Sony to Announce New Handheld at CeBIT (Updated)
At a pre-CeBIT press conference earlier this week, Sony said it was going to unveil a new handheld, the T770, according to ZDnet Germany. Almost no details were given, other than it would have the enhanced infrared port that's on the rest of the T series. It also said it would be announcing 256 MB Memory Sticks.
Some educated guesses can be made just from the name of the new handheld. Obviously, this will be part of the T series. Almost all of the handhelds Sony has introduced lately have had 16 MB of RAM.
CeBIT is held in Germany, so Sony should be showing off the European version. The high-end Clié with MP3 playback that is currently on sale in Europe is the N770C. Just judging from that, it is entirely possible that the T770 will also have MP3 playback. In the U.S. this model should be called the T760.
Of course, it's a bit odd that the name of the handheld isn't the T770C, as Sony always includes the "C" to denote that the handheld has a color screen. It's very unlikely, though possible, that this will be a monochrome model.
Update: It's possible that ZDnet Germany's report is mistaken. Other reports on Sony's offerings at CeBIT only mention the T625, the European version of the T615C.
Speculation that Sony will be releasing a replacement for the N760C has been in high gear since it lowered its price earlier this week. The N760C is essentially a N710C with an updated version of the Palm OS and the N710C was announced last May, so this handheld is about 10 months old. That makes it the oldest model in Sony's handheld line. Also, the N760C's 8 MB of RAM is starting to look cramped, considering that all of Sony's other models, even the $200 S360, have 16 MB.
CeBit is the world's largest tradeshow and a popular place for companies to introduce new handhelds. It will be March 13 through the 20.
Thanks to Tom for the tip. -Ed
Related Information:
- PIC: Sony Drops Price of N760C by $50
- PIC: Sony Forum
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RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
I too have a Sony MD Player and wondering how the battery life on the 760 is when playing music, PIM stuff, etc. This release could be a killer release.
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
really supported much by other developers.
I don't understand why Sony/Ericcsson doesn't
just make a Clie-GSM phone.
Now THAT I'd buy in an instant.
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
The communication of the Handspring Treo mixed with the high-resolution screen, MP3-player, and memory-expansion of the Clie series?
Good Lord, I hope someone from Sony sees that post. I'd pay a great deal for something that incredible! I'm sick of feeling like Batman with all these devices on my belt.
Oh, and I know that the Visor Prism with the VisorPhone is close, but I don't like that you have to pull the Visor out of the case, remove the cell-phone module, and plug in the memory module to access documents. I should be able to plug in a memory card and forget about it.
James Sorenson
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
RE: Slim Factor + MP3 Player
Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 3/8/2002 1:07:35 PM
Sorry folkes,
(Wah Wah)
These are the only new ones they are offering!
What more could you want?
RE: What more could you want?
News Editor
RE: What more could you want?
RE: What more could you want?
Virtual Grafitti? I doubt it. It would be odd to do that in the middle of a series of handhelds.
Better buttons? I doubt it - I assume it'll have the same form factor as the rest of the T-series.
MP3 - given the naming similarity - this seems probable.
Bluetooth - could be - many other EU Sony products have builtin bluetooth.
66Mhz chip - well - the N7X0 series has always been the bigest best Clie - so I guess this is a maybe...
The form-factor previewed at PalmSource? (the long screen / flip top). Well - it would kick ass. It would probably also have virtual graffiti given the longer screen.
Personally I hope it's not too good - I can't aford to upgrade just yet! :-S
RE: What more could you want?
RE: What more could you want?
When the Ericsson BT phone is in my hands - will sony be ready with the Infostick??
BT spec
Over here in the EU there are loads of phones with BT in them (Nokia 6310, /// R520m, T39, T68), and most of them can be got for under 100 euros on a contract.
Also Sony has got BT into many other EU products - laptops and cameras... it's about time it came to the Clie!
The InfoStick hasn't appeared in Japan - but there a clip-on device for one of the Clie series to add BT functionality.
I'm on my second bluetooth phone (first T39, now T68) and am already planning to replace it with another SonyEricsson bluetooth phone. Yet, still no Palm os pda with integrated bluetooth.
Sony Bluetooth Infostick receives BT Qualification/Palm
But he also said: "2002 is going to be the year for Bluetooth," Christopher said.
Palm Bluetooth (SD) card cuts wires,,t294-s2104780,00.html
Sony Bluetooth stick soon here?
By: Jørgen Sundgot, 05.02.02 11:00
Sony has just recently gained qualification from the Bluetooth SIG for a product referred to as the "Infostick", which is a name that was mentioned back when Sony started promising a Bluetooth Memory Stick expansion module back in late 2001. However, the Infostick is listed under the product category Comp-HW-Integrated, which could indicate that the module is also targeted to be an integral part of new products from Sony - which again could indicate handhelds in the CLIE series showing up with integrated Bluetooth, particuarly with Sony's current pace of churning out new models.
Bluetooth Qualified Product: Infostick Infostick Sony Corporation Components Comp-HW-Integrated 2002-01-30
3 Sony Bluetooth Products have been Qualified recently:
-Modem Adaptor with Bluetooth Function BTA-NWP Sony Corporation Computer accessory PROD 2002-03-04
-Chatpen CHA-30 KRY 10 50 15 Sony Ericsson Handheld devices PROD 2002-03-01
-PEGA-MSB1 HCCBTHA11 Sony Corporation Accessory PROD 2002-02-28
Memory Stick gets SanDisk boost
Bluetooth for the CLIEs
The Memory Stick and Secure Digital cards are quite important for two key reasons. The most obvious is its small size. This allows vendors who use it to create devices that can be smaller.
But another key reason is that with large industry backing, which includes the inclusion of a Memory Card or SD card reader in everything from laptops to VCRs, DVDs, TVs, MP3 players and even next generation integrated home entertainment consoles, these cards can be used to transfer data among these mostly incompatible devices and in a way serves as a data transfer common denominator.
ZDNet probably made a mistake
Oldenburg, Germany
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
Als weitere Highlights der Messe preist Sony Memory Sticks mit 256 MByte Kapazität an sowie den Clie T 770 als einzigen PDA, dessen Infrarot-Schnittstelle zur Steuerung von Fernseher, Hifi-Anlage oder Garagentor geeignet ist.
My translation (just a try):
As other highlights of the fare (CEBIT) Sony praises a Sony Memory Stick with 256 MByte capazity and the Clie T 770 as the ONLY PDA thats infrared port allows you to controll a tv-set, a sound system and a garage door.
The fact that they write "the only PDA with an enhanced infrared..." shows at least that they never heard of the T625C.
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
Probably happened like this:
"following on from the color N770 - sony will be showing a nother color hi res model the T625"
The guy who wrote the report got mixed up and remembered the letter T and the number 770.
Trust me SONY.DE are always well behind the times... I live in Germany and we the T625 only just made it into the shops this week.
They have NO NEW CLIES to premiere at Cebit, I am sure of that.
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
Sony usually release the domestic model (Japanese) first before it release the model for anything else. That has been true for N series as well as T series.
Perhpas more likely labels would be T755 for Japan, T765 for US and T775 for Europe?
RE: ZDNet probably made a mistake
1 - control a TV - Infrared
2 - IS a music system
3 - control garage doors - Bluetooth?
hehe... wishful thinking maybe...

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Slim Factor + MP3 Player
Hopefully it would be more interesting thatn that, but then again...