PalmSource 2004 Powered Up Awards Nominations

As part of the preparations for the upcoming PalmSource Developer Conference 2004, PalmSource is putting out the call for nominees for the 2004 U.S. Powered Up Software Awards.  The Awards are given to 4 outstanding Palm OS applications, in the categories of Enterprise/Productivity, Games/Entertainment, Multimedia, and Wireless/Over-the-air.

The prestigious awards offer exciting opportunities to winning developers, not to mention accolades from peers and the Palm Powered user community. The past winners are posted here.

Powered Up Awards will be given based on the following:

Innovation - Does the solution push the boundaries of the current technology or provide a bridge to the next generation of technology?
Exciting and New Solution - Is this solution different than anything else that came before it?
Popularity - Does this solution lead the industry in sales or downloads?
Benefits - Does this solution enhance the quality of someone's business or personal life?
Ease of Use - Is this solution simple, elegant, and useful?
Support - Has this application recently been updated/upgraded, does it support OS 5, is product support above industry standard?

You can nominate your favorite Palm OS application or developer for the 2004 U.S. Powered Up Awards online. Four Powered Up Award winners will be announced during the PalmSource Developer Conference 2004 at the San Jose Fairmont in San Jose, CA on February 10-12, 2004. All nominations must be received by Friday, January 30, 2004. There are contest rules and a FAQ posted at

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I hope they will leave Bejeweled aside this time

Konstantin @ 1/18/2004 9:40:14 PM #
How much more can one app stay in the most innovative for so long being equaly the same year after a year.

It looks sad that the Awards cannot or wont see another bunch of good apps/games to praise for innovations or inventive/creativity.

RE: I hope they will leave Bejeweled aside this time
adamrichman @ 1/18/2004 9:49:42 PM #
And what does that say about the software base below it... nothing can beat this game? It's not even that fun after awhile, all you do is mindlessly match colors...

water's a lot cooler than fire.

What did you nominate?

Massman82 @ 1/18/2004 11:10:11 PM #
I nominated Legacy for entertainment/games. It was a close call between Legacy and Warfare but Legacy was better for me overall. May nominate Warfare next.

What did you guys pick? Especially for the games category?

Clie NX60 -

RE: What did you nominate?
JonathanChoo @ 1/18/2004 11:21:11 PM #
Well I nominated:

Productivity: VersaMail
Games: MagicWorld
Multimedia: MMPlayer
Wireless: WebPro

Generic Casio > Psion 5/StarTac > Vx > m505 > Sony N770C > Sony T625C/Ericsson T39m > Sony NR70V > Toshiba e310 > Tungsten T/Ericsson T68m > HP h2210 > Tungsten T3/Ericsson T610

Here is mine

Tanamas @ 1/19/2004 4:15:34 AM #
Exciting and New Solution - Receiveit
Popularity - ZLauncher
Benefits - Receiveit
Ease of Use - Receiveit
Support - Receiveit

Well, I am all for Receiveit at this time since this little piece of software gives me a tremendous benefit.

RE: Here is mine
4s @ 1/19/2004 11:34:42 AM #
Zlauncher - the BEST
Palm Reader

oh year, and the Unilinear Parachute :)


RE: Here is mine
just_little_me @ 1/20/2004 3:23:50 PM #
"oh year, and the Unilinear Parachute :)"

that's cruel...



triggahead @ 1/19/2004 9:44:37 AM #
Yes, this is very nice news indeed but where is the PalmOS 6? it was shipped in late december, but where is the information? Wasn't there supposed to be a live-stream from Nagel's presentation? And a re-broadcast available later? Where is all the information? I'm not talking about the press releases we've been reading for the last 2 years, but real information on tehnological specification, release schedules, product news, screenshots? No wonder why Palm/PalmOne/PalmSource/the Palm Economy/Palm whatnot is considered to be lacking in credibility when it acts this way! The way the Palm corporations behave affects the general image of their products. If PalmOS devices are ever going to become considered as essential business tools that have the potential to revolutionise the use of IT in corporations, it have to start behaving like a professional corporation with reliable information feeds and a clear technological strategy. PalmOne/PalmSource are both lacking in these areas. When will they grow up?

JKingGrim @ 1/19/2004 11:20:45 AM #
FEBRUARY 2ND! Geeze! Calm down. PalmSource is not irresponsible. OS6 was shipped to licensees. February sencond we will have all info.

Ben S @ 1/19/2004 11:50:42 AM #
Why would Palm release oodles of info on OS6 while there's so much OS5 hardware in the pipleine? It would canibalize their sales (hello, Osbourne syndrome anyone?) The licensees would KILL PalmSource if they heaped too much praise on OS6.

When the devices are ready, you'll hear more than you want to about OS6!

triggahead @ 1/19/2004 12:33:44 PM #
What happens on the 2nd of february?
maven @ 1/19/2004 12:57:21 PM #
triggahead asked:
"What happens on the 2nd of february?"

On February 2nd, the groundhog comes out of his ground. If he sees his shadow, we are in for six more weeks of winter (or, in the case of Sweden, 6 more months ;)

bcombee @ 1/19/2004 1:36:38 PM #
A huge amount of Palm OS 6 information will be made available on February 10th at the Developer Conference.

You can go ahead and look at the schedule of talks at This should give you an idea of the scope of changes with the new operating system. Just looking at the topics and the descriptions of the talks will tell a lot about the new OS.

Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at

triggahead @ 1/19/2004 3:02:33 PM #
to maven: i'm soooooo amazed by your ability to guess where i am...

to ben combee: thanks for the link - it was quite interesting! two more questions:

do you know maybe how much of beos-technology is integrated into the palmos 6? palm bought beos and its technology, and a number of their engineers were transfered to their os-division. however, i heard that it would take some time before beos-technologies would be integrated into future palmos-versions. judging by the information provided by palmsource it seems that palmos 6 will have impressive multimedia and multitasking capabilities - typical beos features. but is palmos 6 based on beos-technology or is it "just" an os created by some ex-beos-employees? or is it even worse, an palmos5 with added features?

in retrospect, what was the purpose of the palmos5? it was introduced less than 18 months ago. its evolution and development has been rather limited. and now it looks like it is being phased out. OK, palmos5 was needed because of the evident limitations with os4. but it seems more like they created a slightly modified version of os4 for the ARM-processor and called it palmos5. it seems as if wasn't a longterm-project from the start. what is your view on the issue?

bcombee @ 1/19/2004 3:55:14 PM #
First, Palm OS 5 isn't going away. Development on it is continuing, and PalmSource already has mentioned a smartphone-centric release of it that will arrive later this year.

Second, from what I've seen, OS 5 was built to accomplish two goals:

1) Enable Palm OS licensees to ship ARM-based hardware
2) Provide a major speed improvement for the Palm OS platform

It did both of those well.

Since OS 6 is such a major change, I think it was a wise move on PalmSource's part to split the ARM transition into two, less risky parts, and the popularity of OS 5 devices has shown that to be a smart strategy.

Finally, I can't talk about OS 6 yet. Sorry.

Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at

allemande @ 1/20/2004 8:55:18 AM #
>>> Since OS 6 is such a major change, I think it was a wise move on PalmSource's part to split the ARM transition into two, less risky parts, and the popularity of OS 5 devices has shown that to be a smart strategy.<<<

or in other word: we are going to hear "80%" compatibility BS again, which roughly translate to 'everything you pay money and deemed important for is broken'. 100% of apps you wish would work is in that 20%.

mikecane @ 1/20/2004 9:22:37 AM #
Hey, goofball (aka ska!), at least PalmOS never had that SH3/MIPS crapola!

How many apps were *you* able to transfer from Palm-Size PC to the latest PPCs?

There's stuff from *years* ago that will *still* run on PalmOS 5!

allemande @ 1/20/2004 3:13:16 PM #
almost none. heh.

all sh/mips has arm version too. What's more the number of apps from that period is so small it really isn't that bad. Now if MS pulls that trick again, there will be riot on the street.

Palm compatibility? how about checking 4.1, treo600, clie, hi-res, hi-res+... gaw.. It's a jungle out there.

Treo 600 compatibility is particularly bad. They might as well split the platform.

RE: WHERE the helllllllllllllllllllllll IS PALMOS 6????????
;-) @ 1/20/2004 10:03:41 PM #
almost none. heh.

all sh/mips has arm version too. What's more the number of apps from that period is so small it really isn't that bad. Now if MS pulls that trick again, there will be riot on the street.

Palm compatibility? how about checking 4.1, treo600, clie, hi-res, hi-res+... gaw.. It's a jungle out there.

Treo 600 compatibility is particularly bad. They might as well split the platform.

Way to bust his chops, Ska! You go girl!

It's just too big.

mikecane @ 1/21/2004 9:57:49 AM #
>>>Way to bust his chops, Ska! You go girl!


Gekko @ 1/21/2004 1:01:46 PM #
What/When is the next version of MS PPC coming? Do you think they'll finally get it right?

In the FINALLY Category

Timothy Rapson @ 1/19/2004 12:13:08 PM #
In the Finally category for hardware, software and firmware I nominate:

TealPaint: Finally a paint program that at least matches the best OS4 paintware! This program was announced 18 months ago for delivery over a year ago! Well, it is here now and for all the waiting it does not support truetype, won't load even JPEGs from a memory stick, and does little more than bring TealPaint 4.0 to hires. Well, at least it is here, and with the desktop conduit can do an awful lot for a $20 PDA program running on even very basic ARM hardware.

The Virtual Grafitti standard portrait models!: Both Palm and Sony will be shipping this Spring cool HVGA models with zippy ARMs, Lots of RAM, and cameras. There is a LOT of evidence of a new T4, TE2, TH55, but I also expect an updated Zire 71 and new NX and UX series models either as late OS 5 or early OS 6 models FINALLY!

OS 6: I am not so sold on the need for multi-tasking, which is the big deal that OS 6 is supposed to deliver. I would like some standard graphics support. I would like TrueType support (I guess I will have to wait for February 2 to find out if these will really work as I'd like.) Standard and powerful development tools that can bring us software to truly match that of the other upstart handheld platform from that tiny company in Redmond.

RE: In the FINALLY Category
skennedy1217 @ 1/19/2004 12:49:04 PM #
OS 6: I am not so sold on the need for multi-tasking, which is the big deal that OS 6 is supposed to deliver.

Here are a couple that I've run across recently:

1) I track my upcoming bills using HanDBase and check them off when I pay them. I would like to enter them in Pocket Quicken at the same time. Right now I have to close one program and log onto the other...each time entering a PIN or Password. It'd be a lot easier if I could toggle back and forth using multi-tasking.

2) Similar situation to the above. I store software keys in Splash ID. Although you can copy the ID to the clipboard, sometimes the application that you are trying to register won't allow items to be pasted from the clipboard (most recently for me it was Palm Reader Pro). Being able to toggle (or if possible do a split screen) would save me from having to write the software key down on a piece of paper.

I imagine that people might have other examples such as the looking up of phone numbers, addresses, etc.


RE: In the FINALLY Category
helf @ 1/19/2004 10:38:49 PM #
actually, most of what you said can be accomplished with the help of mcphling and some nice DAs :) But I agree, MultiTasking will be nice, tho its not really needed that badly unless you are wanting to do net stuff...

ooo.. Now maybe someone can right a debugger that runs on your palm.. now that would be a useful app :D

RE: In the FINALLY Category
benixau @ 1/20/2004 8:03:11 AM #
I use a pocketpc (long story). I have WiFi. Now I am in PIE (pocket internet exloder) and looking at a web page over a pay-to-surf WiFi network or a GPRS via BT connection.
On PalmOS currently, I have to close my web browser and go to the other program with the information in it and then go back into my web browser, reload the page (data download) and the proceed to enter data.

If you use wireless, multi-tasking is vital. If you only do diray+a few games - who gives a stuff. But there are people out there who need multi-tasking.

The trick is to have it so that when you are only running an app + launcher (which wouldn't close) you don't notice the difference between that and the old OS5 if it was as optimised as OS6. IOW - don't let the overhead get noticed.

PPC stuffed it up (especially smartphone), hopefully POS used all that BeOS tech and got it right.

RE: In the FINALLY Category
helf @ 1/20/2004 3:29:18 PM #
yes, I love BeOS and I hope palm OS6 is a stable as it. I can't wait for os6 :D

RE: In the FINALLY Category
mikecane @ 1/21/2004 9:59:07 AM #
>>>If you use wireless, multi-tasking is vital.


RE: In the FINALLY Category
skennedy1217 @ 1/23/2004 5:28:23 PM #
actually, most of what you said can be accomplished with the help of mcphling and some nice DAs :

Well, I have McPhling and I can switch back and forth between Pocket Quicken and Splash ID just fine, but I am still required to log into each program each time I switch over because leaving an app causes it to close. I want multi-tasking so I only have to enter my PIN once until I truly exit the program (i.e., multitask and switch between open apps). What are these DAs you mentioned?



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