Don't Use Batteries; Just Say ''Fill 'er Up''
MTI MicroFuel Cells Inc. is making progress towards creating a methanol fuel cell small and inexpensive enough to power a handheld. These will get their power, not by being plugged into a wall socket, but from a tiny replaceable methanol fuel cartridge. It is still in the prototype stage and the smallest model is currently about the size of a deck of playing cards, but in coming years the company hopes its fuel cells will be far smaller while providing ten times the power as a li-ion battery of the same size.
The direct methanol fuel cell was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. MTI MicroFuel Cells has licensed the technology and hired as its vice president and chief technology officer Dr. Shimshon Gottesfeld, who led the research into fuel cells at Los Alamos for 15 years.
The company's latest prototype can provide 0.24 watt-hours per cubic centimeter of fuel consumed and is projected to yield up to five watt-hours of energy content.
The prototype includes a replaceable methanol fuel cartridge, requires no pumps, and works in any orientation, including upside down. This prototype is the company's third and is half the size of the one it showed just 10 months ago.
"MTI Micro's new system design offers a clear path to significantly higher energy density," said Gottesfeld, "Based on our technical progress, I am confident that we can decrease the size and increase the energy content of future fuel cell systems."
MTI MicroFuel Cells plans to begin selling direct methanol micro fuel cells in 2004. The company says they will be priced competitively with Li-Ion batteries.
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One from wayyyyyy back was something called "bubble memory" it would be 1/100th cost of silicon memory chips. Where is it?
Holographic memory? home atomic generators? clothes that display graphics? disposable clothing? the list is endless.
I want to see a real product with this methane power before I get too excited.
Not that it is not fun to dream, but keep in mind dreaming is what we do when we are asleep.
Power worries me most as my weakspot when it comes to my business management plan in an extreme event such as a
Sober Business Sense
Batteries, even li-ion ones, have about reached their max potential and something better needs to be found. I'd like a T665C but I won't buy something that only runs for 2 hours without needing a charge. If someone could find a way to power it for 20 hours (which this fuel cell tech promises), it would be much more useful. Everyone who had an old Palm Pilot or even IIIx and who remembers changing the AAAs every couple of months knows how great it is to not have to worry about power.
As wireless HotSyncing and networking become more prevalent, long lasting power supplies are going to become critical. Charging my m515 isn't a big deal because I have to put it in my cradle every day to update AvantGo. Why bother with wireless HotSync if I still have to frequently charge the PDA in the cradle? And 802.11 won't catch on with handhelds until it will go for more than a couple hours without totally draining the handheld's batteries. If a fuel cell can handle this, sign me up.
If this catches on for electronics, like cell phones, PDAs, GameBoys, MP3 players and so one, you'll eventually be able to buy a standard sized methanol cartridge at a convenience store, like you buy AAAs now. They could even be the size of AAAs.
I don't know if this company will succeed. But at least they are trying, not clinging to the past and ridiculing people who are trying to improve the future.
You had to use an example from thousands of years ago? That is not the case today.
"Batteries, even li-ion ones, have about reached their max potential"
That's a safe assumption to make considering they have been a standard source of power for so long.
"I'd like a T665C but I won't buy something that only runs for 2 hours without needing a charge."
exaggeration, possibly circumstantial?.. yep
"Everyone who had an old Palm Pilot or even IIIx and who remembers changing the AAAs every couple of months knows how great it is to not have to worry about power."
This is only not having to worry about power in one way (time). You could say the same for a clie with a li-ion (accessibility).
"you'll eventually be able to buy a standard sized methanol cartridge at a convenience store"
Not likely considering the design/varying sizes of these products.
"not clinging to the past and ridiculing people who are trying to improve the future."
Dude, what rock have you been under for the last couple of years ?
We got fuelcell based cars & buses driving around here in Europe !
Have you ever heard of Tom Watson saying that there was no market for more than five or six computers in the whole world?
Or Bill Gates saying that w64 k should be enough for us all?
Thank God we didn´t pay attention to them...
>> needing a charge.
> exaggeration, possibly circumstantial?.. yep
People, haven't we learned yet that you can't say anything negative about any Sony model whatsoever? Everything Sony does is godlike and without flaw. Who cares if ED tested the T665C and found that with the backlight on full, it gets just over 2 hours of battery life. (Check his review) and the NR series Memory Stick slots are totally ****ed. We Sony fanatics are willing to ignore those pesky facts and continue to obsessively worship at the Sony altar.
Go learn to walk upright.
I want to see an article pointing out all the predictions of technological breakthroughs of 2-20 years ago that have failed.
Popular Science does this every so often.
One from wayyyyyy back was something called "bubble memory" it would be 1/100th cost of silicon memory chips. Where is it?
Bubble memory works fine -- we don't see it because someone thought of something better: Flash memory.
>>>Holographic memory?
These exist; they are used primarily for image storage and pattern matching in specialized applications. Currently, the setup is a bit big and delicate (and pricey) for PDAs.
>>>Atomic home atomic generators?
There are obvious reasons these aren't available for homes! However, hand-sized atomic power plants are commonly used on space probes, and other remote instrument packages where other power sources are impractical.
>>>clothes that display graphics?
Coming, but not yet generally available...
>>>disposable clothing?
Ever heard of Tyvek? (sp?) (Think FedEx envelopes) This is commonly used in disposable lab clothing and haz-mat suits. (It's also a great vapor-barrier in house building applications.)
>>>the list is endless.
It is, but I think we more than make up for it with the sucess of the "sucesses:"
Think of the laser -- when it was invented, it was called "a solution without a problem;" we know now that the laser is one of our most useful and versitile inventions.
I want to see a real product with this methane power before I get too excited.
These exist. For one thing, there are 10kw home power fuel-cells in limited production today. These are about the same size as a 10kw gas generators, but virtually silent. There does not seem to be any technical barrier to using these any more (now that membrane-based methods for extracting the hydrogen from conventional fuels exists -- this is the key enabling technology for "micro" fuel cells, by the way).
Most of the ideas that "seem" to be failures have either been eclipsed by better technology, or they have been found to practical for only certain applications. Just because a technology has been superceded or used in a different (maybe less visible) way does not mean it is a failure.
Morons abound
I can't believe how stupid some of the comments on PIC are. Just because many new, worthwhile technologies have been initially ridiculed provides absolutely no reason to believe that ridicule can in any imaginable way be used to argue for the potential value of a new technology. I suggest the original poster take a basic statistics class covering Bayes Theory. Many new ideas are considered stupid, erroneous, or confused, and the fact is that most of them are. That a few turn out to surprise their detractors is wonderful, but I'd suggest it's more valuable to continue being skeptical, particularly of ideas backed by startup companies. Caveat emptor.
Solar-Powered PDA's
RE: Solar-Powered PDA's
RE: Solar-Powered PDA's
RE: Solar-Powered PDA's
Nicholas J. Penree
RE: Solar-Powered PDA's
Silicon (and GaAs?) technologies such as those used on satelites are faily high as I recall (>25% conversion rate), but they are very expensive.
So the long and short of it is that running your average color PDA from Amorphous cells would require a speparate panel about a foot or so square, while Silicon cells might be the same horizontal size as the PDA, but cost as much as the PDA itself.
RE: Solar-Powered PDA's
I'm not sure about that -- my understanding is that a hydrogen / oxygen fuel cell burns hydrogen and oxygen to produce energy, and creates water as a waste product. Filling such a fuel cell with water would be like trying to run a steam engine with wood ashes.
RE: Original story
Other articles on MTI's fuel cells:
News Editor
Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
Palm, Handspring, and ESPECIALLY Sony should take a hint and design their future PDA's to have removable batteries. If Pocket PC can have it then there is no reason that a Palm can't have it.
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
> replaceable li-ions on PDAs while we wait for fuel
> cells. i am looking forward to this technology since
> li-ion is just not enough for small pdas anymore esp
> the clies.
Like in the Handera 330?
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
> this is a palm OS website so
> you should try to assume that
> im talking about palm OS.
Whether its a Palm or a PPC all future PDA/s should have removable li-ion bateries as a standard feature.
You shouldn't bury your head in the sand and pretend PPCs don't exist. Like it or not, PPCs compete with Palms in the PDA market. Pointing out that that a PPC has a superior (and commonsense) feature that most current Palms lack shouldn't be considered sacrilege, even on a "palm OS website". With Palm OS 5 just around the corner, I expect the new palm handhelds to match PPCs feature for feature. I can no longer accept anything less from the palm platform.
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
RE: Li-ion is just not good enough anymore
Hehehe, he said expansion slut....
"The company's latest prototype can provide 0.24 watt-hours per cubic centimeter of fuel consumed and is projected to yield up to five watt-hours of energy content."
Does that mean it has a constant run time of five hours? I'm not very good on the subject of watts so can you explain how long this prototype can give power to a pda in layman terms, please? I see that it is connected to the SPH-I300, so how long did that run before the fuel cell ran out?
Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway??????
RE: Confused
RE: Confused
1 joule = the energy generated when 1 ampere of electrical current, passes through an electrical potential drop of 1 volt. Energy = Volts x Current.
1 watt = 1 joule/second.
So joules is a quantity of energy, and watts is the RATE of generation of energy. Watt = Energy / second.
To compare to a lithium ion cell that provides 3.5v for 1500 mAh (milli amp hours) which converts to approxamatly 5.25 Watts.
flammable palm
can't wait to see the lawsuits for 3rd degree burns.
RE: flammable palm
Steam Powered Palm
steam powered but be so much better
now THAT is something I'd pay real money for
maybe it would work well with my laptop too

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