Sony Demoing Palm OS 5 (Updated)
Sony is putting on in Tokyo this week a show called Dream World, designed to show off its latest technology. Included in this is a demonstration of a handheld running Palm OS 5. PC Watch, a Japanese website, has a picture. Unfortunately, no other details are available.
Update: A Sony spokesperson emphasizes that this is more of a demonstration of the capabilities of Palm OS 5 on an ARM-based processor than a sneak peak of a future hardware release. According to him, it is premature to draw any conclusions about the hardware features of future handhelds based on this.
This display model is running a video side-by-side with a NR70V to demonstrate the improved multimedia capabilities of an ARM-based processor when compared with a Dragonball one. It also shows that Sony has successfully added hi-res+ support to OS 5.
Sony is still keeping a tight hold on information about its plans for OS 5-based handhelds. This isn't an official announcement of a new model. Sony doesn't give its display model a name or even suggest when or even if it will be available.
Since PalmSource completed work on Palm OS 5 in June and sent it on to its licensees, there has been tremendous anticipation for the first devices using the new operating system. Quite a bit of information has been leaked about an OS 5 device from Palm, rumored to be called the Tungsten, but little has surfaced on anything from Sony.
Thanks to Kevin Harrison for the tip and Eugene for his help with the translation. -Ed
Related Information:
- PIC: Rumor: Sony Beginning to Phase Out the NR Series (August 23, 2002)
- PIC: Rumor: More Info on Palm's Upcoming Models (August 29, 2002)
- PIC: Palm OS 5 Goes Golden Master (June 10, 2002)
- PIC: Sony Forum
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where is it!!!!
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
RE: Hmmmm, clie
I'm also not saying Sony won't release an OS 5 model with a clamshell shape and a hi-res+ screen. I hope they are, but I don't know. If I did know, I'd tell you.
I just don't want you all from getting the wrong idea from this article. Please take it for what it is: Sony has hi-res+ and full-screen video running under OS 5. That's good news, even if it isn't the complete product announcement you are hoping for.
News Editor
RE: Hmmmm, clie
Also, with 320x480, Palm is in deep doo-doo if they release a 320x320.
RE: Hmmmm, clie
RE: Hmmmm, clie
give me a break! you guys are drooling over sony's scraps, this product is never going to see production. and when a product w/ os5 finally comes out its going to have crap that no one needs...i mean really, virtual graphity is all nice in theory, but you'd figure sony has engineer's smart enough that can get the entire screen from refreshing w/ the launch of any app.
...and before all you die-hard sony fans jump to some futile arguement, lemme save you the trouble - this problem isn't caused by the palm os.
RE: Hmmmm, clie
And refreshing the whole screen including the virtual grafitti area is not really such a big deal.
RE: Hmmmm, clie
RE: Hmmmm, clie
os5 device from sony
Wait a minute!
Ohhhh I love September!
Everything starts moving in September!
Funds allocated for the NR70v have just been
Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
This is the news we have all been waiting for! An actual unit is coming out with Palm OS 5! Ed, I wish you the best of luck gathering as much information as possible about this. This is a HUGE development, as everybody knows.
I'm so excited, I'm shaking! The NR90 IS HERE!!!
I'm going to buy this the day it comes out! What do you guys think the pricetag will be for this (suspecting this is the NR90)? I'm guessing $800, which is what I am willing to pay!
God bless America, this brightened my day... long live free enterprise!!!
I apologize for wasting 30 seconds of your life.
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
This is a "NR 70v" with OS 5. Not sure what the name is.
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
I want one too, but this is a demonstration unit. It is as real as the Oslo was/is.
Until it hits retail channels we still don't have a released OS5 device - and still don't have a clear picture from Sony or Palm what they will look like.
Still, gotta love the rumours. who will be first to market Sony or Palm (or Toshiba ;).
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
i hadnt even seen the site, cuz i had said it like 5 mins before this post.
i mentioned my so called "insider info" and went to check the forums when i saw that pic. it was SO cool. not that i am gonna get one, im content with what i got now, but it is cool.
have fun
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RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
There were two rumors about this.
One was that there would be a T665c running Palm OS 5 and with virtual graffiti, and another was a clamshell pda (like the NR70v) with a video camcorder, but not running Palm OS!
Weird... but if this thing ends up being an NR70v with OS 5.0 and a video camcorder, I'm all over it!
I apologize for wasting 30 seconds of your life.
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
i know im gonna get it as soon as it comes out!
Boycott the RIAA
Not a Product Announcement
Unfortunately, you have to be there to see how great the video looks on the ARM-based processor; naturally, that doesn't come across in a static image.
So don't go off thinking that Sony has announced that its next handheld will be a NR70V with OS 5. It hasn't said anything of the sort.
But you don't have to go away empty handed. Sony has OS 5 running well on whatever ARM-based processor it chose. That includes hi-res+ support, and full-screen video. I know, it isn't an announcement that the model will be out next week, but it is at least good news.
News Editor
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
Bring on the $800 Palms
$800?!?! I don't know what I'm more stunned about, that you think an OS 5 Clie would be $800 or that someone would be willing to pay that much for one. I think you need a cold shower.
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
Ok, considering the NR70v was priced retail at $600, I think it is safe to say that a device like the NR90 would cost $800. Remember, for $200 extra dollars, you are getting a processor that is three times as fast as the NR70v's and a digital video camcorder. Now, considering that an MP3 player puts an average of $100 extra onto a device, wouldn't a processor three times faster and a digital camcorder cost $200 extra? And don't forget about the possibility of being more RAM in the device. My guess is that it will have 32 mb, which should be more than satisfying for ANYBODY'S needs out of the Palm OS, but it could be something totally unexpected, like 64 mb.
And Ed, yes, I understand that you are saying the NR90 hasn't officially taken off. I understand that it's just a demo unit, but a demo unit of an NR70v with OS 5 is DEFINITELY a good thing. It means that Sony is thinking towards putting OS 5 in an NR clamshell, which is a VERY good thing. But I'm just planning for the future with the NR90. If it does make its appearance, I will be happy to shell out $800 for this, and if it might be lower in price like some people say, then all the more power to Sony.
From the perspective I'm looking at this, Sony is making progress, progress we thought was dormant in Sony's interest in building an OS 5 machine. I'm just happy they are telling us about their current vision and thoughts and I'm just generally happy that we are so close to a release of an OS 5 device. Can't wait to see the first wave hit store shelves soon!
I apologize for wasting 30 seconds of your life.
The NR90 is not here
On the other hand, I expect Palm's first model to be more expensive than an m515 because it will be a big jump in features. It will add a hi-res screen, MP3 playback, and possibly even voice recording. Palm will be able to justify charging a premium for these new features, where Sony can not.
> Remember, for $200 extra dollars, you are getting a processor that is
> three times as fast as the NR70v's and a digital video camcorder.
abosco, you need to be realistic about this digital camcorder. For one thing, it is still a rumor. And for another, (if it is real) it will almost certainly have the same image quality as the camera on the NR70V. In short, it will be a fun toy but not something you are going to record your daughter's birthday party with and save for posterity.
News Editor
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
By that statement a new 2.1Ghz PC's should cost around $1,000,000 because my original Comodore 64 was $595. I can see a Sony hi-end unit selling for $600, with the current "king of the hill" dropping in price. That's the way things work. If Sony thinks they can get $800 for one I'd have to tell them good luck. I'll wait another year or two.
maybe,...... just maybe..
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
Of course you are assumming that Sony will use a 180-200 mhz processor.
And I have a feeling that Sony is just using the NR series clamshell for now as a demo chassis. I personally this that some of the hardware is hidden inside the frame display case, from the picture I can't tell how thick that display is.
I also have a feeling that Sony will tweek the NR series case if they are going to release an OS 5 model based on it.
P.S. Please excuse this post if it makes no sence. I have gotten a total of 13 hours sleep in the last week =(
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
than Sony's demo ( it probably can't be called a demo)
at PalmSource last Feb.
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
to support a higher resolution camera would require better optics. don't see it happening
RE: Dream come true... the NR90 is here!!!
There is a chance...
Anyway, If that is Sony's OS5 form-factor, believe me- I'll be glad.... But I doubt the first generation of a new CPU will be as small, thin, etc. as seemingly nearly a decade of small-ization has done for Dragonball palms.
RE: There is a chance...
BTW, I'll take one!!!
RE: There is a chance...
RE: There is a chance...
look at the ARM based Toshiba Pocket PC e310.
nearly the same form factor like the Palm m5xx-Series!
it works... ;-)
Thomas W. Geuting
RE: There is a chance...
Anyone remember the PalmSource meeting where a Sony representative said that the NR70V lookalike shown during a powerpoint presentation was only a non-functional mockup? Hmmm....
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Hmmmm, clie