InnoStation Combines Three Functions Into One

InnoPocket is close to releasing a version of its InnoStation for the Palm m500 series. This device, designed mainly for travelers, combines a battery recharger, PS2 keyboard adapter, and HotSync cradle. It will be available soon for $50.

The InnoStation has four AAA batteries that can be used to recharge the Palm almost anywhere. It also serves as a serial HotSync cradle, saving space for travelers.

The user can plug a PS2 keyboard into it and type directly into the handheld. PS2 is the standard keyboard used by Windows machines so one is available in most offices. The InnoStation has a brace which holds it, and the handheld, upright for easier typing.

Though InnoPocket doesn't say this, tt seems likely this uses Palm's Universal Connector, which means it should work with the m500, m505, m515, and m130.

There have been previous versions of the InnoStation for the Visor and Palm V, though these no longer appear to be available.

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Serial or USB

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 11:51:23 AM #
Does this have a serial or USB interface. I need to buy a serial cradle for my M515 and this would be a versatile alternative!

RE: Serial or USB
KB2PMD @ 4/23/2002 1:44:05 PM #
I would suspect a serial cradle, because of the PS/2 keyboard connection. It's easy to send serial data from a small chip, but USB data is far more complicated, as it requires two-way communication between the Palm and the other device.

RE: Serial or USB
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 3:07:17 PM #
>>I would suspect a serial cradle, because of the PS/2 keyboard connection. It's easy to send serial data from a small chip, but USB data is far more complicated, as it requires two-way communication between the Palm and the other device.

I think there is a misunderstanding here. The keyboard plugs directly into the unit (via a PS2 keyboard connector). What the poster above was asking was whether the unit used a usb or serial connection to connect to a pc (for hotsyncing). I could be wrong.

I have searched and found a bunch of links, none of which mentions whether the new version supports usb or serial (the old unit was serial).

RE: Serial or USB
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 7:26:39 PM #
Serial or USB? None!!!. This thing doesn't connect to your PC or Mac. You remove your PC PS/2 keyboard and plug it to this device. It is keyboard connection to your m series + charger (batteries not included! you have to buy and place it).
RE: Serial or USB
big_raji @ 4/23/2002 7:39:17 PM #
> Serial or USB? None!!!. This thing doesn't connect
> to your PC or Mac. You remove your PC PS/2 keyboard
> and plug it to this device. It is keyboard
> connection to your m series + charger (batteries not
> included! you have to buy and place it).

"This device, designed mainly for travelers, combines a battery recharger, PS2 keyboard adapter, and HotSync cradle."

It's a Hotsync cradle as well, presumably to Hotsync with a PC or Mac.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

RE: Serial or USB
jjsoh @ 4/24/2002 1:16:42 AM #

Nice picture. Took a while to figure out, but I guess you can say it was worth it. )


RE: Serial or USB
Bartman007 @ 4/24/2002 3:28:37 AM #
Big Raji,

OMG. It's 12:22 AM.... I click on the picture and followed the instructions....

Heart failure

RE: Serial or USB
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 8:50:54 AM #
Thanks for the replies - I also emailed innopocket and got this response - it's serial.


Dear SIr,
thanks for you interested in our product.
The innostation is use the serial port.thank you


RE: Serial or USB
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 11:09:20 AM #
It's damn ugly.
RE: Serial or USB
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 6:43:26 PM #
Well, if you want form instead of function, buy a Sony, or a PocketPC
What kind of cable?
PIC mobile user @ 4/25/2002 6:41:47 AM #
Will it be serial or USB?
Is there any reason why the M125 couldn't use it?
RE: Serial or USB
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 10:41:12 AM #
"Well, if you want form instead of function, buy a Sony, or a PocketPC"

Except they don't produce a product like this re: the multicharger, cradle thing.
Just a shame that companies don't put much though into product design esp when consumers are becomnig more and more aware of it's benifits.

And it doesn't neccesarily follow that if you want form you have to sacrifice function. Such a dumb statement. I doubt anybody in their right mind would suggest that they'd want a totally useless device as long as it looked good.

4x AAA Batteries Always Necessary?

jjsoh @ 4/23/2002 11:55:45 AM #
Their site states that "the adapter enables you to recharge power just by the use of 4x AAA battery."

Does that mean this cradle will ALWAYS need 4x AAA batteries to charge the Palm device or can power be supplied when connected directly to the desktop/laptop (i.e. Landware's USB Hotsync/Charger cable)?

Does anyone know?


RE: 4x AAA Batteries Always Necessary?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 12:55:56 PM #
I'd guess they are. The other PS/2 adapters all need at least one battery to run the keyboard, which draws a good amount of power.

PS/2 Port standard

Beavis @ 4/23/2002 12:16:28 PM #
The PS/2 Keyboard port or a USB port should have been standard on all Palm OS cradles a long time ago. How difficult can it be to include one?
RE: PS/2 Port standard
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 1:39:58 PM #
OK, please tell me why you would need a keyboard port on a regular cradle that is hooked up to your PC? They are obviously designed to stay with the PC because they are so bulky.
RE: PS/2 Port standard
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 2:09:42 PM #
When I travel, I usually take my cradle with me so a keyboard port would come in handy.
RE: PS/2 Port standard
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 3:15:10 AM #

You can build all of this yourself. E.g., the keyboard adapter is at

RE: PS/2 Port standard
FredLL @ 4/24/2002 8:21:33 AM #
Wrong URL ...

They already have this for the Palm III, V, and VII.

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 2:35:18 PM #
I have something just like this that works for my Palm IIIc that's been out for years. It doesn't recharge, though. It's at and costs half the price and uses half the batteries. Unfortunately, they don't have one for the m500 series...although I suppose you could buy a m500 to Palm III adapter.
RE: They already have this for the Palm III, V, and VII.
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 9:48:17 PM #
I also used an adaptor for regular PC keyboard on my Vx. It's called Hatcker and is developped by The device connects to the intrared port and is attached to the top of the Vx. It also doubles (triples ?) as an infrared remote control and as a barcode scanner. Great stuff, costed me $50 about two years ago I think.

palm m125

palm_pilot_guy @ 4/23/2002 3:51:19 PM #
i think ed left the m125 out.

doesn't that come with a universal connector too?

if a student teaches teachers, do they become students?

RE: palm m125
Ed @ 4/23/2002 4:59:52 PM #
I deliberately left it off because someone would surely ask how it recharged the AAAs the m125 runs on. Probably the m125 can use the other functions, though.

News Editor
RE: palm m125
big_raji @ 4/23/2002 6:05:50 PM #
Wow Ed, I'm impressed. You're actually thinking like a smartass now. :)

What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: palm m125
chybinj @ 4/23/2002 9:45:01 PM #
I wonder then if it would work with the i705?

Over Priced!!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/23/2002 7:36:02 PM #
I think it is over priced. I am willing to pay for $30. What do you think would be the price for this?

In another matter, the stylus of m500 series is also over priced. You can buy V stylus and grind it to reduce the lenght.

RE: Over Priced!!!
Rolando @ 4/24/2002 2:23:59 AM #
Sounds like a great deal to me.

I hope they come out with one for the Sony N-Series. I'd buy one. I need all of those things. Might as well get them in one package.


A cheap ( less functional) alternative.

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 8:03:40 PM #
Styluscentral has m50x 12v auto chargers on sale for $9.99. Currently they use the non-USB cigarette port ) Very useful, available now and is less expensive. I imagine that they would work on all the Palm universal connector equipped Palms.

PS2 on the way out

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 12:08:09 AM #
Almost all modern PCs, Macs, and UNIX workstations ship with USB keyboards. Serial is also disappearing. Unfortunately, that makes this device much less attractive than it otherwise could be. What it really needs is two USB ports: a device port and a systems port.


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