Rumor: Info Leaked on Palm i705

An anonymous source has leaked a great deal of information on Palm's soon-to-be-released wireless handheld, the i705. Much of the information that was released about this device when it received FCC approval last fall has been confirmed but there is also some additional information.

The primary feature of the i705 is that it offers always-on email. The user is notified as soon as a new email is received, even if the handheld is turned off. Also, it comes with AOL Instant Messenger and the i705 will notify the user when an instant message arrives, too.

The user has complete control of when the handheld's antenna is turned on and checking for new messages. It can be turned on or off manually or on a schedule, like from 9 am to 5 pm. The i705 can still be checking for messages even when the rest of the handheld is off. The user can also control how they are notified about messages.

Other instant messaging applications will work, like Yahoo's.

All emails are sent securely, both sending and receiving. This prevents messages from being intercepted.

It still uses the Web Clipping technology that first debuted with the Palm VII series. These are small applications, called PQAs for Palm Query Apps, that retrieve small bits of information from the Web, like a stock quote. This helps save bandwidth and is much faster than downloading a whole webpage.

Some users find this too limiting so the i705 will also allow regular Web browsing with a built-in browser. Reportedly this browser is weak but Palm plans to release a new one in February.

It uses the Cingular Interactive wireless network. The wireless plans include:

  • Basic - $10 per month - 50kb
  • Associate - $20 per month - 100kb
  • Executive Unlimited - $40 per month
  • Executive Unlimited w/ Annual subscription - $35 per month
The current cheapest unlimited plan available for the Palm VII series is $45, so this is a price reduction.

The i705 can only handle data. It isn't a smartphone and can't do voice communications.

The i705 has a 160 by 160 monochrome screen. The entire device is 4.7 by 3.1 by 0.6 inches. It weighs 5.9 ounces with the included flip cover. It has Palm's Universal Connector, which means it will be able to use many of the same peripherals as the m500 series and the m125.

The antenna is built into the body of the i705, so it isn't necessary to raise an antenna to use it. Because the antenna takes up most of the top of the handheld, the SD/MMC card slot is located on the lower right side of the handheld.

Internally, it has 8 MB of RAM and 4 MB of ROM. It runs a 33 Mhz Motorola Dragonball VZ processor.

Palm has said in the past that it will be releasing at least one model this year with built-in Bluetooth wireless networking. There was some speculation that this model would be it. This is not the case.

The i705 runs Palm OS 4.1 and, of course, comes with all the standard Palm applications. For email, it includes MultiMail Deluxe and the MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link. It also has the application that ties into the MyPalm Portal and MyPalm Update, which automatically searches for new versions of wireless PQA apps and downloads them.

In addition, it comes with Dataviz Documents to Go Professional, not the Standard edition, MGI PhotoSuite Mobile Edition, and the free applications Palm Reader and AOL Instant Messenger.

Price and Availability
The i705 will be announced and available for purchase on January 28. It will cost $450.

There will be some hardware bundles available, too. With a mini-keyboard, it will be $480, and with auto/AC/airline chargers it will be $500.

The mini-keyboard mentioned earlier will sell for $60 by itself and is similar to the SnapNType for the m500 series.

Palm will also offer a Slim Leather Case for $25. This has credit and expansion card slots and uses a sliding rail to hold the handheld in. It will also offer a Leather Belt-Clip Case for $30 that also has slots for expansion cards.

This source has provided information in the past that has all been right on the money. -Ed

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Where's the beef? -- er, email?

mikecane @ 1/18/2002 12:25:58 PM #
So, where's Palm email to everyone?!

$10/mo for 50K?! Is this a bad joke? (At $10/mo for 50K: ITABJ?)

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
bcombee @ 1/18/2002 12:27:31 PM #
The $10/50K plan is the same as currently offered for the Palm VII/VIIx. You pay in 1K increments over that. This is basically lifeline service -- something you can use for an occasional web search or email on the road, but not for everyday use.

$35 for unlimited is pretty nice, IMHO. The issue is that it uses the Mobitex network, which was designed for two-way paging, not full-time data access. It looks like Palm was able to negotiate the price of network access down from their PVII contract, but Cingular still has to make their money, and with unlimited usage, they are taking the risk with each customer that he or she might use much more than $35 worth of bandwidth. I guess Palm had usage statistics from the RIM device and the VII to show that the unlimited customers weren't as bad as originally thought.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
Foo Fighter @ 1/18/2002 12:32:08 PM #
What a disgrace! I honestly believed Palm would revolutionize the wireless market by offering cheap unlimited e-mail access to the masses.

Palm shoots off another toe! I'm finding it very hard to feel sorry for this company.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
ThePolack @ 1/18/2002 1:14:11 PM #
And how are they supposed to do provide cheap reliable wireless email to the masses? Just what magic wand did you want them to wave?

Let's face it, the wireless networks in this country are a pathetic joke. What is Palm supposed to do? Build they're own reliable wireless network nationwide and sell access for pennies?

The US just isn't ready for cheap reliable wireless access yet. The infrastructure just plain isn't there (or isn't being used properly really). Move to Sweden if you want cheap reliable wireless. Or Israel. Go anywhere but here.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 2:19:14 PM #
Wireless in the US is bad when compared to Europe for one very big reason, land mass. The US has huge expanses of nothingness. It's much easier to reliably cover a smaller area.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 3:08:21 PM #
We should blowup the Westcoast and concentrate on the east. ITll mean less airports=lets planebombs, less parameter=less security requirement.

just a thought. =)


RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 5:52:35 PM #
I never comment on these, but those of you who accept that the US has lousy wireless access because of landmass are somewhat misguided, to say the least. Canada has excellent digital access covering 90% of the population; while you don't have access, say, on a dirt road between two cities, that's something that's likely not even available in Sweden or Israel.

As for having crappy wireless access in your major cities...the more people complain, the better service will get.

Just as an example, I pay 25.00 a month for unlimited evenings, weekends, and 12-1 pm, plus 50 daytime minutes on my mobile phone. That's in Canadian dollars, which translates to about 17.00 US. You just can't beat that in the US.

Not trying to make the US look bad...but you really should give your wireless companies a good kick in the ass because they seem to be gouging their customers for inferior service, using geography as an excuse.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 6:38:54 PM #
Lets kick jamie lee curtis' ass. That bitch thinks we should throw our regular phone and use voicestreams for all calls.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 6:45:43 PM #
Jamie Lee..

If we played fetch with our regular phones and relied on our GSM Voicestream...we would all be "out of touch"

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
volcanopele @ 1/18/2002 7:20:59 PM #
Hey I am related to Jamie Lee Curtis (okay, through a great-grandfather but thats not the point). She is just the messenger. Let find the head of Cingular Wireless instead?

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 7:21:42 PM #
Canada Vs. The US

This is to the guy that said 90 percent of the population in Canada is served by wireless...90% of the population is also located within 100 miles of the US border. A much easier proposition for companies then to out fit the whole US. So you are plain wrong. The reason we have such lousy coverage is cost, populations too far out of cities, and the amount of land and people.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/19/2002 3:02:01 AM #
Part of the story in Europe is SMS, Small Message Service from wireless phones. Here in the U.S., I can send an SMS message from one Sprint phone to another, but not to a Verizon phone. The fact that our competing wireless phone companies can't get together on this, and make it possible to send SMS from phone to phone regardless of the carrier, makes SMS worthless.

That's why in Europe, SMS which is wireless e-mail via cellphones, took off. It's worth it to learn to type on a 10 key over there. Wireless email will always be expensive untill everyone starts using it, and there can be an economy of scale. It won't happen until our carriers start cooperating on SMS.

RE: Where's the beef? -- er, email?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/21/2002 12:04:08 PM #
Landmass is not the only reason why the US mobile services are behind. Another one is that you pay for incoming calls, so most people switch their phones off when not making calls. In Europe, the caller pays, so everyone leaves their mobiles on all the time. Result - many more phone calls (Italians now have their handsets surgically attached to their ears) and the price of calls drops dramatically, generating further growth.
The use of just one phone standard also helped.

Just the Caller pays?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/21/2002 12:19:34 PM #
I like it!

My Prediction...

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:28:59 PM #
This device seems as though it is way past it's time. It doesn't seem much different than the Palm VIIx except for the fact that it has a smaller form factor and runs a more recent OS. The device is B&W ... which seems very antiquated for a device that _should_ be the top-of-the-line for Palm. And the rate plans are outrageous. I just don't see how this thing will sell with devices like the Treo being released at the same time...

RE: compared too...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:38:25 PM #
Sure, color is a must on any device selling for more than 300 these days. But the service plan is a huge drop from what the pricing is now... isn't it?!

RE: My Prediction...
montyburns @ 1/18/2002 12:44:56 PM #
I bet you wonder why people like apples when they can eat oranges, too.

The Treo is a cell phone pda combo.

The i705 is a wireless PDA.

Similar, like apples and oranges being round, but different in many key characteristics.

I would love to have a i705. I don't care about color - I want wireless access, and the i705 offers that.

I like my Palm!

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:45:16 PM #
Sure, the wireless pricing is almost "reasonable" ... I would actually consider paying $35/month for an unlimited plan. BUT, I would only be willing to do so if the "upgrade" from my current m505 was worth it (in terms of PDA functionality and usability). Palm made a "mistake" (of course this is my opinion) by releasing the m505 for high-end users and then, 6 months later, releasing this wireless device without color. It just doesn't make sense. How do they expect to lure high-end users (ie, those willing to spend the $$$ on a device AND a wireless plan) if this thing doesn't meet the specs of the previous high-end device (the m505)?

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 1:42:09 PM #
This early, I predict it'll be a flop.

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 1:48:13 PM #
I second the flop motion... All in favor?

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 1:54:07 PM #
Will it flop because of the Treo? The Treo, which will also be B&W? Oh, I know -- you Handspring apologists like to point out that the color Treo will be out later this year. Folks, Handspring can't even get the B&W Treo out yet!!!

The i705 will be mildly successful. Don't look for it to be a panacea for Palm, but don't look for it to kill the company, either.

RE: My Prediction...
jonecool @ 1/18/2002 1:57:21 PM #
Flop. I agree. I use a VisorPrism with a VisorPhone and would not go back to a non-color machine. I would stay where I am or swap OS's before I give up color if Palm(or others) can't or won't deliver. I'm wondering if the TREO is that much of a success when it comes out, initially, it's going to be a non-color device as well.

I see nothing new here. The pricing reduction is evolutionary, not revolutionary. Given the amount of bandwidth that voice requires as opposed to Data-Only, I would have expected "much" lower negotiated data-only rates at this point with the carriers. I see $10-20 a month being more reasonable for a device like this. But without color, it still won't amount to much.

I had a Palm VII(2mb) and VIIx(8mn). Nice devices, but I spent more time looking for the Query apps to get what I wanted. I would NOT consider this device as an option, knowing what I know today. With the VisorPhone, I just dial-up ($20 with Earthlink) and browse to any location. It's allot slower than the query apps, but then again, I can run Query apps on the VisorPhone too (just install Palms Internet Connect Kit on it).

Once the Palm MIK is installed, Query Apps can be used as long as you want (other than the connect time with your cell provider/ISP). Also, since many Cell providers (i.e. VoiceStream) offer 1000+ weekend min., you can use your VisorPhone without too much worries on the weekend and conservatively during weekdays.

Boy, did I get off the subject...

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 2:20:27 PM #
All of you guys complaining about color on the i705 are stupid. Do know you how slow the wireless connection would be if everything was in color? Right now the Cingular service permits data to be transfered at about 9 kb/s. Can you imagine how slow it would be with color? Until we switch over to the new wireless standard from Europe, the speed problem will always be there to prevent newer technology. Some of you need to think about whats more important on your wireless device. Would you currently want something that runs ten times as slow as some 56k connection? Hell no!!! Anyway, just my few cents worth.

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 2:39:15 PM #
Perhaps there is a new web standard that addresses this, but it was my understanding that PQAs and PDA-based browsers simply download a standard webpage/graphic and convert it to a format that is "useful" on the PDA. In other words, nothing exists to convert, in real-time, a color graphic from a website to a B&W graphic for display on a PDA. If a web server has a color graphic on a page and your PDA requests that page to be displayed on your handheld, you're gonna get that color graphic. Right?

RE: My Prediction...
jonecool @ 1/18/2002 3:13:13 PM #
Quoted from Anonymous above:
"All of you guys complaining about color on the i705 are stupid."

Obviously, you still use a B&W device and have never heard of Blazer. Blazer uses a proxy server that actually "fetches" the webpages you request. It handles the conversion of the image from it's original files size down to a "PDA Friendly" size. In comparison, a 10k image may be 400 bytes when viewed within Blazer. This allows it to operate much more quickly that you would expect.

Also, as an option, you can configure Blazer to receive Plain Text, B&W, Greyscale(4/16), Color (256) or Color (16-Bit). YOU have the option over your browsing experience. YOU DON'T HAVE THIS ON PALM.NET.

So, before you call people stupid, you might want to know what you are talking about ;)

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 4:25:17 PM #
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion in this thread where some people think this device requires you to use PQAs and/or for access like the Palm VII did. That is not true with the 705. It provides you with a standard internet connection, and you can use the other various browsers available with it.

RE: My Prediction...
Edward @ 1/18/2002 10:56:29 PM #
"Also, as an option, you can configure Blazer to receive Plain Text, B&W, Greyscale(4/16), Color (256) or Color (16-Bit). YOU have the option over your browsing experience. YOU DON'T HAVE THIS ON PALM.NET.

Erm ...

In WCA 4 built into PalmOS 4 devices you do have this option, no images, fastest (bw), Standard and Best Quality (16bit), and PalmNet IS a proxy service. Blazer even reads some of the same special HTML tags as PQA's use. Sadly WCA isnt such a great browsing experience as Blazer, due to a distinct lack of bookmarks. Poplet solves this problem.

As for HTML rendering WCA is a featured as Blazer, although I prefer Blazer as it works with high res assist.

RE: My Prediction...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/21/2002 12:11:46 PM #
Being in Europe, I have been playing with a Treo (lucky me) and it is very good. Blazer is unbelievably fast considering the slow data rate. Being a phone and an email terminal means that you only have to carry one device around with you, whereas the i705 will only do email so users will have to carry their phone as well. So it will bust, I'm afraid.

That's it...

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:45:46 PM #
Here is some things to keep in mind...

Wireless devices from any company does nothing for those who are not covered by the supporting carrier.

As above this device is really behind - perhaps 8 months ago it would be acceptable - even though I am not able to use these types of wireless packages where I live.

I am an M505 owner until I find a buyer for my 505, modem and keyboard. I have had it. I was looking at the new 615c - even that I am beginning to question. I have spent many years with palm, but I think I am prepared to swithc to a PPC for its ease of use with outlook and some of the other office products - its always some workaround with palm software to get compatibility with my Office programs. don't get me wrong - once you figure it out it works ok, but it all the time I spend fiddling with workarounds I would prefer to loose a bit of the functionality.

For example, with a dial up modem I can sync directly to my corporate email service...with palm os I have to use multimail and then use a bunch of plugins to look at documents etc.

I really like the simplicity of the palm, but add in video and mp3 playback,presenter to go third party products, vcs, gps, you name it, its beginning to look pretty tempting.

This may not seem to relate to this rumour, but it does - more subpar products from palm - thats the connection.

RE: That's it...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:57:54 PM #
Well, you have to remember that PocketPC is made by Microsoft so of course its going to sync with Outlook and read office docs. Its just bloated like every piece of Microsoft software. I don't think I need to go into all the reasons why Microsoft is a horrible company.

RE: That's it...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:59:42 PM #
That too is an opinion.

However, bloated or not - it works. Ease of integration is the key here.

RE: That's it...
fleegle @ 1/18/2002 1:31:19 PM #
Also, from what I've heard, Pocket Word and Pocket Excel isn't all that great. You will lose any formatting of the documents if you edit them on the PPC.

That reason alone would prevent me from wanting to use a PPC.

RE: That's it...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 3:12:34 PM #
Are there similar Wars on the PPC world like the palm world? is it more peaceful up therE?


RE: That's it...
fleegle @ 1/18/2002 3:44:26 PM #
No. No. No. You got it all wrong. It is peaceful down there. ;-)

RE: That's it...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 5:04:11 PM #
So... How much for the 505 and stuff, I won't go near a PPC...

RE: That's it...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/19/2002 8:46:48 AM #
if you are interested in purchasing - leave your email and I will get in touch with you.

RE: That's it...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/19/2002 9:39:16 PM #
I went to Office Depot the other day to look at an HP Jornada. Beautiful-looking device. It was pretty funny though, first time I thought I'd actually consider looking at one of these devices. I go to tap the Media player, see a familiar blue screen that had some jibberish in the upper-left, then it rebooted. I quickly lost interest in the PPC. I see it's stability is on a par next to Win9x... I guess it's the PalmOS for me for sometime.

Not compelling... Time for Plan 9

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 12:52:49 PM #
If this is going to save PALM, management had better start implementing Plan 9.

This device is expensive, not compelling, and nothing more than an incremental upgrade to the Palm VII. And truthfully, how many people actually used the Palm VII for email and surfing? Not many. Yes, I know some vociferous, indignant Palm VII user will respond, but please hold back your replies. Please.

Also, anyone else think that OS 5 is going to be disappointing? I'm afraid that late in the year, we're going to see nothing more than beefed up ARM-based OS 5 Palms that cost more and run the address book and phone list a heck of a lot faster with nothing else to add. If this is the "Zen of Palm", I'm about ready to jump off this sinking ship. Thank god for Sony. If it weren't for Sony we'd have Laurel and Hardy (Laurel = Palm, Hardy = Handspring).

RE: Not compelling... Time for Plan 9
mikecane @ 1/18/2002 2:48:10 PM #
Ed Wood, Jr. never intended to call it "Plan 9..." -- it was "Graverobbers from Outer Space." Should they be called in?

RE: Not compelling... Time for Plan 9
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/18/2002 5:36:25 PM #
Yes, it's time to call Ed Wood and Vampirella to save the day at the B horror movie called PALM.

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