Palm Pixi Fares Poorly in SAR Rating Report
According to the latest "Get a Safer Phone List" published by the Environmental Working Group, Palm's Pixi on Sprint (no mention is made of the newer Pixi Plus on Verizon or AT&T) ties for the worst rating among smartphones (both current and legacy) alongside several BlackBerry models, Virgin Mobile's Kyocera Jax, and HTC's Magic (aka My Touch 3G) for T-Mobile. The Pixi was rated at a 1.56w/kg SAR level when held to the ear, while the FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is a SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) level of 1.6 watts per kilogram. The ancient, circa 2003 Treo 600, with no specific carrier listed, also earned a mention on the "worst phones" list with a 1.53 w/kg measurement.
With the recent news of the city of San Francisco now having the distinction of being the first metropolitan area in the country to pass a law requiring wireless handset retailers to post the SAR values of individual mobile phone being sold, such ratings might become more significant from a marketing and public relations standpoint, even if consumers do not heed the potential health concerns. The Treo 650 was also criticized for its high SAR levels. Long-time Palm OS followers may remember that the Treo 650's eventual withdrawal from the marketplace came about partially due to its failure to pass the RoHs guidelines in 2006.
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RE: nice
So, Gekko, no tablet not ever no for you, then? You won't be crawling back here 4Q when HP releases the sexolicious webOS tablet?!
RE: nice
nah i don't need no tablet. i have my little Windows 7 Acer $229 Netbook from Walmart that i'm happy with. and my EVO 4G. this is all the technology i need. what the heck would i do with a tablet? i prefer the L shape and the real keyboard and durability of a netbook. i'm a minimalist and the last thing i want to do is manage a third extraneous device with some obscure proprietary clumsy OS all alone from some tiny lonely island.
RE: nice
scientific consensus...
IIIc -> M105 -> Zire 21 -> Tungsten T2 -> Treo 650 -> HTC TyTN II :(
RE: scientific consensus...
RE: scientific consensus...
Radiation is a natural part of everyday life. Your body can handle the exposure that daily life gives it. I work in the business. You're more likely to die from eating too much shitty food and not enough exercise. Your cell phone won't kill you, frozen pizzas will.
RE: scientific consensus...
Not clicking on Gekko's link. He still thinks it's OK for banks and brokerages to trade their own accounts *against their clients*.
RE: scientific consensus...
We have studies radiation exposure extensively. We know its effects. We can predict it under various scenarios, model it, and protect against extended exposure.
You will not die from a cell phone, CT scan, or nuclear power plant. You will die from eating processed food with too much sodium.
Care to construct a counter-argument, or are you just going to sit there, dumbfounded and with your thumb up your ass, still thinking that any kind of radiation is fatally toxic and poisonous to the human body?
How do you think bandaids and syringes are sterilized? Strawberries? They all get zapped with a high radiation dose for a short period of time. This exposure is many thousands of times more powerful than you or I receive while talking on a cell phone. And we consume and use those products without dying. You can look it up and track it using units of Rad, Rem, Sieverts, Roentgen, etc.
RE: scientific consensus...
High Fructose Corn Syrup will get you faster than sodium! And Strawberries as a disinfectant does not make sense. All the flies and sh*t.
RE: scientific consensus...
Like someone else said, the radiation emitted by phones is the same type emitted by pretty much every other gadget that your house has been teeming with since the '60s.
You get way more radiation from your microwave than you ever will from your phone.
And if you enumerate all the carinogenic things in your life and rank them by risk, you'll find that eletronics are the least of your worries.
IIIc -> M105 -> Zire 21 -> Tungsten T2 -> Treo 650 -> HTC TyTN II :(
RE: scientific consensus...
But hey, if radiation is all the same thing, go try phoning on an iBanana.
RE: scientific consensus...
Mike, you're still trying to be irreverent, but succeeding at being irrelevant.
RE: scientific consensus...
RE: scientific consensus...
Was that an earthquake? Gekko made ... sense!
And after this, all of you just STFU:
Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health
RE: scientific consensus...
Do you have any idea how many stupid barroom conversations I've had with people who don't know a damn thing about my industry, yet somehow claim I'm killing myself and everyone around me? Answer: lots.
Your cell phone is not a danger. Ignore this junk science.
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
RE: scientific consensus...
YOUR industry? You weren't in your pa's testes when "your" industry began.
RE: scientific consensus...
Who owns the thread. Who owns their thoughts? i seem to recall an individual trying to own a thread just for sharing a thought.
RE: scientific consensus...
RE: scientific consensus...
RE: scientific consensus...
Con - in so many words - you're f******d--------
RE: scientific consensus...
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: scientific consensus...
Who puts a phone to their ear anymore anyway? BT anyone?
Pat Horne
RE: scientific consensus...
Who puts a phone to their ear anymore anyway? BT anyone?
Pat Horne
RE: scientific consensus...
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: scientific consensus...
>>>But then [Matt Lauer] hit a major slump. Four shows he hosted were canceled, one right after the other, and though he found some cable television work, he couldn't land a new job at the same level. In an emotional and financial crisis, he gave up his New York City lifestyle and moved into a very small cabin upstate to reevaluate his career. He needed money but didn't want to wait tables, because he knew he had less of a shot at a resurrection if anyone recognized him and perceived him as down and out. So Matt applied for a job as a tree trimmer, because he knew his face would be obscured by a hard hat. The next day, the phone rang. Matt answered it, expecting it to be the tree trimming company responding to his query, but it was Bill Bolster, the general manager of WNBC-TV.
>>>"He gets on the phone and he says, ‘This guy just brought me a tape of yours a couple of days ago, and I'd seen you around, but this tape got my attention. I know you used to host this show…what are you doing for dinner tomorrow night?
>>>"'Let me look in my book,'" Matt recalled saying, laughing in retrospect. "I'm doing nothing. I'm eating Beefaroni in a can."
That's from: Got What It Takes? Successful People Reveal How They Made It to the Top by Bill Boggs
RE: scientific consensus...
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre
RE: scientific consensus...
richf wrote:
abosco, I hope and pray you are correct. I do not need any more radiation in my life. I worked on the flight line in the vicinity of nuclear missiles while in the air force. We all wore dosimeters but were never told what the results were. At the time we were young and immortal and I never heard anyone say anything. I would be seriously upset if something that gives me hours of entertainment were killing me( my phone). I also hope you are a nuclear engineer and speak with authority. I lived a few miles(55) from TMI and there was a lot of junk talk being passed around at the time. Bottom line is your words give me some relief. Thanks very much.
I am a mechanical engineer in the nuclear industry. I actually did some work for TMI last year (I work for a consulting company). I don't see any reason why you would be in danger from your military experience. Nuclear missiles contain almost pure Pu-239 or U-235. They naturally emit alpha radiation. Alpha particles (essentially just a helium nucleus, 2 protons 2 neutrons) are large and blocked by your skin without any damage at all. The only way alpha poses a risk is if it's ingested, where it has direct line-of-sight to internal organs, not impeded by the skin, and does a lot of damage. But when scientists handle samples of weapons-grade Uranium or Plutonium, your really just need to hold it with a piece of paper between your hand and the metal. It is warm to the touch. The only reason why they even wear gloves is to prevent the oil from human skin from contaminating the purity. The same goes for reactor fuel - it's safe to the touch, but you shouldn't anyway because of the oil in your skin.
As for TMI, the releases from the plant were negligible. The containment building did its job, and while a $2B reactor got wrecked, we as residents were not in any danger. The only permanent effect was that Jane Fonda got a generation of people to have an irrational fear of nuclear energy and convinced people that this country can run exclusively on wind and solar. All the while, coal and gas are being burned to provide true, useful baseload energy while emitting carbon and soot in the air. Nuclear energy can do that with none of the polluting emissions, but Americans are so afraid of this wonderful technology that we pioneered while all other countries are charging ahead with new nuclear plants. Our new builds are stuck in regulatory and legal gridlock.
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
RE: scientific consensus...
But with far more deadly waste that needs to be buried somewhere for a long, long, long time -- and that in itself is one hell of a radioactive political issue.
You may be in engineering but you write about it like a frikkin lobbyist.
RE: scientific consensus...
Why don't we reprocess fuel in this country? Because Jimmy Carter was afraid that companies would extract the Plutonium from the fuel and sell it to terrorists to build bombs back in the 70's. We have tried to get reprocessing back in this country, but to no avail. As a result, other countries have been going full speed ahead with building reprocessing facilities and geological repositories. France, Japan, Russia, China, and virtually all other nuclear-powered nations reprocess fuel for civilian use. If anything, the USA should be able to do it with an been higher security standard than any of these other nations because of our defense budget.
By the way, Yucca Mountain is built and fully functional. It's strictly a regulatory issue. It is the most-studied piece of land in the history of the world.
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
RE: scientific consensus...
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
RE: scientific consensus...
Then again, where'd all that anthrax come from, eh?
Anyway, you go ahead and get an iPhone 4. I'll be content to watch. From afar. Hmmm... what's that strange object on your ear that you hold your iPhone to? LMAO!
RE: scientific consensus...
iPhone 4 Loses Reception When You Hold It By The Antenna Band?
RE: scientific consensus...
"PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in."
Tech Center Labs
RE: scientific consensus...
Tech Center Labs

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so it's a shitty smartphone AND it will kill you? nice.
p.s. i grew up on this site but i'm fading fast. Ryan it's time to reinvent PIC asap unless you want it to end up like Garnet.