Sony Cuts S-Series Clie Prices
In a week of price cuts and rumors, Sony has again lowered prices across the board on it's s-series handhelds. SonyStyle now lists the color, 16MB SJ30 for $219 USD.
The SJ20 has been reduced to $149, down from $199, and the SL10 is now $129. SonyStyle is offering a free shipping promotion on all Clie handhelds for a limited time period. Sony does not give reasons for price cuts.
Earlier the T665 price was reduced by $50, bringing it down to $299. The t665 is now listed as "Temporarily out of stock" when added to a shopping cart. Also last week, The FCC's website leaked a picture of what may be a possible t665 replacement.
In late January Sony released the SJ33 in Japan and Hong Kong. The SJ 33 features, a integrated translucent flip cover, new button designs and an mp3 player. It runs Palm OS 4.1 with the Dragonball Super VZ 66MHz, and has an increased battery life.
There are also rumors of a upcoming SJ22 a less expensive device with a color screen, but without a mp3 player.
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RE: Great price, great unit
--Devan-- | Email me:
Current PDA: Sony CLIÉ PEG-SJ30
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
Great, now I'm indecisive! My son wants an M130, but for a few bucks more he could get this... Deal breaker is if Palm is no longer offering the free keyboard.
with little bit more money for Dell X5, your son can listen to MP3, play nintendo, watch short movie and have replacable battery and cheap CF slot for long term investment.
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
Still, especially with free shipping, that's a damn good deal.
RE: Great price, great unit
Oh quit your PPC slander. This is even cheaper than an Axim. The Axim is really $250 with a $50 rebate, which I'm not sure is even valid anymore. Rebates really don't count, either.
This is a great device for such a small amount of money. I think it's absolutely GREAT the TT is at $399, and all Sonys are dropping across the board. We have PPC fanatics running wild all over the place!
Year of the Palm.
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
The SJ30 does have a Memory Stick slot for expansion, and it seems to have a replaceable battery.
I don't think you should choose one over the other simply because one can play nintendo. I've tried it, and it's cool, but...
If your son will use it for school, there are many FREE Palm OS programs out there that can help. I use a homework organizer (Due Yesterday), a period table, an english dictionary, a french dictionary, etc...
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
RE: Great price, great unit
The SJ30 is also LOADS more compact than the Axim, which is a total brick, in all three dimensions.
Quit your PPC slander. It is totally useless now.
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
You remind me a little too much of Ska, so that'll be your new name, Ska. Ska, let's compare the Axim to the SJ30.
SJ30 is faster (conversion), has more memory (conversion), and is cheaper (no conversion necessary). It's lighter and smaller. It has a higher resolution screen. It has more programs available for it.
Axim has a bigger screen, has two expansion slots, more multimedia..... and that's it.
Come on now, PPC has little over Palm OS now. These prices are dropping like flies, and Palm OS has a lot of gread advantages. Let's not argue this anymore.
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
#2, The Axim is NOT faster than the SJ30. Idiots love those high MHz numbers of PPC's, but until they realize their beloved MHz numbers mean nothing if it's not optimized, they fly high. 33 MHz on Palm OS executes applications and data faster than 300 MHz on a PPC. And don't get me started about overclocking. 66 MHz is way faster than anything in the PPC realm. Oh, and if you want to go on to 200 MHz NX Clies, you're in for a world of hurt. There's a reason why nobody brings up MHz numbers for PPC when comparing to Palm OS anymore.
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
--Devan-- | Email me:
Current PDA: Sony CLIÉ PEG-SJ30
RE: Great price, great unit
2. my question was: How do you propose one should measure that 66mhz is faster than 300/400/500mhz? I am asking your expert technical opinion as a TRUE ~handheld analyst.
RE: Great price, great unit
"the SJ30 can reach 66 MHz, and yes, 66 MHz on Palm OS beats out a non-optimized 400 MHz on PPC, probably even that 500 MHz number. It's not optimized, so that number can get jacked up and it still won't matter."
Abosco, you've going off the deep end lately! Plaese stop embarrassing all us PalmOS users with this drivel. Proclaiming the supremeacy of that ancient Dragonball over the X-scale processor is ridiculous. IF it were up to you, PalmSG would never upgrade their hardware, sheesh...
RE: Great price, great unit
Ska, you CAN'T test out the two, you just have to hold them next to each other and test out how they execute similar tasks. There's no honest way you can say the 400 MHz PPC feels faster than a 66 MHz Palm.
Now Gfunk, do you suggest we stick a 400 MHz processor into everything, no matter if it's optimized or not? If that's what you want, you're looking into the PPC spectrum. And if you haven't realized this, the only one that is being "embarassed" is ska, and it's nothing new, as he's got total drivel.
Listen, I think me and you (Gfunk) have such varying opinions because you discuss something that's worth the dollar a product that has a lot of multimedia for a small price. That's NOT what I consider, as I try to think in layman terms, not poweruser terms. If you always think as the poweruser, it may all make sense to you, but you're wrong in almost everything. Yeah, the Ferrari's a great car because it's got an awesome engine and a killer design... so who in God's name would want a Civic? Even Mercedes look like crap compared to this thing. Do you *finally* see what I mean?
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
"Proclaiming the supremeacy of that ancient Dragonball over the X-scale processor is ridiculous."
I'm not. I'm proclaiming the supremacy of the Dragonball on Palm OS over the X-Scale of PPC. The X-Scale kills the Dragonball when they're both on Palm OS, but since PPC is not optimized for X-Scale, it's like a Dragonball.
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
a) the PocketPC OS is not optimized for XScale
b) the PocketPC OS is a more modern OS, with all the baggage and overhead that comes with that territory
How do you test that? Take both in your hands and see how fast the calendar appears when you press the Calendar/Date book button. Simple as pie.
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
-the harbinger-
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
If "everything", ie all class of apps, is used as broad indicator of processor speed, then clearly from various title out there Dragonball is not as powerfull as ARM (PPC class).
I have no idea what obscure conversation you have with some other nut crackers regarding 200 mHz Xscale is faster than 400 mHz. But all current PPC benchmark indicates 400mHz Xscale runs faster than 200mHz.
regardless, there is currently no apps yet to compare whole system performance numerically between Palm OS and PPC. And the user impression someone brought up as an indicator only applies to very small class of apps. There are far larger type of apps that cannot even run on dragonball but breeze on ARM, which "common sense" dictates that ARM processor are more capable, hence by default faster overall.
Now on to OS part.
RE: Great price, great unit
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
RE: Great price, great unit
Understand now???
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
Alright, now I KNOW you have seen the speed tests that were done between the OMAP1510 processor and the 400 MHz X-Scale both running on Windows CE. The OMAP absolutely demolished the X-Scale.
There is no CE running on 1510 in the market, let alone published benchmark, (or if you have some link to post for the benefit of the public.) And strangely enough, the next paragraph that statement is contradicted with assertion that NX/Xscale is faster than OMAP running same OS. (FYI, Both OS only use ARM V4.1 code in regard to optimized/not optimized)
Also isn't it surprising how Pi calculation, tho' admitedly not a whole system benchmarking, is dismissed as complete nonsense as a reasonable CPU calculation speed while handwaving argument about non existence polling and never measured "user impression" are deemed valid. But strangely nobody has been able to translate these into reasonable numerical value.
-Which processor is faster?
-Which system perform faster and under what circumstances?
post number, not knotted logic or fantastic claims.
The problem with the X5 isn't CPU speed, it's memory.
Where my Jornada, and the new Axim, fall down is RAM.
A Pocket PC with 32M will have about 25-28M free after boot. Of that, it needs at least 16M for running programs. By default, it splits free memory between programs and storage, which gives you 16M on a bare machine, but once you start loading programs into it that goes down fast.
Once you start running low on memory, it gets really slow to open new files or start new applications. My Jornada 548 would go from a few seconds to 30 seconds or more (I generally gave up and hit reset beyond that point, and once I waited a minute before the spinner went away) if it was low on RAM. PalmOS doesn't have this problem, because it only gives the active application access to the heap... everything else has to be satisfied with what it can fit on the stack when an event comes in (timer, locate, what have you). so there's no ongoing memory leak as applications start up and then go to the background.
So in your Axim X5, you'll have about 10M of that 32M available for actually storing programs and files. You can use the dual slots to add files, but you don't want to add programs there. Again, because it's got conventional multitasking, any DLL or executable on that card is likely to be "live", and because the OS pages files in rather than loading them all at once, it may need to access that at any time.
If you've popped that memory card out to look at something else, and it tries to page something in, it's reset time. Hard-reset sometimes, as I found out on my Jornada.
So... if you're getting a Pocket PC, get one with 64M, and preferably one that gives you ALL of that 64M to play with... the Viewsonic and the iPaq h1910 have slow ROMs and copy 20-30M from ROM to RAM on boot, using up almost half the 64M available.
The high-end Axim with 64M looks pretty decent, but it's not the $250 usint.
RE: Great price, great unit
Ska, you just went back to this whole "post number" idiocy you've stated since you first got here. Post number, post number! Don't you understand that it isn't the number that really counts but how fast you can get to your critical data and files? Palm OS does this faster, and with the new ARM units, I can squeeze out all the FPS I want out of games and video.
That Pi calculation software you pointed to can't be put on an NX you dope. It's not in .prc format.
Alright, to show you that you're nuts, go over to PPCT, PDABuzz, BH, ANYWHERE and ask which is faster, the NX70v at 200 MHz on Palm OS 5 or the iPaq 3955 at 400 MHz on PPC2002. No PPC owner is proud of their X-Scale situation. Are people whining to get rid of the X-Scale bottleneck when in fact there really IS no bottleneck and it's all just their imagination because ska says so?
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: Great price, great unit
Lets put them to the test...
I am a tried-and-True Palm OS user, not a PPC user, but I don't necessarily agree that the Palm processor is faster. I propose a real world test.
Running a spell check on Wordsmith takes forever and a day on my 33 Mhz Treo 90. Lets find somebody with a PPC running at 200 Mhz and a Palm OS running at 33 Mhz and clock the spelling checker on a 1000 word document. My money is on the PPC for winning this test, but I really don't know...
Does that sound like a fair "real world" test?
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Great price, great unit
While I'm quite happy with the Tungsten, this is probably the best priced PalmOS PDA out there.
I think that this is a market that should grow with time: the people who want a nicely featured PDA, but who don't need all the bells and whistles on the higher end machines.