Sony Japan Debuts Two New Clies
UPDATED: Sony Japan has announced two new Clie handhelds, the NX80V and NX73V. The NX80V features a 1.3 Mega pixel camera with a Flash, Palm OS 5, 200mhz processor, 32MB of RAM, backlit keyboard and a CF card slot. The NX73V has similar features with a lower resolution camera.
Both models share a 3.8 inch 320x480 high resolution display, with the Sony flip/twist design. The models also share a CF and Memory stick expansion slots, voice recorder, mp3 player and a backlit thumb keyboard.
The NX80V has a 1.3 Megapixel camera, while the NX73V includes a .3 MP camera. Both also have a flash and can record short video clips.
They both run Palm OS 5, on an Intel PXA263 processor running at 200MHz. Both models share the same dimensions of 71.9(W)×131.5(H)×21.8(D)mm. The NX73V weighs 230g, and the NX80V weighs 235g.
Sony rates the battery life at approximately 14 days, an improvement over the 10 day rating of the NX70V. Sony also claims 7 hours of music playback, over 4 hours for the NX70V.
The new models include native support for the Sony Memory Stick pro format. There is also a CF slot which can be ?hidden? or retraced into the casing. Sony will also support using Compact Flash memory cards as well as the Wireless LAN card.
While the Japanese models do not include integrated Bluetooth, PDAFrance has confirmed that the European version of the NX73V will include Bluetooth. This raises the possibility that Bluetooth may be integrated for other markets.
The NX80V and NX73V will be available in Japan on June 28th and June 7th respectively. Final pricing has not been set but according to PCWeb the NX80V is expected to be around 60,000 Yen or roughly $510 USD.
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RE: Shall we start taking bets?
RE: Shall we start taking bets?
RE: Shall we start taking bets?
RE: Shall we start taking bets?
& the fact that neither is anywhere near the tungsten.
bummer cause I really don't want a palm :)
Shall we start taking bets on when the *next* Clies...
At least it's not like buying a computer that's superceded 9mo. later.
Sony may ship a new model once a week, but at least they're under $1000.
New and different models of Clies coming off the assembly line remind my of that Lucy episode with her and Ethyl working at the candy factory.
An armed society is a polite society.
Cliesource has pictures of the NEW CLIE LINE!!
If this is the new Clie form factor, it's pretty sweet!
Kinda like the first clam-shell clies form factor that was shown on PIC in feb. 2002.
Check out for the pictures
new buttons
RE: new buttons
RE: new buttons
If you read the spec carefully, you'll notice that Sony now quotes this to last 14 days as compared to 10 days of NX70V under the same condition. In addition, continuous music playback with backlight off lasts 7 hours (4 hours for NX70V) and 3.5 hours with backlight on (3 hours for NX70V).
RE: PXA263
It's "Ocell" for short.
RE: PXA263
I think we also need a steady-shot and 0 lux camra.
No CF tumour.
Ceci n'est pas une signature.
RE: No CF tumour.
RE: No CF tumour.
It's "Ocell" for short.
RE: No CF tumour.
YES CF tumour.
RE: No CF tumour.
It's "Ocell" for short.
RE: No CF tumour.
It's "Ocell" for short.
Well here's my new Clie
The new graffiti is interesting, and the site of the company that produced it, shows that they do have a latin character version of their program, so we may see it stay for the US release.
I do have to wonder, if the US release will use OS5.2, but that isn't too big of a concern for me. The battery life is better, with the new ARM as well (NR was also rated at 10 days, just like the NX60/70). So while this may be an incremental upgrade for current NX users, it is what I needed as an NR user, to get me to switch models.
RE: Well here's my new Clie
RE: Well here's my new Clie
Any word if they're using the Transflective screens, like the new Palms?
RE: Well here's my new Clie
I think it's fine for normal memory sticks, but it will be annoying for over-sized ones like the bluetooth memory stick (or if they ever release a GPS stick, etc.). I think the Palm i70x has the side-loading memory slot as well, and the same issue.
RE: Well here's my new Clie
RE: Well here's my new Clie
Also, the Palm transflectives have a warmer tone. Colors have just a hint of warm color, while the Clies use cooler colors. It's a matter of preference, really.
Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Not so impressive
They are just a refinement of the old NX70V model. And the new case design is also disappointingly bland. It weighs just as much, though the collapsing CF slot is very nice. The keyboard keys are still too small. The CPU speed could have been upped to 400 Mhz, but the biggest letdown is the main memory size limitation: you get just 11Kb (NX73) or 16Kb (NX80) available! How can they release this supposedly high-end device when the Palm Tungsten C gives you over 50 Kb free?
They better retail these for a lot less than the old NX70V...
Also, I see that Bluetooth is still optional, although some people claim it will be included in European versions. I doubt that. My guess is that in some places the device may be (initially) bundled with a free Bluetooth MemoryStick. Sony has too many of these overpriced sticks still lying around in their inventory collecting dust.
Thanks for nothing, Sony!
RE: Not so impressive
RE: Not so impressive
Seriously - where the hell is the 320x480 VG device in non-clamshell form factor, that we've all been screaming about for - like - a year now? iQue is nice - but i don't want GPS (would rather built-in wifi or BT). I just assumed Sony would have addressed this by now. I mean - this is the same form of PocketPCs have (PPCs have lower res though) - so u would think somebody making palm OS devices would do the obvious thing and give us what we want already. I know everybody doesn't want this - but i've heard a thousand complaints/requests about this in the last year, so i know many do.
RE: Not so impressive
How can we still be sitting here waiting? Is Sony stupid? I really wonder. Now, we have the Tungsten C. How many sales did Palm lose on it because it has a keyboard rather than a half VGA virtual grafitt screen? Is Palm stupid, too?
I can only assume that these two companies are run by fools.
I am not generally so insulting, but come on Palm and Sony! Get on with it!
RE: Not so impressive
But I add my vote for the Next Palm Standard:
320x480 screen
64MB (or 128MB) RAM
SD (or CF!) slot
Soft Graffiti
-- and a TUNGSTEN T-like stylus. Bag that damned quarter-stylus already, Sony! Enough with the kiddie styli!
THIS is the thing that will halt migration to Pocket PC. THIS is the thing that will make reverse-migration -- PPC back to PalmOS -- possible. THIS is the thing that will make 1 million Zire sales look like last year's cheese!
Wake up Palm SG! Get "Eric the Red" an alarm clock already! Take the above paras, print them out in 256-POINT TYPE and wallpaper his damned office with them!!
RE: Not so impressive
>64MB (or 128MB) RAM
>SD (or CF!) slot
>Soft Graffiti
>and a TUNGSTEN T-like stylus.
Check, check and check!
I could live without this, though it would certainly be a nice option.
When will someone release a mainstream Palm handheld with 320x480 that isn't an NR/NX form-factor? I like the screen dimensions but I don't like the size of the device and the crappy keyboard and camera.
-Kevin Crossman
RE: Not so impressive
>64MB (or 128MB) RAM
>SD (or CF!) slot
>Soft Graffiti
>-- and a TUNGSTEN T-like stylus. Bag that damned >quarter-stylus already, Sony! Enough with the kiddie >styli!
Lol... Whatever happened to the "zen of palm"? You need to check out
Everyone says Palm is playing second fiddle to Sony, but the truly "special" Sony models (eg NR, NX series) are all much too big and heavy to comfortably put in a shirt pocket, IMHO. Point? Let Palm SG "dance with the girl that brung ya", and let Sony do whatever the hell it wants to do.
I for one just hope Sony stops its high-minded antics and starts making units with SD instead of Memory Stick, and Palm Universal Connectors.
Palm Professional, Palm IIIx, Cassiopeia E-105 (everyone's got that "experimentation phase" right?), Sony Clie SJ-10, Palm Zire 71.
RE: Not so impressive
RE: Not so impressive
I believ it, but then again, I never was a sceptic.
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Shall we start taking bets?
With Sony no longer selling the NX60V and the NX70V reduced in price, this may be showing the new ones on the horizon.
If they could get the NZ90V down to a smaller form factor, and keep the Bluetooth on-board, then I think they have a winner with me. Maybe that's what the NX73V is.