Sony Clie NX80 and NX73 Price Drop
Sony has lowered the price of it's high end clamshell handhelds. Both the NX80V and NX73V price tags have been lowered by $50. The NX70 has also been discontinued.
The NX80V now retails for $550, down from $600. The NX80 features a 1.3 Mega pixel camera with a "Capture Light", Palm OS 5.0, 200mhz Intel XScale processor, 32MB of RAM, CF slot and a backlit thumb keyboard.
The NX73 has been reduced to $449, from it's $500 debut price. The NX73V comes in a similar form factor and specs 16MB of RAM, a lower resolution camera and no camera light.
Both models share a 3.8 inch 320x480 high resolution portrait display. They can also use the optional CLIÉ Wireless LAN Card for WiFi (802.11b) connectivity. The retractable Compact-Flash slot provides limited support for CompactFlash Memory Cards for data storage.
You can order the models directly from Sony Style, or search for the lowest price on the net with our comparisson shopper. SonyStyle is currently offering free shipping on all handhelds as well as a few other deals.
NX70 Discontinued
The NX70 has been removed from SonyStyle and is presumed discontinued. It had previously been selling for $399. The NX70 was Sonys first Palm OS 5 handheld and was released in October of 2002.
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Let The Speculation Begin!!!
RE: Let The Speculation Begin!!!
This way to the egress...
RE: Let The Speculation Begin!!!
RE: Let The Speculation Begin!!!
In conjunction with a new bluetooth JogFinger(tm) (optional accessory), you can interact with the image using gestures (similar to using a touch screen).
The downside is that the AF is going to cost $2999 and the optional accessories are $299 each. Still, I'm gonna preorder ;o)
Still too expensive
My blog:
RE: Still too expensive
RE: Still too expensive
Psion 5/Motorola StarTac -> Palm Vx -> Palm m505 -> Sony N770C -> Sony T625C -> Sony NR70V/Ericsson T39m -> Toshiba e310 -> Palm Tungsten T/Ericsson T68m -> HP h2210 -> Palm Tungsten T/3/Ericsson T610
I agree.
If you need a Sony Handheld, though, I'd go for nothing less than the UX-50, in spite of the Landscape-Only Screen. The NZ90 is also a good device, but is just overpriced.
My Primary Handheld: Palm Tungsten C "Air Swallow"
My Secondary Handheld: Palm Tungsten T "Sea Chugger"
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- Like Deja Vu -T_W
- how far (range) does the capture light illuminate?
- can you capture video with the NX80?