HandSpring Offers Free GSM/CDMA Springboard Phones
Handspring is now offering the Sprint PCS Wireless Web Digital Link CDMA springboard for free. One simply needs to pay the cost of shipping and a service plan with Sprint PCS. The springboard turns any visor with a springboard slot into a fully functional mobile phone with wireless web access. In addition the Visorphone, which operates on GSM networks, has also been available for free with serice activation for some time.
The Digital Link phone/modem, which is made by AirPrime, was touted as third-generation-ready. When launched, Sprint highlighted the fact that a software upgrade would allow this module to take advantage of high-speed, always-on access to the Internet.
This update was never released and now the phone is listed as not compatible with the new Sprint PCS Vision plans and must be used with a Free & Clear plan.
The similar Handspring Visorphone module has been available for free with a service plan since the introduction of this model.
To sign up for a new plan or to transfer service to your Digital Link module users must contact Sprint directly. There is a $34.99 activation fee for all new accounts. It is available at the Handspring Store.
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RE: Old hat.
RE: Old hat.
(Self-confessed Palm Geek)
RE: Old hat.
Failing that, try the forums at sites like www.tsixtyeight.com.
Handspring Visor users to my knowledge won't be able to use IR to connect with the phone (hence the need for a VisorPhone I suppose). Start saving for that Tungsten...
RE: Old hat.
RE: Old hat.
-------------- huggy ---------------
RE: Old hat.
RE: Old hat.
Biggest phone ever
RE: Biggest phone ever
RE: Biggest phone ever
Long live the "T" Series!
RE: Quality
O/T Mod
Have to try and appease the old customer base.
1. Give the 'let-down' HS users something for free after ditching the springboard slot.
2. Get current HS users to gravitate towards the PDA/Phone form factor.
Will it work? Hmmmm...we will see.
Phew! Whats that smell!?! Did someone Zire in here? Buy Palm stock...it's only a nickle.
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Old hat.
I think I'll stick with my free T68i thanks Handspring!