Palm OS Hits 20 Million Handhelds
The Platform Solutions Group, the Palm subsidiary that licences the Palm OS, has reported that the total number of handhelds running the Palm OS ever sold has passed the 20 million mark worldwide. November sales figures from market research firm NPD Intellect showed Palm Powered handhelds made up about 82% of all handhelds sold at retail in the United States. In preliminary numbers for December, that percentage rose even higher. The top three handheld vendors during the all-important holiday season all sold devices using the Palm OS: Palm, Handspring and Sony.
The Platform Solutions Group didn't release any detailed sales numbers and NPD Intellect hasn't put them out, either.
In October, the lineup of top handheld companies was pretty much the same. Palm was first with 51.2%. Handspring was in second place with 19.5% and Sony third with 10.4% of the market.
Some had predicted that the release of the Pocket PC 2002 OS from Microsoft on October 4, 2001 would greatly increase sales of handhelds from Compaq, H-P, and others. So far, this doesn't appear to have happened.
David Nagel, head of the Platform Solutions Group, said in a Reuters interview, "Frankly, the truth of the matter is that they [Pocket PC devices] are much bigger and more expensive products because the operating system is bloated. It has a lot of stuff that is a holdover from the PC days that simply is not necessary in the enterprise or anywhere else.''
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RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
Just remember this as you try to make yourself feel better for your own lack of vision by calling me a troll;
That the new Palm will support multithreading,
Multimedia beyond what it can do today
Extended memory
32 bit OS
The death of the dragonball and a move to the ARM processors
Ha.. Sounds like a PPC to me. So please let me be the first to welcome all of you to the real world of Pocket Computing (That is if Palm can actually do this successfully without screwing uplike they did when the released their current genarations of Palm Devices).
Funny how the very things Palm fought against and gave reason for their success in the PDA world are the core things Palm is trying to implement with Palm OS 5. And I just gotta say, who's the fool running around like a chicken with no head, not know what direction to go in. Again..The Palm.
Thank you for letting me share my thoughts.
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
Palm has had ample chance to learn from Microsoft's mistakes. OS 5 won't require 32 MB of memory just for the OS. It won't run so slowly that battery draining processors will be necessary just to make it slightly fast enough. It won't make the handhelds so expensive that only upper-middle class geeks can afford them.
Palm has waited until batteries and processors are good enough to hit the sweet spot. If Microsoft isn't nervous, it should be.
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
Carl Brooks
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
We respect everyone on this planet, but we do not respect for someone's wrong doings.
As long as PPCs are selling at these prices, anyone could have predicted that sales for these UNITs are slow.
You, as an editor, may think one feature is better than another. But you have not adjusted the value of PPCs accordingly with its price. (Yes, I have read that review.)
What trolls and bashers out there is they forget consumers have to pay real dollars to purchase, so do enterprises. Look for M$ to team up with Gartner or other whores to tell us how M$ market share is gaining. But they never never told you the real number of handhelds show each quarter. All they give us is either revenue, revenue generated by retail price, % increase when compared with years ago or some funky numbers that are generated by some genius.
If you would like to know how sales are for Palm and PPCs, please go to and click Electronics and click Handhelds. There are top sellers over there. You can pretty much tell Palm is way outselling PPCs at a 5:1 ratio.
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
by the way, that is a good review.
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
Thanks, Robrecht
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
That the new Palm will support multithreading,
Multimedia beyond what it can do today
Extended memory
32 bit OS
The death of the dragonball and a move to the ARM processors
Ha.. Sounds like a PPC to me."
So everything with more hardware specs is a PPC? Kind of stupid to look at it from this one-sides point of view, don't you think?
PPC's also come with
- bloated os
- bulky design
- crappy batterylife
- average very high price
4 things which the new Palm devices will probably not have (and if they do, I won't buy them).
"So please let me be the first to welcome all of you to the real world of Pocket Computing (That is if Palm can actually do this successfully without screwing uplike they did when the released their current genarations of Palm Devices)."
The PPC side sure wasn't able to do this without screwing up. Adding advanced features was a nice idea, but at such high prices and trade-offs that it was simply not worth it for a lot of people. However, technological development doesn't just sit still and now it is possible to add more advanced features without those horrible trade-offs. This is the time at which I would want to get a more advanced machine, but it has to be small, with proper battery life, and with an efficiënt os behind it. In other words, not the current PPC platform.
"Funny how the very things Palm fought against and gave reason for their success in the PDA world are the core things Palm is trying to implement with Palm OS 5. And I just gotta say, who's the fool running around like a chicken with no head, not know what direction to go in. Again..The Palm."
Technology changes and as such, so do the possibilities. Companies that keep the same stubborn ideas in their minds go under sooner or later (it almost happened to Palm, lets hope they'll be more flexible from now on.). MS also appears to be very stubborn, which can be seen by the defects of all previous PPC's. They'll be able to cram enough processor power and memory in a PPC to make it do what they want, but will battery technology and their bloated os be able to handle it properly? I suspect that sooner or later Palm os pda's will be able to do the same stuff at the same speed thanks to higher efficiëncy but with lower processors and less memory, and thereby save cost, size and battery life.
It is typical of certain people to only look at the good sides of PPC devices, and the bad sides of Palm os devices. Then again I am sure it also happens the other way around.
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
1) Palm OS had 82% of the market, that leaves 18% to everyone else including PPC. That is insignificant.
2) You actually believe that Palm can screw this up?? The only thing Palm could do with OS 5 is bury PPC. Hell, Palm OS units are still kicking PPCs ass with 33MHZ chips and 8-16 megs of ram. Thats got to hurt some of your feelings Im sure.
PPC is vulnerable right now whether you think so or not.
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
'What are you looking for, assurnce in numbers that people really do make mistakes and don't know what they are doing? Well, now you got that...The Palm PDA Family'
No, that's Windows!
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
-- I don't know about 18% being "insignificant." I'm sure Jobs wishes the Mac still had that market share!
RE: Die PocketPC Die!!!!!
RE: XEROX Graffiti
20 mill. x $1 = $20 mill.
I really wish IDC or NPD would do a broad market survey to determine a more accurate pie chart.
RE: Accuracy?
RE: Accuracy?
PPC Never Really took off.
RE: Accuracy?
There may be no numbers for online sales because these would have to be from the sellers themselves. Palm would have to say how many palms they sold and Compaq how many iPaqs. Maybe they don't trust the companies.
RE: Accuracy?
RE: HS has maintained their #2 position
RE: Accuracy?
RE: Accuracy?
November is at least 3 months ago? They also say they order hasn't changed in December, and that's 3 weeks ago.
RE: Accuracy?
It sure would be nice to know the total including the online sales, and figures from non-public companies like HandEra, who aren't obligated to tell their figures to anyone.
20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
In other words, the cost of upgrading is so trivial that I believe that at least half of all devices sold to date are sitting in someone's "junk drawer" due to replacement. Also, last time I looked they were claiming "50,000 developers", and if that's taken at face value, most developers are going to have at least two devices (one to use, one to crash ;-) ).
Bottom line - that's a lot of idle units.
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
Had many more Palm devices before though, but I give them away to people who I think could use them, Which is what most people would do rather then sticking it in a junk drawer. 2 of the people I gave my old handheld to ended up loving them so much that they went out and got their own new model and again passed that device to their wife and little brother.
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
RE: 20M units, maybe, but how many are in use?
Great Palms
RE: Great Palms
RE: Great Palms
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ok I am very happpppppyyyyyyy.
I am going to sleep very good.