Price Drops and Special Offers on Holiday Handhelds
As the Holiday machine kicks into high gear, several Handhelds have just received price drops and other companies are giving away special incentives on some of this season's hottest items. Read on for an overview and mini handheld gift guide.
Palm Inc has reduced prices on it's m125, m500 and i705 from $149, $199 and $399 to $125, $149 and $199 respectively. Also look for a $50 rebate on the m130 and m515. If you register your rebate online with Palm, you?ll have the option of a check for $50, Palm?s foldable keyboard (a $79 value) or $200 credit on your choice of Palm?s software selection. You won't see these options until you finish registering.
The Visor Neo is no longer available; the Visor Platinum is $129, down from $149. Look for a free leather case, travel charger or DVD player offer depending on the model you choose.
Also today, Handspring announced a deal to get a Treo 180 for $99 with a new service activation from T-Mobile.
Sony has reduced the Clié PEG-SL10 to $130 from $180 and the Clié PEG-SJ20 to $150 from $200. Right now there is FREE ground shipping on all Clié models and some come with a free case, depending on the model. Check out our reviews of the Clie T665 and SJ30 Special Editions if you?re looking for something unique for that gadget enthusiast.
Mobile Phones
If you?ve got Bluetooth on your PDA, you?re probably in the market for a mobile phone with Bluetooth. For a limited time, has the Sony Ericsson t68i on sale for $24.99 with a rebate and new service plan.
Thanks to Gary Ankney of for contributions to this article.
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What's a rebate
Still, I got my Tungsten for £300 inc. VAT (around $450 including 17.5% tax) when it first came out, so I can't complain that much.
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
Carphone Warehouse made a mistake on their website offering it at £299 instead of their intended £399.
They were very honourable and sold it at that price to everyone who had ordered before they corrected the mistake with no quibble.
I might not have bought mine otherwise but I'm really glad I did!
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
For example, a friend was wanting to buy a new hifi amplifier, so we thought we'd go into Dixons to 'have a play'. While fiddling with a Denon, a sales 'assistant' came over and asked if he could help. As my friend enjoys classical music, he thought it was important that it handled this well: he asked "What type of music is this good for". To this the assistant answered "Oh, both types". Huh! What on earth does he mean by *both* types? Both rock AND roll? Both rhythm AND blues?
Still, if they're selling the T|T cheap, I could be tempted to break a lifetime rule...
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
>>largest electronics chain. Their stuff is usually
>>overpriced, and their staff useless.
Ahhhh! Yet another way American English and British English differ....
Apartment = Flat
Subway = Underground
Elevator = Lift
Best Buy = Dixons
US & UK, two great countries separated by a common language <--- who said that?
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
It's not even advertised on the front page on their site, they're still trying to shift the M515s they've got.
I'm going to find a new friend who lives in a zero sales tax state and get Harmony to ship them one. Then it's FedEx to here. It'll take twice as long, but it'll save $/€200, so I think it's worth it.
Oh, that quote was Winston Churchill, and I think it was originally;
"Britain and America, two nations separated by a common language."
RE: USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(
NUMBER: 64603
QUOTATION: We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language.
ATTRIBUTION: Oscar Wilde (1854–1900), Anglo-Irish playwright, author. repr. In Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, ed. J.B. Foreman (1966). The Canterville Ghost, ch. 1, Court and Society Review (London, Feb. 23 and March 2, 1887).
The words, or similar ones, have often been attributed to George Bernard Shaw, though they are not to be found in Shaw’s published writings. Bertrand Russell made a similar point in Saturday Evening Post, June 3, 1944: “It is a misfortune for Anglo- American friendship that the two countries are supposed to have a common language.”
Another Promo from Handspring....
"Buy a Treo 90 organizer or Treo 270 or Treo 300 communicator—and get a FREE DVD player!"
RE: Another Promo from Handspring....
RE: Another Promo from Handspring....
RE: Another Promo from Handspring....
Where did you hear about this? (Was it in the HS emails that I routinely ignore?)
RE: Another Promo from Handspring....
Saw it on a Treo forum. Getting my 90 for $209 express shipped to NY. Ordered Monday, should be in my mailbox right now.
RE: Another Promo from Handspring.... Treo 300 for $300
Has anyone else found a better price for either the Treo 270 or 300?
No more T68i
"This item is not stocked or has been discontinued."
That didn't last long....
RE: No more T68i
Kappa Sigma Fraternity - Founded 1400 A.D.
The Star and Crescent shall not be worn by every man, but only by him who is worthy to wear it...
RE: No more T68i
RE: No more T68i
Latest update from Amazon is that it will ship Dec 24. WTF?????
Still on their site (as of 12/15) at $24.99 after rebate.
RE: No more T68i
Went to the local best buy to pick up a flyer having the same deal (but with no phone in stock), then bring it to your local AT&T (my service provider) and asked the clerk to pricematch it. They had doubt first, but I just told them that if you did not pricematch, I will just head to BB to get it. Well, guess what, they surrendered!!! You guys might want to try it (in fact, I found the BB flyer in Laf, IN area having this phone for FREE after rebate!)
Good luck!
RE: SJ20 for $150?
RE: SJ20 for $150?
Hail the Cow!
RE: SJ20 for $150?
No Tungsten Price Drop?
RE: No Tungsten Price Drop?
"it's better to be a pirate than join the navy." - Steve Jobs
RE: No Tungsten Price Drop?
i was just at my local circuit city and they sold two of them in a matter of about 10 minutes. its the most expensive device on the shelf next to the e740 with rebates and the ipaq 38xx (the nx clies are over at another sony display), and people seem want 'em like there's no tomorrow. i'm anxious to see some actual sales numbers on the tungsten|t.
RE: No Tungsten Price Drop?
Of course, I ultimately bought one from Staples for $405 before tax, curetsey of the Golden Price Match. :-) Pass the syrup....
RE: No Tungsten Price Drop?
RE: No Tungsten Price Drop?
RE: No Tungsten Price Drop?
"it's better to be a pirate than join the navy." - Steve Jobs
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USA Good :-), UK Bad :-(