FCC Reveals Details of 3 Upcoming Clies
The FCC has leaked information and images of three unreleased Sony Clie handhelds. The PEG-TH55 appears to have a 320x480 screen with built in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and the TJ-37 brings a VGA camera and Wi-Fi to Sony's entry range lineup.
The TH55 runs Palm OS 5.2 and has a high res+ 320x480 pixel, 65k color screen and an integrated flip cover to protect the display. The model has both built in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (802.11b) as well as an IR pot and a Memory Stick PRO slot. It has 32MB or RAM, with 32MB user available. Internally the TH55 runs the Sony "Handheld engine", the sony custom chip-set that first debuted on the UX50. It is not clear what CPU clock speed is "under the hood".
The dimensions are approximately 3 × 4 7/ 8 × 17/ 32 inches (73.3 × 121.5 × 13.4 mm) (w/h/d). With the cover attached it is approx. 3 × 4 / 8 × / 8 inches (73.3 × 121.5 × 15.7 mm). It weighs 5.8 oz (165 g) without the cover, 20g more with it attached.
This unit's front-side is dominated by the large display and has row of small of application buttons along the bottom. On the backside of the device, is the built in camera, which has a retractable lens cover. Above the camera is a different, top rear center mounted jog dial with left and right directional arrows and a back button.
PEG-TJ37 and TJ-27
The PEG TJ 37 and 27 share a similar case, display and camera but are two very different handhelds. The TJ37 has integrated Wi-Fi, voice recorder and digital audio, while the TJ27 leaves these out, presumably for an entry level affordable price. Both share a VGA digital camera on the back of the unit. They are using the redesigned jog dial on the front of the handhelds that includes a vertical scroll wheel and left and right keys in addition to the four application buttons.
They both run Palm OS 5.2 and have a 320x320, 65k color screen, 32MB of RAM (23MB user accessible) and have IR port and a Memory Stick slot. They are both powered by a Motorola i.MXL dragonball ARM processor. They are approximately 3 x 4.5 x 17/32 inches (w/h/d) or (75 x 113 x 13.2mm) and weigh 5 ounces or 145g.
All come with the usual sony apps and a few others including AudioPlayer (TJ37 only), Clie Software Suite, Decuma Latin Input, Flash player, Memory Stick backup, Netfront Web Browser v3.1, Picsel Viewer and the standard Palm OS apps.
The info comes from early drafts and images taken from the FCC, the specs and details could change when the units are officially announced by Sony. Pricing or anticipated availability is not known at this time.
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RE: That TH is outathe blue ... price?-
Sku no. 561401 Sony Handheld price $199.99
Sku no. 561402 Sony Handheld price $299.99
Sku no. 561444 New HH price $349.99
So far we're thinkin' the TH55 will be $349 :D.
Editor-In-Chief at: www.pocketloft.com
RE: That TH is outathe blue ... price?-
Former Tapwave's Helix fan, now a T|T3 fan.
RE: That TH is outathe blue ... price?-
RE: That TH is outathe blue ... price?-
No - the T|E has no Wi-Fi, voice recorder, or camera. Depending on yr needs - these are important additions. The Wi-Fi will be the obvious advantage here - still no wi-fi SD for Palm and even then the extra cost will more than make up the diff between the T|E and this Sony model (plus yr expansion slot will used up).
No Bluetooth atleast in US
Generic Casio > Psion 5/StarTac > Vx > m505 > Sony N770C > Sony T625C/Ericsson T39m > Sony NR70V > Toshiba e310 > Tungsten T/Ericsson T68m > HP h2210 > Tungsten T3/Ericsson T610
Dream comes true????
TH55: 73.3 ¡Ñ 121.5 ¡Ñ 13.4 mm (w/o cover), 165 g
TT3: 76 x 109 (slider closed) x 13 mm, 156g
Want to know about its' battery... hope better than TT3's 3 hours.
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
Now, to decide between the TE2, T3, T4, or this new Sony 55. What a pleasant decision.
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
Finally, finally, finally!
Now, to decide between the TE2, T3, T4
T4?? are there any reasonable rumors of a T4?
RE: Dream comes true????
Best Buy and some other chain recently listed the T3 as discontinued. But, no I haven't seen the kind of information about T4 that we have seen about the Zire 31 and TE2.
I am not really expecting a T4 before OS 6. I really like the software updates of the T3 and the extreme speed. I especially like the friendly way you can pop up the time with one button, as I use my Clie as a watch. In fact, I stopped wearing a watch shortly after I got my Clie without thinking about it.
I suppose there will be utilities that allow screen rotation, larger clips (in fact, Sony has some new cut and paste feature built in) and the rest. But, overall Sony is not doing software as well for my desires as PalmOne is.
Maybe I should buy one of each--TE2, T3, T4, TH55, TJ37, UX50 -- compare them all and send the ones I don't like all back. No, that would hardly be fair to Dell Online.
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
RE: Dream comes true????
I may get a $270 Minolta G400 digital camera with the dual MS and SD slots instead of the $150 Minolta X20 that only includes SD slot. Another extra expense and even then, I won't be able to run standard AVI or MPEG movies from the camera on the Clie without runnig them through the desktop with Kinoma first. This sure could be easier. But, it is what it is.
RE: Dream comes true????
Heard of MMPlayer?
RE: Dream comes true????
But, now, I HAVE to get a camera with memory stick if I go with the Clie over the T3. Hmmm.... G400 it is, I guess.
RE: Dream comes true????
There are strong rumors that the TT4 will have dual wireless, HVGA, ATI Imageon graphics card, ect.
RE: Dream comes true????
currently using Palm m125 and wants a Garmin iQue.
RE: TJ-27/37
I *DETEST* silver PDAs, dammit!
I've wanted a Batman Black one for so long -- and Sony finally got the shade *right* with that last NX (70? 73? whatever...). I hope this one has the same shade.
RE: TJ-27/37
But, that flat black just says pocket electronics to me.
Please come out now!
i have an ipaq 4150, a Zodiac1, a and nextel i95cl.
I heard...
i have an ipaq 4150, a Zodiac1, a and nextel i95cl.
Memory too small
Psion5 -> PalmV -> Filofax -> iPAQ5450 (stolen after 2 month) -> Clié SJ22 -> iPAQ2210 -> TungstenE -> Tungsten T3
RE: Memory too small
There is however 32 Mb ROM. I guess the new Clié apps take in a lot of space, but I'm sure some room could be freed up in there with a new version of Jacksprat.
RE: Memory too small
Pat Horne; www.churchoflivingfaith.com
Why does Sony always do this to me?
My blog: www.pocketfactory.com
RE: Why does Sony always do this to me?
Im going to buy a Sony TH55!
RE: Why does Sony always do this to me?
As to 32 MB. It seems cheap to me too. Wonder if they will do the same they did with the other Handeld Engine, the UX and include all that other odd memory? Either way, it is marginal, but workable for me.
And, Sony is not bad on upgrades. They upgraded at least one model. I am not sure, the old 610? It was from OS4 to OS 4.1 or something. With these models coming out just after OS 6 went gold master, I would think that they know enough about it to know whether or not upgrades are possible, but just don't have the time/desire to go all the way through the approval/documentation/testing to ship them with OS 6. It might be worth waiting a few weeks to see if there is official announcement of upgradability. I will have to wait until I am sure FITALY works.

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That TH is outathe blue ... price?-
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