Rumor: SDIO Coming to Treo 90
An anonymous source has said that Handspring definitely plans to include SDIO capability in the Treo 90 this fall. According to this person, they were told this by someone in a position to know inside of Handspring.
However, a Handspring spokesperson still denies that his company has any definite plans to include SDIO to the Treo 90, though he will say they are looking into the possibility.
The Treo 90 is the first device from Handspring to include an SD slot, which allows it to use both SD and MMC external memory cards.
However, SD slots can also have an additional function that allows other types of peripherals to be plugged into them. This is called SDIO and it is necessary to use Palm's Bluetooth SD card. At this point, the Treo 90 doesn't support SDIO.
The Handspring spokesperson did say that no hardware changes would be required to allow the Treo 90 to support SDIO; all that is required would be a software patch. Of course, this would have to be stored in RAM as the Treo 90 doesn't have flash ROM.
About the Treo 90
Despite being part of Treo line, the Treo 90 isn't a smartphone. Instead, it is a mid-range handheld with a 160 by 160 color screen, an SD/MMC slot, 16 MB of RAM, and Palm OS 4.1.
Related Information:
- PIC: Handspring Treo 90 Review
- PIC: HandSpring Forum
Article Comments
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RE: phone user
Bluetooth is totally free and no license is required
A: Bluetooth specification can be downloaded from which has more comprehensive information about and its SIG. It is totally free and no license is required to use it.
RE: phone user
They've got some serious, SERIOUS sh*t coming down the pipes in Q4.
That p800 has got me considering ditching the Palm OS all together. Symbian is almost like, "Palm done RIGHT".
In fact, considering Symbian 7 already has Microsoft document manipulation capabilities built in, they've surpassed Palm in a lot of ways. Built-in graphics, sound, etc.
Best....or maybe WORST kept secret in the business, depending on who you talk to.
Asia-Pacific: Handspring looking at Bluetooth capabilities.
from Handspring adds colour to Treo communicator
Thursday June 27 12:00am
South China Morning Post
Copyright 2002 South China Morning Post Ltd.
RE: phone user
Dont tell me that Treo is just a pda with phone capapbility, becasue even as a PDA it looks stupid.
RE: Confirmed
I believe the person who told me this. If you don't trust my judgement, I suggest you skip all articles that begin with "Rumor".
News Editor
RE: Confirmed
Keep up the good work. We all love you.
RE: Confirmed
You can't run a news site unless you protect your sources.
Thanks for the good work, Ed.
RE: Confirmed
-Peng Lord
RE: Confirmed
Bluetooth SD I/O card via a software update
Q. Does the Palm Bluetooth SD I/O card work with the Treo 90 organizer?
A. The Palm Bluetooth card does not currently work with the Treo 90 organizer since the Treo 90 does not currently support SD I/O, but we may support it in the future via a software update.
Handspring is dead.
Handspring is Alive!
RE: Handspring is dead.
RE: Handspring is Alive!
RE: Handspring is dead.
RE: Handspring is Alive!
RE: Handspring is dead.
RE: Handspring is dead.
: are absolutely the most imature around, I just
: happened to come here because of a bookmark. This site
: should be called palmbigbabyinfocenter!!!!
LOL. Either this poster is pretty clever or just plain retarded. Either way, I laughed a good 5 minutes. :)
Off chance that s/he's the latter, let me see... You just HAPPENED to come here because of a "bookmark", and upon reaching this site KNOWING that you "quit" it, you not only read the article AS WELL AS the comments posted, but you ALSO take the time to reply with your own post about how we're ALL BABIES.
Excellent. We're glad to have you back.
RE: Handspring is dead.
If you don't like Handspring thats fine, but try to make intelligent comments when you post on PIC. Yes, Sony's are great and the Palm's are also outstanding. Try to open your mind to fact that not ever user has the same needs. As for the phone companies eating Handspring alive. That hardly affects the Treo 90 since it is not a smartphone. Also, we use several different smartphones in the field and the Treo 180 has worked well, especially when utilizing Treo Mail.
RE: Handspring is Alive!
RE: Handspring is Alive!
RE: Handspring is dead.
I'll wait until they launch an OS5 with SDIO (and hopefully a jog dial as well). By that time they should fix the little quirks they are experiencing.
But if somebody comes out with highres+ screen that does NOT flip like the NR series, then you got me sold.
RE: Handspring is Alive!
I read from the Treocentral forum that a user with broken backlight reported that he could see the screen better outside after it broke. I wish Handspring would give option to turn off backlight.
RE: Handspring is Alive!
Any picture flat-out comes from the BACKLIGHTING.
Get it?
No backlight equals....well.....nothing.
RE: Handspring is dead.
I just got my new Treo 90 on Monday, and it looks pretty good outside. I am in Tucson, AZ, so we have a fair amount of sunshine! I would not call it perfect, but even in direct sum I could read everything. Move to a little shade (Like in a car), and it looks fine. You can't really see the colors in sunlight, but it is readable.
Overall, I am quite happy with my new Treo 90. My first thought was that it would be a supplement for my Prism, but now I am thinking about it being a replacement for the Prism.
Visit us at
RE: Handspring is dead.
RE: Handspring is dead.
"The Treo 90 screen blows away my old 760 CLIE. It is far easier to read under the sun in HiRes. Plus it's so much smaller"
RE: Handspring is dead.
Uhhh.....the Treo 270 and 90 aren't transflective LCDs that "happen" to have a backlight (or sidelight), in the vein of an m505, m515, iPaq, etc.
Any picture flat-out comes from the BACKLIGHTING.
Get it?
No backlight equals....well.....nothing.
Obviously hasn't used one. In DIRECT sunlight, the Treo screen is definitely useful outside without back/side light. It's hard to read in sunlit areas without some shade. But in direct sunlight (you have to turn it to eliminate glare) the screen is very usable.
Stop making comments about things you're not sure about.
Flash ROM
RE: Flash ROM
RE: GPRS on 180/270 - When?
How long does the battery last?
RE: How long does the battery last?
**Pain heals, chicks dig scars, Glory is FOREVER.**
RE: How long does the battery last?
These companies need to stop the constant updates for about 11 years and innovate behind the scenes. Then, when all PDAs have mp3 capabilities and can fly under their own power, release updates to the current models.
Okay I feel better.

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