HP Chief: Expect webOS Powered Slates, Printers
During HP's earnings conference call today, HP CEO Mark Hurd spoke a bit on the Palm acquisition and some of HP plans for its new assets. During his opening remarks he mentions a bit about how HP will utilize webOS saying (via CNET) also tweeted by HP:
"In order to enhance our intellectual property...in the connected-mobility space. We expect to leverage webOS into a variety of form factors, including slates and Web-connected printers, […] "With a whole series of Web-connected printers, as they connect to the Web, they need an OS."
HP's Todd Bradley already strongly hinted at webOS on tablet like devices from the beginning saying HP would "invest heavily" in webOS technology. In the financial department, HP had an impressive second quarter with net revenue of $30.8 billion, up 13%, or $3.5 billion, from a year earlier with strong double digit growth across all regions.
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RE: Printers?
In short, I had always believed that the world involved magic: now I thought that perhaps it involved a magician.
- Chesterton
RE: Printers?
Mike, you of all folks should know the ol' "lure 'em in with the cheap razors/printers & make a mint on the overpriced blades/ink" is the oldest trick in the book!
For starters, I'll just be happy to see HP release less bloated 'n buggy Windows printer drivers and change to some new corporate branding. That garish, spindly, swirling font looks like it was taken from the cover of a Harry Potter novel and needs to go ASAP!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: Printers?
webos tablet should be good.
RE: Printers?
Simply have one of your software division bureaucrats give the WebOS codemonkeys all the interface architecture. Hold a few meetings to determine deadlines. Then get your Jornadas and get the HPll outta the way. You'll finally get some intuitive printers that can consistently communicate with the host device.
BTW, throw in VGA OLEDs on our $69 deskjet too. :-D
Pat Horne
RE: Printers?
I have never looked at the screen on my printer. Not once in 3 years.
RE: Printers?
Here's a hint HP - work on improving the print quality!
RE: Printers?
Let hp go back to the goal of their founders, excellence and quality.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid
RE: Printers?
Pat Horne
RE: Printers?
"While I love the fact that Palm / WebOS has the financial backing to allow it to succeed..."
Change "Succeed" to "Continue"
RE: Printers?
RE: Printers?
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid
RE: Printers?
all of you fools waiting for some super HP/Palm device i want you to immediately go over to the nearest HP printer or laptop or other device you can find. look at the hardware. look at the software. welcome back to reality.
RE: Printers?
HP's business & enterprise line, however, is an entirely different animal. I recently had the pleasure of using an recent HP Elitebook ultraportable and it was a true pleasure. Right up with the best of the Thinkpads & higher-end VAIOs. It didn't run hot, had study hinges, and a nice, responsive keyboard.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: Printers?
i use an HP enterprise laptop and printers at work. boring, uninspired, runs hot, and clunky, clumsy, bloatware are the first words that come to mind.
BTW - go to your local Best Buy and see if they have any EVO dummy models in yet. my local BB had a few in and i compared the EVO to the Incredible and there was no comparison in terms of display size. i thought they were comparable being 4" vs. 4.3" but they are not. the EVO blows the Incredible away. what surprised me so much was not really the length but the width. the Incredible display is downright tiny compared to the EVO. EVO is all display and little bezel so you get a lot of display with not that big of a phone.
RE: Printers?
my bad - Incredible display is 3.7" vs. EVO 4.3". the real world difference - especially the width - is astonishing. go check it out.
RE: Printers?
3D Currency
Currently we have digital currency though it is still not legal tender. Interac was designed to replace cheques and is a form of digital currency that one can not see.
The Jetsons era was not as advanced in commerce as we are though they did have flying cars and robots.
The future is very exciting and getting more people excited about the future is fun too.
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RE: 3D Currency
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: 3D Currency
The sad reality is while people were scheming to go to war and training terrorists others were thinking of peaceful ways to trade. That trade resides in the minds of those that shared their thoughts. We will simply continue to build on our thoughts when the rest of our crew is home again.
3D currency, naturally digital, can follow none 3D digital currency. This offers people more work and enhances our advanced economy. As mentioned before we can show what digital currency would look like we have that today. What we do not have is a we-com virtual wallet.
Some want everything in one device and some see the value in two devices. One for our wallet and the rest. We-com virtual wallets will interact with other choice this will help people that do not want to lose their valued content. If everything is in one and it is lost then time is lost and money is lost. A we-com virtual wallet communicating with other devices will assure neither can get lost or left behind.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: 3D Currency
Some are already using digital currency in their marketing when they are really offering digital cheques. Digital currency can me transfered from person to person and acts just like analog currency in every way. Digital cheques can not be transfered from person to person without a debit card machine. Mobile debit cards exist however one must have a merchant account. Digital cash transaction do not require a debit machine just the ability to transfer digital currency from one device to the next ... true digital currency is not digital cheques. Debit transaction are not digital cash they are digital cheques.
Any thoughts?
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
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RE: 3D Currency
What do you think? Would you like digital currency that can trade at the speed of light and sound in and outside the box? Would you like to see your currency in a we-com virtual wallet?
Please share your thoughts too.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: 3D Currency
"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger" - Friedrich Nietzsche
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: 3D Currency
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
webOS vs. Android
He did a several-hour live videocast on Ustream yesterday that I attended.
Man, that thing is basically a piece of crap. All of you who think Android has a future outside of phones, go look. See vids linked through at:
RE: webOS vs. Android
1. (Presumably) Better *EVENTUAL* scalability to non-phone formfactors (Tablets etc). Right now, Android is the winner, simply due to the presence of virtual keyboards and more UI options.
2. Better PIM functionality. It's a huge step back from Garnet but it's still better than any other "next-gen" platform. Garnet still takes the cake in this category. Android's stock PIM features are absolutely atrocious and, in many sheer usability aspects, worse than a 14 year old Pilot 1000. Palm also offers more "standard" apps in every device (memos app etc) and doesn't rely as much on semi-mandatory app downloads from the market.
3. Better multitasking on WebOS due to the card metaphor. Though I must admit, I consider multittasking on a mobile OS mostly a waste of processor cycles & battery power.
3. Better POP/IMAP email (ie non Gmail) support
4. WebOS has a better system for alerts & notifications
5. Better one-handed usage (again, however, not up to par with Garnet).
6. Full backup (supposedly) to the Palm Profile. A gmail "backup" of your Android device just restores contacts/calendar events and apps purchased from the Market.
7. A closed ecosystem leads to (presumably) more stability, compatibility, and guaranteed OS updates.
8.I think the Pre's browser scores a few points higher on the Acid
9. For better or worse, MotionApps Classic is still available and receiving occasional updates. And Palm's migration utility works better than expected and helps "average" users transition from Palm Desktop to the cloud.
Android advantages:
1. It has a FULL, stable, and robust Docs To Go option. WebOS isn't going to get one any time soon unless HP rolls their own solution or throws some big $ at Dataviz
2. Far more apps. Far more free apps. Android has a small handful of absolutely phenomenal killer apps such as Google Maps w/ navigation, Google Earth, ShopSavvy, and Aldiko. I am not aware of any must have WebOS apps along the lines of DtBk6, Splash Data's various products, etc.
3. Google Maps w/ navigation. This is such a killer app it deserves a mention on its own. THE single best reason to have an Android device now. It even shows a street view image of your destination prior to your arrival. And it's FREE on any of the supporting devices. No more lame $10/month for a lame carrier-specific Telenav app. VZW can pull the "free" Hotspot offer from their Pre & Pixi but Google is (presumably) here to offer free turn by turn directions for the forseeable future.
4. Android has a huge variety of devices currently running the OS with hardware choices galore. Want a 4.3" 4G HTC Sense monstrosity? It's there. Want stock Android 2.1 with a 3.7" screen and slide-out keyboard? It's there. Want OLED? Yup. Want a pre-paid or non-phone wi-fi only device? They are here now and/or coming soon. Of course, this is going to fragment the Android market terribly but I highly doubt Google cares much at this stage of the game.
5. I think the Android Webkit browser scores a few points higher on the Acid3 test than does Palm's webkit browser.
6.If you have bought into the whole perpetually in beta Google ecocystem, the newest Android devices (OS 2.0+) have VERY tight integration.
7. This is similar to #4 but Google trumps WebOS in several critical features. It had video recording support for many months prior to WebOS' video recorder addition in 1.4. Android supports voice memos as well well as external AND internal storage volumes. Android also has 4G WiMax support NOW, user-programmable voicemail passwords, and has frighteningly accurate voice dialing, search and now voice dictation. So you can compose a text message while driving by simply speaking our your message.
8. I'm not a huge Gmail fan but at least you can access your Gmail account on any web browser and browse/edit contacts and calendar appointments. If your WebOS device syncs to your Palm profile, your data is backed up but you have no way to check a contact if your WebOS device is broken or got left at home.
9. Android devices do not come with a nightmarish mandatory connection to the cloud. I could buy a CDMA Android device and ship it to a friend overseas and he could bypass the activation menu with 4 quick taps on the touchscreen. Unless something has changed with a recent patch, a WebOS device would require acceses to a Linux machine, all kinds of custom hackers and quite a bit of patience & research. Plus, a WebOS device could very well cease functioning completely if something happened to Palm's servers. I've used my Droid at length in areas with no wireless service at all and it works splendidly as a wi-fi only machine.
10. Android devices with comparable hardware specs to the Pre & Pixi exhibit better performance and far less lag.
BOTH Android & WebOS drop the ball by not support voice dialing over Bluetooth! WTF??? This is 2010, not 2000! I had a Motorola flip dumbphone that had rudimentary voice dialing over BT in 2004 or 2005! This is completely unacceptable in this day & age.
So, in summary, I think that right now Android is the slightly superior platform due to the sheer momentum of the platform, number of apps, and the wide variety & quality of the hardware options. IF HP plays their cards right and pumps a lot of $ into WebOS, that situation can be completely reversed in a year from now. I think HP has a lot more at stake and many more reasons to seriously address WebOS' shortcomings than does the perpetually ADD Google.
Basically, I shall consider the first HP-bred WebOS products the first REAL WebOS devices. The Pre & Pixi WebOS 1.x variants were merely beta devices for a rushed, buggy, unfinished and underwhelming OS.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
Well done
It was a good effort based on their budget and time. No matter how good there is always room for improvement. It was so good that HP bought the company that says much about their effort.
Big budget = big results. The future is limitless with imagination and will.
Well done.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
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Where was Palm
Here's the link, what do you think...http://jkontherun.com/2010/05/18/gm-brings-android-to-the-car/
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid
RE: Where was Palm
success breeds success.
RE: Where was Palm
**** GM and the underhanded claim that they paid back their bailout. They paid back $7B in cash that was borrowed. What about the other $53B in stock? I hope they fail again.
RE: Where was Palm
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
HP puts DRM on printer ink!!
HP subdivides the world
And look at this Comment:
>>>Don't know if other companies do this, but HP is basically spyware, IMO. Had to uninstall my HP printer due to faulty install. Took 30 minutes, and I watched it scan every file on my computer as it did so. Then I reinstalled, and this time watched what I was installing.
And I can confirm that uninstalling damned HP drivers take a LONNNNG time. I just had to ditch them this week. There were many of them and all told it came to over a frikkin HOUR to get rid of them! Now I understand why! Bastids.
RE: HP puts DRM on printer ink!!
my bloated new HP printer drivers/software crashes almost daily. as i was reading your post it crashed again. no kidding. see below.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: hpqtra08.exe
Application Version: 130.0.376.0
Application Timestamp: 4a163449
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdadb
Exception Code: c00000fd
Exception Offset: 0005ddfe
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
RE: HP puts DRM on printer ink!!
Hi Ryan
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: Hi Ryan
e_tellurian wrote:
Is there any way to view more Most Recent News Comments in the Profile field?Thanks,
It might be easier to find your older posts if you didn't keep posting the same message multiple times :-P
RE: Hi Ryan
That would be a limit of 10 News Comments in the Profile field before losing the first News Comment. When i go back to review i am limited to 10? Can i choose the 10 i wish to keep? There are almost 10 years of News Comments. It would be nice to review them all. A search field perhaps?
Ryan it is only a request please do not lose sleep over this or expense. If it can not be done so be it. Please let me know.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
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Well, I guess this could work, but geez, lower the price of that ink, HP. It's been calculated it goes for like $5,000 per gallon!