. I tried it and it worked! It took about 6 hours to completely drain the battery. I just completed the hotsync, so don't know if this fix will last or if there will be any long-term consequences to the battery draining procedure.
Thanks for the suggestion!
RE: I tried it and it worked
If You Keep Doing What You Did
You Will Get What You Got..
RE: I tried it and it worked
Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
This sounds similar to the claim of some people that this happens with the serial port
and it's power for the older Palms. A simple workaround would be to disconnect the
power when doing hotsync and disconnect the USB when doing re-charge.
Another would be to get a USB hub which you have the Palm plugged
into, then the hub would be the only thing endangered.
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
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News Editor
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
RE: Abit KT7A fried USB ports.
- cowpen
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
palm and the computer protect the mother board's circuitry?
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
i just asked palm.japan for mborad replace.
RE: Thanks for the advise, but first I have to replace my mboard
I have a real love/hate relationship with the Palms. I am completely dependent on mine and love the features. Even though we have invested in several keyboards and modems, we'll probably buy Sonys in the future. Based on our miserable experiences, I have been directing potential customers away from Palm products. Its too bad, they are a great concept but the Palm engineering and customer service problems are driving their customers away. I just hope the PalmOS survives the likely demise of Palm as a hardware producer.
Sounds about right but....
Palming away.....
RE: Sounds about right but....
I agree that the hard reset in these instructions is probably redundant but it certainly doesn't do any harm and it might be necessary. This is voodoo repair. We're not 100% what is wrong so it is tough to say what is and isn't necessary to fix it. If someone would like to try this without the hard reset and let us know if it works, that'd be good, too.
News Editor
RE: Sounds about right but....
RE: Sounds about right but....
But if maybe somebody with IR sync and a dead USB sync could provide snapshots of all pages of DragonReg tool, one could try to develop a patch.
You can find the tools here:
ScreenShot hack with X-Master and pdb2gif converter:
If you would be so kind to provide me with those snapshots, I would be glad to write a piece of code that tries to restore USB functionality without a full reset... Provided that the problem is in the registers... I fear this might not be the case (just like the kind mr. Anonymous pointed out). But what we do know is that a hard reset with memory erase wont fix it and that the UART port on the bottom of the device is not dead since my Palm keyboard always worked like a charm.
RE: Sounds about right but....
Was that directed at me? Anyone would know with a half techincal brain knows that a CPU uses registers (in older CPUs such as the Eniac these registers were actually relay switches which actual bugs (live ones!..) got stuck in causing a crash or problems). If you want to know more go do some research, but until you do, don't come here and say I'm full of BS.
Palming away.....
RE: Sounds about right but....
Taking a quick look and comparing the registers of the replacement I got today with the one that's going back (not knowing what I'm looking at, but assuming we're looking for things that don't match), the following registers are out of whack:
register -- dead -- refurb
PDDATA -- F0 -- D0
PEDATA -- 5C(steady) -- 5C/5E (cycling)
PWMC -- 20A0 -- 50A2
PWMS -- 0027 -- 0006
PWMP -- F9 -- FE
PWMCNT2 -- DE7A -- CB48
SPICONT1 -- A007 -- 0007
UTX2 -- 0A00 -- 0800
All the other registers match up, except for those in the Real-time clock category. If you need those, let me know.
I just got the replacement, so I can hold this one back safely until Thursday morning, without risking a credit card charge. If someone - anyone - can develop a piece of software that will test and restore a broken unit, you'll be my hero - I'm on my FOURTH!
Battery Drain fix
Sometime yesterday, I noticed my 505 heating up, physically. Like, hot to the touch. I turned off afterburner (just in case) and turned the system off for a while. It cooled down. Then it started giving me low battery warnings. Every time I put it in the cradle to charge, it would get warm to the touch again, and the battery level would DROP. Last evening I left it, powered down, out of the cradle (for fear of how hot it would get - I keep my desk quite a mess.) When I woke up, it had drained its own battery. I came on here looking for a similar story - instead I found this, and learned that I was privy to the one small respite of a working hotsync again.
If anyone could tell me what's going on, I'd appreciate it.
RE: Battery SUDDEN Drain and HOT battery
RE: Battery Drain fix
RE: Battery Drain fix
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I tried it and it worked
I haven't noticed a problem with the battery since the drain, (only one day, however).