Developer: The Price:
  • $10
The Pros:
  • Small and convenient
  • Helps prevent SD/MMC card loss
The Cons:
  • None Ratings*:

*Maximum Rating is FIVE (5) InfoPalms

SD/MMC Card Holder Review
By Ed Hardy

The SD/MMC Card Holder from rileydog llc lets you carry around a couple of SD or MMC cards in your wallet without damaging the cards.

Memory cards are great and they have dropped in price to the point where many people find it much easier to buy more cards rather than have to decide which applications or files to carry around with them. However, unless you carry your Palm in a case with built-in SD or MMC card slots, you are left with the problem of what to do with the cards that aren't in the handheld. The SD/MMC Card Holder is a good solution for this problem. It lets you keep your spare cards in your wallet.

One of the advantages of the SD/MMC card format can also be a disadvantage: they are so damn small they are easy to lose. I've never lost one of these but I have lost a SmartMedia card, which is roughly the same size. The SD/MMC Card Holder gives you a place to keep your memory cards when they aren't being used. Of course, you have to be good about putting the cards in it. If you get in the habit of leaving them on your crowded desk, you will eventually lose one.

The SD/MMC Card Holder is simple. It's a credit-card sized piece of plastic with two slots just the right size to put a couple of SD or MMC cards into. It is made of a laminate strong enough to protect the cards. It's thicker than an actual credit card; it's just about exactly the same thickness as an SD card. This means when there is an SD card in it, it bulges slightly.

Because it is thicker than a credit card, it doesn't fit terribly well in the credit-card slots in my wallet. Instead, I keep it in the big pocket in my wallet behind the credit cards. I've been carrying it and an SD card around like that for a few weeks and there haven't been any problems. Certainly there's no sign of damage to my SD card and it works fine in my handheld.

Memory Sticks, etc
If you have a Clié or other handheld, rileydog is also developing versions that will hold Memory Sticks, CompactFlash, or Smart Media cards. They are also working on one specifically to hold the Bluetooth SD card.

I think this is a nifty little device that does one thing and does it well. It's a good value for just $10.

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Good Value

dstrauss @ 2/22/2002 11:59:02 AM #
I've been using one since they first shipped. Good product and value, but bettter than not losing your SD/MMC card - you'll have them with you when you're on the go - I was always leaving them behind.

What about sitting on your wallet?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 6:00:28 PM #
How safe is this if you keep your wallet in your back pocket all the time? Any bending or stress on the cards?

Keep a rileydog SD/MMC card holder in your wallet.
bthornton @ 2/22/2002 7:59:38 PM #

I have had an SD/MMC card holder in my wallet for about two months.

It contains both an MMC card and an SD card in it and both are fine and show no evidence of being sat on. This include a 20 mile motorcyle commute everyday.

Hope this answers your questions.. If not feel free to contact me.

Brad Thornton

RE: Good Value
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 8:34:06 PM #
I have one in my wallet (yes I sit on it) and it is just the trick for my back-up card and the Rand McNally Maps. It is one of the originals they shipped out and has been holding up well.

Good Dog, Riley Dog!

SD Cards

dmoody @ 2/22/2002 12:15:59 PM #
I've purchased the Palm leather case ($24.95) for my m5xx device. This comes with 4 slots behind the Palm for storage. Add to one in the slot and a user could have 5 SD/MMCs on the road.

I agree that the biggest question isn't breaking but leaving/loosing them!

RE: SD Cards
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/5/2002 2:40:59 AM #
I bought the leather case as well but have discovered that after a while it doesn't hold the SD cards too securely ......

And the slots are not long enough for a BlueTooth card.

I've just ordered the RileyDog holder.

Key Fob

PFloyd @ 2/22/2002 12:38:34 PM #
I saw a little key fob made for stowing an SD card on the web somewhere once. It looked very handy too. At the time I looked all over for 'em and asked at some stores. Anyone know where to get that type of holder/case?

RE: Key Fob
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 1:30:10 PM #
Yeah, they were some sort of promo giveaway. I picked up a few at a Hecht's store here in MD, and never used it. Ended up losing it I think.

I want to say it was something to do with either Adidas or Skechers, or some clothing line or some kind. Anyhow they had a HUGE box of them and nobody knew what to do with them, and the customers were confused too...

RE: Key Fob
MacPrince @ 2/22/2002 2:03:52 PM #
If it was from a clothing line, I'd have to bet it was Nike, only because their psa]play line of MP3 players use MMC cards.

RE: Key Fob
MobileMitch @ 2/22/2002 6:06:41 PM #
That is pretty dang funny. What kinda bonehead OK'ed that promo?

RE: Key Fob
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 6:59:19 PM #
This might be it. Check at the end of the page!!!!

RE: Key Fob
PFloyd @ 2/22/2002 9:12:48 PM #
That was it I.M.! The key chain thing on Peter's Palm Pages is what I was thinking of. I'd even pay for that. I'll look on Hitachi's web page.

RE: Key Fob
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/23/2002 9:04:54 AM #
I'd love to have a keychain thing like that as well. Somebody has to come out with one.

RE: Key Fob
I.M. Anonymous @ 7/23/2002 3:15:28 AM #
Try the lexar media site at and go to the accessories part of the store
Not the same thing but another key holder
RE: Key Fob
jporter67 @ 11/1/2004 7:32:49 PM #
Check out They are coming out with a keychain card holder.

hard case

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 5:26:07 PM #
We also need a hard case to store few (about 5 to 10) SD/MMC cards, just like diskette hard case holder.

RE: hard case
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 5:31:37 PM #
Go to the Container Store in your area - they carry a small, flip top, semi-translucent, 35 cent plastic container that's just the size of four or five SD cards stacked up. Works great!

I have no idea what the little box was originally for -- maybe cosmetics or pills or something.

RE: hard case
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/27/2002 3:22:05 PM #
Go to Radio Shack - the one in my area already stocks a digital media case (holds 10 SD/MMC/SmartMedia cards) and looks like an itty bitty CaseLogic CD case, but like an inch and a half or so square.

I have 2 of these and there the Best!!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 6:54:20 PM #
I have 2 of the holders for 4 cards, and they are with out a doubt the best xtra I have ever bought for the Palm. I just slip them into my Palm HandiPack on my belt, and it is fantastic!!!. I have carried 2 cards also in my wallet, but feel a bit awkward with 2 64mb cards there. Again it's a great Product, and worth every cent. Don't think twice about buying this, just order it now!

How about ths one?

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 11:04:18 PM #
Check this out:

Got one at PalmSource - very cool...

RE: How about ths one?
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/23/2002 12:43:53 AM #
anyone know where you can buy these online?

One Con You Missed

SuccessWizard @ 2/22/2002 11:59:37 PM #
I bought two Riley Dog's and really like them. I found a con though.

SD cards are thicker than MMC cards. The SD cards "stretch" the slots so that afterwards, when you put an MMC card in, it falls out -- no friction to hold it.

I solved that by having one for MMC and one for SD, but it is a con. AND, it is a pain to "remember" which is which.

The Palm Games Card is MMC. The 16MB Expansion Card is SD. I learned this the hard way and ALMOST lost my beloved BUBBLET game when I swapped out to use the SD card one day.

Mike Lohsl
Palm & ACT! Advisor

RE: One Con You Missed
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/23/2002 1:20:46 PM #
I figured it couldn't do both SD and MMC without a more sophisticated mechanism. Could you stick two MMC cards in the space of an SD card, or would that stretch it even further?

I don't want stupid cardholders...

Solo @ 2/23/2002 1:16:54 PM #
... I want 256 mgs or even 512 megs SD cards !!!

We were supposed to have them in January 2002 re Palminfocenter in Sept-oct) and we're almost in March now and still nothing. (I know 256 are coming, but still not available).

How come they always announce stuff, give a date and failing miserably to meet their dates. JUST GIVE US (AND YOU) A LONGER RELEASE TIME.

Solo *holding his mouth with both hands while thinking of the Bluetooth SD card PROMISED for 2001 by Palm in Palmsource 2001.*

RE: I don't want stupid cardholders...
kittie @ 2/23/2002 6:20:13 PM #
remember, palm doesn't actually make them...
they go through panasonic, i belive.
and toshiba and san disk also make these things.

-+- I just do what they tell me to do -+-

RE: I don't want stupid cardholders...
Solo @ 2/24/2002 10:51:10 AM #
My recreminations weren't solely against Palm, but against every company that cannot fulfilled the delivery date when they make an annoucement. After all, they can put any date they want, just gives us a realistic release date, not a one based on wishful thinking.

P.S.: I could have also included Handspring, and a lot of others...

RE: I don't want stupid cardholders...
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/24/2002 2:39:25 PM #
We could have YOU try to make a 256 MB SD card. Let us know how it goes...

RE: I don't want stupid cardholders...
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/24/2002 8:11:36 PM #
I saw 256MB cards available here in Australia a week back - not sure if they were SD or MMC tho.

RE: I don't want stupid cardholders...
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 4:08:39 PM #
hey.. if u dont want any stupid cardholders then go to to see .. they have a lot of good looking card holders.. and they have memory too... and from what I know they will have a new retail website.. u may check it out. I talked to their sales. The will be up in May... or u can call in to place an other now. I got a cool looking case for my ipaq...


I.M. Anonymous @ 3/6/2002 6:01:05 PM #
This is a letter directed to anybody who nows a thing or two about palm computing:

Recently Ive noticed that our palm devices are becoming faster with their new processors; but there's something that will still be slow, and thus, will slow down considerably your whole machine no matter what processor you are using...and that is the memory card. Memory cards are not slow as such, but I've noticed that apparently what really makes a memory card slow (I think) is the way the OS is arranging (by default) our programs, books, pictures, and other stuff to be accessed from within a card. Have you ever used tealmovie, for example, and noticed how slow it is searching for movies when it has to look in the whole "card/launcher" folder??, on the other hand, take a program like Mcfile and createa new folder and put only your movies in that folder and tell the tealmovie program to look for movies in that folder only...the program becomes 10 times faster!!

Well, I currently own an m505 and have a 128 MB sandisk card in it, plus I have about 25 medical books in the damn thing working just fine (which is amazing, by the way, 'cause all the books are stored in the card...who needs bookbags!!); But I've noticed my machine getting extremely slow when accessing the card, which is no surprise to me because I noticed (by using mcfile) that all programs by default, store everything in the same "card/palm/launcher" folder, which naturally makes the palm extremely slow since it has to look between pictures, games and other useless stuff to find the books between all those my question to you is...
Is there a special program or a special way of controlling or assigning book readers & other programs, speciffic folders (that you've created) in order for them to look in that speccific folder for books, or for pictures, or for movies, etc., instead of the devicehaving to look for a speciffic book in a giant "generally-throw-everything-in-there" there a way to do that??

If there would be a way to do this, I truly think we could speed up the memory card search process by a lot!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/10/2002 8:02:50 PM #
If your Medical databases are read only, you may be able to use a program called "PiDirect" originally developed for the Handspring Memplug CF/SD/MS series of adaptors, but now available at for any PalmOS PDA.
PiDirect allows you to specify which directory it scans for the database(s) you want. It leaves a table for that directory in RAM and "tricks" the PalmOS into thinking the actual files are in RAM. Thus you can use different directories for Medical reference, for casual reading, for images etc. If you keep the number of files in the directory below 50, scanning only takes a couple of seconds.
I find using PiDirect is quicker than using VFS and will often work with databases that are not VFS aware.
You MUST be careful not to use it with databases that are not read only, however. You should also avoid using it with any program that uses a PalmOS conduit, like Epocrates, unless you load all the program's fils back into RAM whenever you HotSync.
I believe there is a trial version of PiDirectII limited to 10 files on a single directory, so you can see whether it will work with all/any of your databases before purchase ($20US, I think).
There is an excellent webpage with clear instructions on how to set PiDirect up.



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