Sony Announces Folding Keyboard for Cliés
For those who have been waiting to use a Stowaway folding keyboard on their Sony T series handheld, the wait is almost over. Sony plans to begin selling the PEGA-KB11 Compact Keyboard in the near future, which is clearly a version of the Stowaway that has been rebranded by Sony. The KB11 will work with the NR, T, SJ and SL series. SonyStyle is taking pre-orders now for $90 but hasn't said when the release date will be.
SonyStyle is also taking pre-orders for the PEGA-GC10 Game Controller.
The GC10 is 3.5 by 1.7 by .7 inches. It clips to the front of the handheld and a cable connects to the HotSync port. This Game Controller will work with the NR, T, SJ and SL series. It will come with a copy of Columns from Sega, a game that appears quite similar to Tetris.
It will sell for $40. SonyStyle is taking preorders now but isn't saying when the device will ship. It began taking preorder for this same device in Hong Kong earlier this week.
More About the KB11
The Stowaway is 3.6 by 5.1 by 0.8 inches when folded, but opens to be a full-sized QWERTY keyboard. It weighs 7.9 ounces.
Sony appears to have taken a page from Palm's book. It has been selling rebranded versions of the Stowaway as the Palm Portable Keyboard since the days of the Palm III series.
Think Outside, the developer of the Stowaway, promised last month that a version of their keyboard for the T and NR series would be available this month. As of now, Think Outside doesn't have anything about this new version on their site. It has sold one for Sony's S and N series for over a year.
Related Information:
- PIC: Sony Releases Info on Game Controller (August 13, 2002)
- PIC: Palm Portable Keyboard Review (June 10, 2001)
- PIC: Sony Forum
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RE: too bad..
RE: too bad..
RE: too bad..
RE: too bad..
"It has sold one for Sony's S and N series for over a year. "
RTC. . .
Sometimes a person's comments don't come across clearly due to language/regional differences. Calm Down.
Cheap Guy
RE: too bad..
RE: too bad..
is this clear enough?
RE: too bad..
RE: too bad..
About Time!!!
RE: About Time!!!
Why not for the N series!!
RE: Why not for the N series!!
RE: Why not for the N series!!
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
-Hubert Humphrey
RE: Why not for the N series!!
RE: Why not for the N series!!
Game controller way too expensive.
This should be a $10.00 part.
Jon Acheson
"All opinions posted are my own, and not those of my employers, who are appalled."
RE: Game controller way too expensive.
but what surprises me is the keyboard for $90? i mean sony is known to overprice 10% more than the regular price...
RE: Game controller way too expensive.
And, the gamepad could have other applications than games: navigating cells in a spreadsheet, for instance.
Jon Acheson
"All opinions posted are my own, and not those of my employers, who are appalled."
Stowaway Keyboards ONLY being sold by Sony
Think Outside will not be selling them from their own website. I assume this means that you can't buy them with the WordSmith/PrintBoy bundle, either.
Jeff Meyer
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too bad..
they should release one for N series so people can but it and they can earn more from it