Verizon Palm Pre Plus Drops Below $30
Verizon is continuing the trend of rapid fire discounts on Palm products. Big red shoppers can now walk away with a Palm Pre Plus for $29.99. The deal can now be found both online and at retail locations and still includes the free mobile hotspot service. No rebates required, just $30 worth of federal reserve notes and a two year contract commitment.
If you're still looking to save some coin, Amazon's one cent deal is also still in effect for the Pre Plus and Pixi Plus on Verizon.
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Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
As to the useless without activation process, that's an issue I immediately raised last year but of course everyone shrugged it off by asking why you'd want to use a Pre as an unconnected, wi-fi only device.
At the very least, Palm should throw a bone to those users who had faith to pony up for one last new Palm device and release a ROM update in the near future that disables the pointless activation screen. Like Android, let users either just skip the activation sequence or bypass it with a simple series of taps (Konami code, anyone?)
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
It involves connecting your Pre to a PC running Linux etc etc. This was in the ~WebOS 1.2 days, so things may have changed in the past 9 months or so. In short, entirely too much work for something where a simple onscreen "cancel" button wouldsuffice.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
Palm's reputation is shot, if HP doesn't re-name WebOS and ditch the Palm name they'll have a hard time getting a customer base for their new gadgets.
Tech Center Labs
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
I travel internationally all the time and roaming data to link to the cloud is a killer cost-wise. A tech savvy friend went to the States for about 10 days and came home (Hong Kong where we are based) to a US$3000 phone bill resulting from downloading email attachments while roaming. Great news for the carriers but terrible for consumers.
RE: Expect to see inventory on eBay in 6 months
And I hope they will provide users with: easy tools to remotely sync with their own home computers/servers, SD card slots for easy on-device expansion/backup/recovery, a COMPLETE software bundle including TealLock-quality phone security application, MS Office compatibility, remote device locking/wiping/tracking, solid multimedia applications, bulletproof email with easy MS Exchange (and Blackberry - dream on) integration, high quality + reliable hardware and better-than-Garnet PIM.
I have my Sprint Centro 2, all my apps and registration codes backed up, and another brand new Centro 2 stored away. I'll try out the HTC EVO and iPhone 4G and see if they relegate the Centro to PDA-only duty. Either way, I'm not planning to rely on whatever happens in this latest chapter of the Palm drama (tragedy?).
Microsoft 'kin't' do it
See? I KNEW MS would botch this. KNEW it. This only told me HOW badly they actually did. And, boy, is it bad!!
How much more money does MS have vs what was the standalone Palm? Yet looked at what Palm was able to accomplish! They'll SLAY MS with HP now.
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
Pat Horne
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
Tech Center Labs
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
I am not interested in learning another OS. My wife & kids, who always call me when a foreign looking pop up displays still have not much more than a passing familiarity with Windows. I don't see them migrating because of some weak feature phone. Maybe power users like you, but not the general public.
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
It also hurts that *Ballmer* is "leading" them. He's no techie. He's a goddammed marketing guy. Wouldn't know a GUI if it bit his fat ass.
RE: Microsoft KIN do it. Just DO it.
Apple was near death and reinvented itself with the iPod, then the brilliant iPhone and now are more a mobile phone/electronics company than they are a computer company. If the iPad builds on that, Apple may be able to leverage the iPhoneOS success to make Apple a serious threat to Microsoft Windows. Microsoft needs to get hardware as stylish and as functional as Apple's out ASAP, before people start asking, "Microsoft who?". It's ironic that Bill Gates himself has talked in the past about how companies that fail to continue running scared and innovating will quickly fall by the wayside.
Buying successful companies like Danger and then destroying their products is not a good strategy. Palm showed us all where this can lead. Microsoft needs to focus on doing thing like making Windows Mobile 7 the best mobile OS available, making XBox the premiere gaming platform, making handwriting and speech recognition reliable and commonplace options for data entry and bringing revolutionary form factors like the Courier project to the market. Once they refine their focus they can press their advantages (inertia, familiarity, installed user base) to lock up every niche market like sales, real estate, health care, education, publishing, etc. Perfecting voice recognition would be a quick way to show off the advantages of Windows over other platforms. But if Microsoft waits too long other platforms will figure out how to use competing software to make every Windows feature redundant. It's already happening with iPhone and if Apple was to add near-perfect voice recognition and a few more features like front-facing camera + 4G to the iPad Microsoft may find its non-business sales drying up overnight.
RE: Microsoft 'kin't' do it
Don't let them get their hands on an iPad! They are Apple's target customers and they will probably abandon Windows all together.
Tech Center Labs
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