Samsung SPH-i330 Now Available Through Sprint
Sprint and Samsung have announced nationwide availability of the Samsung SPH-i330, a Palm Powered, tri-mode CDMA2000 1X phone. The i300 features Palm OS 3.5, a 256 color screen, 16MB of ram and gpsOne support.
Samsung has been demonstrating the SPH-i330 at trade shows for some time now and this is the first announcement that it is available in the US via Sprint. It has a 160 by 240, STN screen that can display 256 colors. As a smartphone, the i330 has both wireless voice and data capabilities. It uses CDMA 2000 1X networks and supports gpsOne. It has 16 MB of RAM and runs Palm OS 3.5.3.
The i330 is an updated version of the i300, which is already available. The i330 is 4.9 by 2.3 by .7 inches and weighs 5.3 ounces. This makes it lighter and thinner than its predecessor. It runs off a rechargeable battery and has 4 hours of talk time and 4 days of standby time.
As mentioned earlier, this device uses CDMA 2000 1X wireless networks, which offers an average of 144 kbps packet data. It also supports gpsOne, which uses signals from the GPS satellite constellation and from CDMA cell towers to locate the wireless handheld. This will allow for location-based services. It is available now for $499 USD from Sprint PCS.
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RE: Way to go, PIC!!
RE: Way to go, PIC!!
Some of us actually do check it many more times a day.
Once again, nice to know that all is well.
RE: Way to go, PIC!!
RE: Way to go, PIC!!
I would be thrilled to hear that there are some new OS 5 licensees in the pipeline. I'm getting a little worried about the lack of activity with the arm processors for everyone but Sony and Palm. PPC makers have had a lot of practice with this platform and OS 6 is important enough that we need several companies that know how to manipulate the ARM with Palm OS
How does the camera attach?
RE: How does the camera attach?
Stuart Eichert
OS 3.5?!?
Mario Masitti
O/T Mod
I Love Tennis :)
RE: OS 3.5?!?
Furthermore, I'd like to see an ETA of the OS 5.1 upgrade as well.
RE: OS 3.5?!?
Handspring's had its own expansion through its old Springboard slots and added support for 16-bit color to its version of OS 3.5 before OS 4 was out. Then it came out with Treo smartphones with OS 3.5 that didn't need a higher OS version because they didn't use external expansion. They didn't move to OS 4 until they made the Treo 90 and needed it to support the device's SD slot. The OS version never makes a difference unless the device needs to support newer hardware.
OS 5 only runs on ARM-based chips. If a new PalmOS device comes out it either has a Dragonball chip and OS 3.5 or 4.1 or it has an ARM-based chip and OS 5. You won't see OS 3.5 or 4.1 disappear until OS 5 devices become cheap enough to sell at the same price as devices with the older OSes and that won't happen until PalmOS 6 comes out. Get over it.
RE: OS 3.5?!?
Burning Desire: The want or need for something great.
Burning THE Zire: A fun recreational activity involving setting Palm's new crappy handheld ablaze.
RE: OS 3.5?!?
RE: OS 3.5?!?
Of course the camera comes off - in fact the camera is an optional accessory. I don't think this is a brick at all - look at the specs. It is smaller and lighter then just about every Palm OS or PPC smartphone available (its longer than the treo - but narrower, thinner, and weighs less). Not only is it smaller - but is ergonomically more 'phone-like'.
My issues: no touch pad. That screen is going to very greasing from finger dialing. A thin flip pad like on the kyocera 6035 would have been a nice idea.
Also - they've got to fix problems with integration of phone features. Kyocera basically had this right with the 6035, but the i300 had real short comings here. lets hope they've learned.
144 kbps AVERAGE?
Samsung I330 camera accessory
RE: Samsung I330 camera accessory
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