Handspring Cuts Prices on Pro, Neo, Edge, and Platinum

Handspring has cut the prices on almost its entire Visor line. The only one not seeing a drop in its price, the Prism, is listed as being temporarily unavailable.

The Visor Pro now sells for $200 and Edge is $170. Both were cut by $30. The Visor Neo and Platinum were dropped by $20 to $150. These prices are already available on Handspring's webstore.

It is rumored that Handspring will soon be replacing the Prism with a new color model. Earlier this week, an online webstore had a listing for a Treo 90, a color handheld with 16 MB of memory, a built-in keyboard, and an SD slot. Though Handspring only says the Prism is temporarily unavailable, it is possible it has been discontinued in favor of the Treo 90. The Prism is the only model Handspring has ever made with a color screen.

The Visor Pro was introduced last fall for $300. It has 16 MB of memory. The Edge debuted in March of 2001 for $400. It has 8 MB of RAM and is the thinnest Visor model, though this requires a clip-on Springboard slot.

The Visor Neo debuted at the same time as the Pro. It originally sold at $200. The Platinum has had an unusual history. It was discontinued by Handspring near the end of last year but was brought back in March. Both of these have 8 MB of memory and are actually quite similar in features.

Handspring offers free shipping with any Visor purchase.

Thanks to Mike Rohde from The Palm Tipsheet for the tip. -Ed

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Edge rulez!

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 11:18:25 AM #
The Visor Edge has been the best PDA I have owned. Thin and light makes it the best device to carry with me. Color would be nice, but I'll wait for OS5 devices before upgrading. These temp models coming out by all manufacturers are just to keep sales going for the customers who don't know about OS5.

Poor souls... :^)

RE: Edge rulez!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 11:24:36 AM #
Ditto. Ditto. Ditto !!!
RE: Edge rulez!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 11:56:36 AM #
Well, at $150, Edge does rule.
RE: Edge rulez!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 4:31:28 PM #
I bet you love that quality stylus external design, too. Great engineering.
RE: Edge rulez!
TDS Computer @ 5/18/2002 6:30:39 PM #
The external stylus is quite nice, thank you. It is the best balanced stylus I have used, and the easiest to write with.

Visit us at www.tdscomputer.com
RE: Edge rulez!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 6:42:10 PM #
Nice little unit. Clie has gizmos, but they will never match the quality and value-for-money of Handspring.
RE: Edge rulez!
jjsoh @ 5/18/2002 8:28:00 PM #
: I bet you love that quality stylus external design,
: too. Great engineering.

LOL. As sarcastic as this statement is, I agree.

This was one of the reasons (as well as the bulkyness of an attached springboard module) that I didn't get the Edge, even if at the time I really did like the overall style.

Maybe if it incorporated an SD card slot and color, I wouldn't have minded. But I balked anyway and got me a m505 months later when it was released.


RE: Edge rulez!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 12:39:27 PM #
Sorry, but as an Edge owner, I think I made a big mistake in choosing the Edge over the Handera 330 last April. My original decision was because I didn't want to lose my Springboard investment, but functionally, the Edge sled is pathetic from a usability standpoint, so I wound up sacrificing my Springboards for screen protection anyway. Now, I may wait until the end of summer when the Neos drop again and get one to use with my springboards, but my next workhorse PDA will most definitely not be a Handspring.

Ed's love for ''dual'' wording :)

popko @ 5/18/2002 11:58:14 AM #
"Both both were cut by $30"

RE: Ed's love for ''dual'' wording :)
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 12:19:51 PM #
give him a break. he is still doing a great job. typos typos are common. we're not here to read perfect typing,we're here for PDA infos.


RE: Ed's love for ''dual'' wording :)
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 1:15:59 PM #
completely agree.

> typos typos are

RE: Ed's love for ''dual'' wording :)
Ed @ 5/18/2002 3:07:13 PM #
Thanks. Fixed.

News Editor
RE: Ed's love for ''dual'' wording :)
Pentagonal @ 5/18/2002 11:13:46 PM #

Just curious... Is this a job or a hobby?

Either way, you do a great job, a few typos typos notwithstanding. )

Competition for m130

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 2:56:41 PM #
If I hadn't bought a m130 recently, I would strongly consider the rumored Treo 90. Twice the memory with built in keyboard for a few bucks more? Sounds like an easy decision to me.


I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 3:44:18 PM #
We totally gave up on the product line that made a name for our company, so please people, buy up the remaining Visors we have left lying around, we need to get some more retirement money before the company goes under...
RE: Translation...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 12:56:17 AM #
Or they realised that innovation was better than stagnation.

Other than the Treo, did HS ever do anything new?

RE: Translation...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 12:43:54 PM #
The springboard was new to the PalmOS when it came out.

price drop

Mathrocks314 @ 5/18/2002 4:51:27 PM #
I paid $300 for my Pro back in December and now it’s $200! Oh well that’s the way it works…

RE: price drop
msmasitti @ 5/18/2002 6:06:57 PM #
Yea, when I bought my m505 for $450 (and returned to the store later on), I can now get one for $200.

CLIE Moderator
RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 6:35:16 PM #
I have a T415 that I can let you have for $1. It comes with a real "paperwhite" screen (according to Sony).
RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 6:48:08 PM #
Finally, right price for thees outdated Visors.

> I have a T415 that I can let you have for $1

Oh,yeh ? R u serious ?

RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 7:12:58 PM #
Yes. I couldn't get a refund on it.

It's brand new, though - only used it for a couple of days. Not a scratch on it and I still have the box and manuals, etc. (Your mileage may vary with the screen though.)

RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 7:28:14 PM #
>I have a T415 that I can let you have for $1. It comes with a real "paperwhite" screen (according to Sony).

Well, I can pay $10, and costs of shipping (in US of course) - answer here refering to 'ne0' :) (that's me :), and we have a deal.

And wait, I'm serious :)


RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 7:45:55 PM #
Neo, you'll be up for international shipping. Don't want to post my email here - how do we get in touch?
RE: price drop
ne0 @ 5/18/2002 7:53:31 PM #
Well, it could be international shipping as well - I'm in Poland at the moment, but I have 'family' in USA, so natural choice was to send it to them - usually easier way. Write to ne0@interia.pl - I'm sure we will find secure solution.

RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 9:54:04 PM #
And I paid $500 for my Kyocera 6035 14 month ago today the _maximum_ price anywhere is $100. But, I've had it for 14 months.

RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 10:29:09 PM #
Ne0 , keep us posted about this $10 bucks bill. Just let us know that guy DOES sell you his T415 for $10 or not.
RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/19/2002 6:14:01 AM #
NeO, the address you gave doesn't seem to be valid. OK, there doesn't seem to be any other way, so try me at zejune@yahoo.com - remember you agreed to pay the shipping!
RE: price drop
cykalan @ 5/19/2002 4:33:31 PM #
hm....everything seems so real...?

Read your manuals before you ask!!
RE: price drop
atrizzah @ 5/19/2002 5:14:19 PM #
It seems I have competition for being the best Alan around. Let's settle this in a death match

Peace Out
RE: price drop
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/19/2002 7:32:24 PM #
Boo Hoo. I bought a new car last year for $30k and now its only worth $25k new. Boo ****ing Hoo

That sound you hear is ''Taps''

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 9:50:23 PM #
Playing as the Visor line takes some of its final breaths. Cheer up, Visor lovers: Springboard modules will be CHEAP very soon. Of course, they'll also be obsolete, but easy-come, easy-go.
RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 10:31:09 PM #
yup, obsolete Visor PDA + obsolete Springboard = obsolete great deal.
RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/19/2002 12:44:15 AM #
How is it obsolete when it is doing the same thing that it was doing when it first came out? I have yet to see anything innovative for the other "expansion" options available for other PDAs. In fact, most if it is memory stuff.
RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/19/2002 2:55:42 AM #
The CF expansion probably has the most abundant accessories with the springboard being #2 on a PDA.

The springboard was a great idea, but with things needing to be thinner, smaller, and lighter, the Springboard is simply too large to be viable anymore. The Edge's thin profile is destroyed by the 'backpack' Sringboard adapter and if it had a built in springboard slot, it would be considerably thicker than it is now.

RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/19/2002 7:15:18 AM #
Coming soon to a flea market or auction near you:
Springboard modules, the Batman utility belt you need to carry them, Gameboy cartridges, Atari cartridges, old He-Man action figures, glassware. You know, that kind of stuff.

(But that's what they'll be saying about SD eventually...)

RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
orb2069 @ 5/19/2002 12:14:08 PM #
> The CF expansion probably has the most abundant...
> The Springboard was a great idea, but with things
> needing to be thinner, smaller and lighter, the Springboard
>is simply too large to be viable anymore...

Size-for-size, springboards aren't all THAT much larger than CF, in comprable units - Maybe a third more? (CF Memory vs. Springboard flash module, for example, or the Pocket Spider vs. the VisorPhone.)

The thing is, CF Peripherals are also usable in laptops, CF Memory is also usuable in MP3 players and Digital cameras. It's an open standard - and any informed consumer is going to prefer hardware based on an open, interoperable standard to hardware based on a closed one. Aren't the Springboard-to-{CF/MMC/SmartMedia) adaptors some of the best selling boards?

I /am/ the eggman.

RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 4:45:34 AM #
Coming from someone who is an owner of 8+ modules; 2 memplugs, a thinmodem, voice recorder, etc., I really can't think of any other CF accesories barring from modems, nic's and memory. But if obsolete means out of production, what's it to me? I still get working, high quality products that allow me to do more with a small space than just use SD cards to have what, more room and a flimsy bluetooth card? Come on! Any "hotsync" port accessories are just asking for trouble if you can't use a fold-out keyboard at the same time.
That's why I am so hesitent about Clié's. Sony is EXTREMELY slow about pushing memsticks accessories. A camera and bluetooth card? I can't even find those in stores. At any BestBuy or Staples I can find dozens of Springboard modules. They seem more apt to discontinue handhelds and just release newer more expensive devices. They've probably spent more on R&D than profit made.
RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 7:24:04 AM #
> an owner of 8+ modules 2 memplugs, a thinmodem, voice
> recorder, etc., I really can't think of any other CF
> accesories barring from modems, nic's and memory.

Well, every current PDA I can think of with a CF slot supports built-in voice recording and most today also have SD slots. So there are 3 modules one wouldn't even need to buy or carry. There are adaptors for pretty much every smaller media format to CF as well. What modules do you have that aren't available on CF?

What you generically lump as NIC is a wide variety of wired/wireless Ethernet and Bluetooth cards in CF format for reasonable prices. In Springboard form, there are only a couple of cards at high prices, the same is true for modems and memory. Beyond that in CF there are cameras, GPS, barcode scanners, magnetic card scanners, serial ports, VGA and probably others.

RE: That sound you hear is ''Taps''
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 1:08:08 PM #
> an owner of 8+ modules 2 memplugs, a thinmodem, voice
> recorder, etc., I really can't think of any other CF
> accesories barring from modems, nic's and memory.

That meant nothing but your ignorance. Check it out: http://www.handera.com/accessories/compat.asp for CF cards and peripherals.

Non-standard expansion methods are mostly DOA, expecially from a small company like Handspring.

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