Handheld Executive PUG Tour 2002
Today and tomorrow, if you're on the US east coast, you may be able to catch a handheld pioneer at a PUG meeting near you. Today, PalmSource President and CEO David Nagel will be participating in an hour Q & A session with DCPUG. Michael Mace, PalmSource CCO, will be hanging out with BOSPDAUG. And last but not least, Jeff Hawkins will treat the NYC PC users group to a talk on Nov 7th.
David Nagel in Washington DC
DCPUG is delighted to announce our November meeting, featuring a chat with PalmSource President and CEO David Nagel! Mr. Nagel has kindly offered to do an hour long informal Q&A session.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 6th, from 6:30pm - 10pm, at the APA building's executive boardroom. Mr. Nagel will speak from 7pm - 8pm. Check our web site at www.dcpug.interpug.com for details and directions. Our thanks goes out to Anita Kaplan of PalmSource and DCPUG's own Bob Seward for helping to arrange this event on such short notice. Be sure to come out and take advantage of this rare opportunity to talk with the President and CEO of the company that develops and markets PalmOS platform!
Michael Mace in Boston (MIT)
On Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00pm at MIT, room 54-100, the Boston PDA Users Group presents Michael Mace of PalmSource.
Michael is PalmSource's "Chief Competitive Officer" is currently touring the planet with a roadshow highlighting the new Palm products for Fall 2002 (stops in NYC, DC, Munich and at BOSPDAUG!). Topics to be covered include the current status of Palm and Palmsource worldwide, as well as a very lively demo of the newly announced OS 5 'Tungsten' devices, which integrate wireless data, and telephone capabilities in a standalone Palm device.
The room for this meeting has been assigned at MIT 54-100. This is in the Green building, and is the same room as was used for the Sony event.
Palmsource will be giving away two Palm M515 handheld computers at the meeting. Additional giveaway items have been provided by BlueNomad Software, Seahorse Software, Land-J Technologies, and Bits 'n Bolts Software.
This promises once again to be an exciting evening, and a great chance to find out the latest, up to the minute developments in the Palm computing world.
The Boston PDA User and Developer's Groups are an organization made up of those who choose to walk freely among us with handheld, palmtop and wireless computers. Formed in 1992, its goal is to connect with those who use and develop the newest and coolest handheld computer technology. BOSPDAUG meets on the second Tuesday evening of each month at MIT in Cambridge MA in MIT room 3-133 at 7pm, and welcomes users of all PDA platforms for lively discussions of handheld and PDA technologies.
For a map and directions to MIT, see our web site at http://www.bostonpda.org. For more information, contact Josh Weisbuch at jsw@pobox.com.
Jeff Hawkins in NYC
Thursday, November 7th, 2002 (Not Usual Day)
Meeting is at P.S. 41
116 West 11th Street (West of 6th Ave)
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Presentation at 6:45 pm
More info at NYPC.org.
PUGS are also known as Palm User Groups and mostly consist of local meetings and get-togethers about PDA's. To find a PUG in your area, check out Interpug.com.
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RE: Will PIC cover the PUG's
Send me an email if you're interested: Ryan@palminfocenter.com
RE: Will PIC cover the PUG's
Ryan, you've met him, right? Is he cool or is he a complete jerk? (Or did you catch him off guard in that picture?)
Sounds Good to me. What about Asia , Thailand??
We're waiting for you.
Palm-Fully Yours,
Webmaster Thai Palm Users' Group.
Thai Palm Users' Group
RE: Will PIC cover the PUG's
Only in the US..
I only heard from one handspring guy who attended a meeting of PUG Berlin.
Palmusergroup Mannheim/Germany - www.steffennork.de
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Will PIC cover the PUG's
Will PIC be covering any of these events? I would like to know if anything interesting is mentioned.