Sony Releases Info on Game Controller
SonyStyle Hong Kong now lists some of the first information available on the PEGA-GC10, a game controller. The GC10 clips to the front of the handheld and a cable connects to the HotSync port. It will comes with a copy of Columns from Sega, a game that appears quite similar to Tetris. The GC10 is not yet available and Sony didn't even list an estimated release date. A price is also not yet available.
The GC10 is 3.5 by 1.7 by .7 inches and it weighs about one ounce. It comes with a small strap to help secure it to the handheld.
According to Sony, it will work with the T series and new SJ series. The NR series isn't listed as being compatible, which is strange as it uses the same HotSync port as the T series.
Hopefully, Sony will release to developers the SDK they need to add support for the GC10 to their games.
The U.S. version of SonyStyle doesn't yet list this new peripheral.
Thanks to Jerrod Hofferth for the tip. -Ed
Related Information:
- PIC: Sega Releases Palm Game Demos
- PIC: Sony Forum
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RE: excelente, if its $20
RE: D-Pad
For the *next* generation controller, how about a PS2 DualShock controller that you could dock the Clie into? :-)
(to the previous poster) Nintendo uses one-piece Dpads, but check the Sony PlayStation controllers - they use separate buttons on the Dpad.
RE: D-Pad
So, back to the first poster, yes- it is worrisome that those directional pads look like totally separated buttons...
RE: D-Pad
RE: D-Pad
: anchor is merely recessed into the controller. If you
: nudge one direction, all ends move with it.
Come on, now. Can't you give me a little more credit than that? Surely if I mentioned PS controllers, then I've at least touched one in person! Let's not get too technical. :P
Besides, how do you know that this one isn't set up the same way? The original poster did say "it _looks_ like four recessed buttons instead of one solid piece." But for all we know, it could very well be 1 piece; just like the PS controller. I'm not saying that it is or isn't. I'm just saying that it's possible.
Am I getting too technical here? Heh. ;)
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
Thank you Sony.
For my next request -
Everything the T-665 has, but black colour option & virtual grafitti & built in bluetooth (or at least release the bluetooth memory stick {in the USA})
Replacement thin (like they come with) flip covers. e.g. colors.
Why not give me the Memory Stick GPS too.
GO Sega!!! Way to make games for PDAs... More, More, More!!!
RE: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
At any rate, I agree about having worries about the D-pad on the unit. Also, I doubt the stability of this unit can be as good as the Widget Works Palm III gamepad due to having the connecing cable.
One of these Sony controllers teamed up with a 66 mhz Dragonball should make for a nice (interim) gaming solution. Sega has a huge back library of titles that they could mine for porting over. Alex Kidd, Alien Syndrome, and Hang-On are just a few of the titles that would port over nicely to Palm OS. ARM processors should be able to do games like Shinobi and Sonic with aplomb. Kudos to both Sega and Sony for finally waking up! Now just sit back and wait til the 2nd gen of this controller is out and we'll really be riding high. Take THAT, Nintendo and your crappy dim screen! You think Palm is a lazy company content to sit on their laurels and not innovate? Look at how Nintendo has been milking the same lame Gameboy technology for upwards of 13 years now. I'd rather have a nicely backlit B&W Game Boy Pocket (circa 1996) than a dim GB Advance color screen any day (and yes, I know there was a backlit GB Pocket release in Japan only a few years ago)!
RE: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
Remember, "innovation" without much thought = PocketPC.
RE: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
If consumers are too stupid to pick a model to suit their needs, then that's not Nintendo's problem. A Geforce 4TI can peacefully coexist on a retail shelf next to a TNT2 m64 card, even if the GF4 costs 10x what the TNT card does. Nvidia has different products to suit different segments of the market. All I am saying is that there is a legion of educated, mature, "grown-up" avid gamers out there like me to whom spending an extra $100 is not a big deal if it means being able to have a backlit screen to play in dark airplanes, waiting rooms etc. By "backlit Gameboy" I do not mean a jerry-rigged retrofit light, a practically useless "snakelight" device or lugging a P4 laptop around everywhere--I mean a GBA sold by Nintendo with an integrated back/side light. I will refuse to spend another penny on a Nintendo product until they release something that the market is clamoring for. Otherwise, Sony/Palm is going to eventually going to get their act together and start nipping at Nintendo's heels. This Sony gamepad is (along with the Oslo) just the feeble first attempt at getting this stuff figured out.
The NEC Turboexpress (remember that one?) was a truly elegant and sophisticated handheld even by 2002 standards....and unimaginably so for the 1989/90 timeframe when it was released. I'm still waiting on someone to one-up that unit. The technology certainly exists...
RE: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
RE: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
"Sony/Palm is going to eventually going to get their act together and start nipping at Nintendo's heels."
Yeah sure, kinda like how the Handspring is going to _eventually_ be nipping at Nokia/Motorola/etc's heels. Anyone have the statistics for how many PalmOS PDAs have been sold and how many Gameboys have been sold?
RE: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!
Gameboys and Palms
Considering how inexpensive GameBoys are, that's not as big a difference as I would have guessed.
- Palm_Otaku (posting from his brother's G4 this evening)
RE: D-pad?
Sony amazes me..
RE: Sony amazes me..
Clip-in gamepads are nothing new, all that's new is that Sony is catching up to the idea that maybe people think the T-series buttons suck for gaming. :-)
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RE: Sony amazes me..
RE: Sony amazes me..
RE: Sony amazes me.. were the buttons crappy? For everyday use, the buttons are as functional as any other Palm OS devise.
Oh wait, maybe you are talking about using the buttons to play games. Hate to break it to ya...but there are a lot of adults that do not buy a Clie just to paly games on it.
RE: Sony amazes me..
Peace Out
RE: Sony amazes me..
> any other Palm OS devise. Oh wait, maybe you are
> talking about using the buttons to play games.
> Hate to break it to ya...but there are a lot of adults
> that do not buy a Clie just to paly games on it.
I don't play games with my PDA. Are you even an adult, your poor language/spelling skills and lack of knowledge about non-Sony Palm OS devices are obvious. The Sony buttons are just plain crappy in comparison to other Palm OS devices. They are poorly designed for any use. It has nothing to do with games.
RE: Sony amazes me..
Visit us at
RE: Sony amazes me..
To the all knowing, all seeing Palm guru...
Exactly how are the buttons "poorly designed for any use"? Do you even have a Clie? Just hanging around at BestBuy's PDA counter does not make you an expert in the functionality of the buttons.
Yes the up/down rocker in the T-series may not be as good as the other Palm PDA's, but who needs the up/down rocker when you have the jog-dial?
Again, that's something that you wouldn't understand unless you actually owned a Clie. Stop hanging around the PDA counter at BestBuy and get back to work.
RE: Sony amazes me..
So as much as I like the Clies, I'm leaning more toward the "plain crappy in comparison" opinion.
(and I can voice my opinion without juvenile badmouthing other posters too... ;-)
Sega Mobile
RE: Sega Mobile
I can't wait till will see the arm powered games!
RE: Sega Mobile
RE: Sega Mobile
If everyone clung to this idea of using a dedicated platform for each task, we'd never reach the ballyhooed "convergence" nirvana that all the scribes were talking about in the early/mid 90s. I am eagerly awaiting the day when I can whip out a Kyocera-style Palm phone and download my mail in the background while playing a game of reasonable quality. For what it's worth, most Gameboy titles are so poorly coded nowadays that they are not worth the $30 that NOA wants you to pay for them. At least with Palm games you can download a trail version and download updates to the game. For example, my 2+ year old rgistration for Zap 2000 has brought me to the 16-bit color enabled version with far better stability, memory management and speed than the initial release. Yet a recently bought the Midway Arcade Hits collection on Gameboy Advance and it was so poorly done that it made the Palm ports look arcade-perfect in comparison(really!). Astraware should be proud! Now we need a Sega collection on MMC!
I've had ENOUGH!!
RE: I've had ENOUGH!!
GameBoy emulator
Waiting for a post from Aaron about Liberty....
RE: GameBoy emulator
btw: Why does Aaron need to post? I can blatently (get Liberty) self-promote (get Liberty) Liberty too. Oh yes, and (get Liberty), Liberty will actually be updated (get Liberty) sometime soon (get Liberty). ;)
RE: GameBoy emulator
Updated Liberty? Cool :-) Bring it on!
RE: GameBoy emulator
If you weren't such an a*s, you think before you flame. The poster wants aaron to comment on whether THEY WILL SUPPORT THIS GAMEPAD. Was that so hard to figure out???

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