Quickies: SplashPhoto, Quicken, QT and RealVideo, and More
SplashData has released SplashPhoto 3.0, an update to its image viewing app. The new version adds support for hi-res and hi-res+ screens, external memory cards, and the hardware JPEG acceleration on the NR series. It is available for $10 until August 31. -Ed
Buy a Palm m130, m515, or i705 from the Palm Store and receive a free copy of Quicken 2002 Deluxe for Windows, a $60 value. -Larry
A Cnet article contains a hint that Quicktime and Real Video may be coming soon to the Palm OS. It says, "Apple and Real increasingly are looking to win more support for their file formats on embedded devices, such as Palm handhelds." -Foo Fighter
Bahsoft, LLC has released BankBook4. This new version adds scheduled future transactions, scheduled repeating transactions, overdraft alarms, payee autofill, account limits, a tax-tip calculator, and QuickBooks compatibility. It costs $20. -PR
iSilo 3.15 is now available. It costs $17.50. Farwalker Consulting has an iSilo Resources page with tips for Macintosh users and links to content that can be easily converted for use in iSilo. -Ken Lavelle and Brian M Oldham
A new driver is available for the Pocketop Keyboard; however, it still doesn't allow Sony models to rotate their screen image. -George Kopp
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RE: SplashPhoto file size
Thats Mr. Doo to you.
RE: SplashPhoto file size
RE: SplashPhoto file size
"Life is what you experience between racing games"
RE: SplashPhoto file size
Free upgrade?
RE: SplashPhoto Free Upgrade
RE: SplashPhoto file size
RE: SplashPhoto file size
RE: SplashPhoto file size
RE: SplashPhoto file size
BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
LandWare needs to add scheduled future transactions, and scheduled repeating transactions to the list of Pocket Quicken upgrade features. Maybe LandWare and Intuit should get together and offer some sort of Quicken/Pocket Quicken package deal! If Palm can do, then surely LandWare can too.
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
Quicken and QuickBooks are separate programs, but BankBook works with both.
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
I have been using Pocket Quicken and the new transactions go directly into Quicken. I do not have to import or export files, everything is done for you.
Now that's compatibility!
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
In Quicken, I have my scheduled transactions set to be automatically be entered 5 days before the date. This way when I HotSync, Pocket Quicken picks up those transactions and now there are on the handheld.
How does BankBook4 work?
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
Disclaimer: I'm just a happy customer. I don't work for SplashData. :)
RE: BankBook4 vs. Pocket Quicken
Chapura Conduit?
Any ideas as to from where can I get it?
Greetings from Portugal.
RE: Chapura Conduit?
Picture programs
RE: Picture programs
RE: Picture programs
RE: Picture programs
Quicktime already here
RE: Quicktime already here
RE: Quicktime already here
Kinoma producer only support avi format, but not the mov format that usually Quicktime understood.
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SplashPhoto file size
The full screen feature is great for showing clear photos from the card quickly. The desktop application makes getting your photos to the right screen size you choose easy. Then it will automatically install to your external memory or to the internal.
Now... the problem I am having is taking a 60k jpeg and installing it as a 320/480 to the Memory Stick. When I look at the file size on the card, it's 317k. yeow! Anyone have any ideas if it's my error or theirs? Thanks all!
The things you can do with this and pictures on your Palm OS device... who would have thought it possible a year ago.