Rubinstein: We Still Have a Plan
The Financial Times has published a new article on Palm with a number of select quotes from Jon Rubinstein. The article is entitled "Palm pledges to survive as an independent" and as such it focus on the recent Palm is for sale meme with some color commentary from the Palm CEO.
The article highlights Ruby's media message that he has a plan to return the company to profitability. Citing a team working "fast and furious on new handsets" he mentions that they "do have a strong pipeline of products in the future." He also has to answer questions on the acquisition talk to which he says it will always be something they have to consider, and he also mentions shortly after that they may even be open to licensing webOS should a "appropriate strategic relationship or business deal" make sense.
Article Comments
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RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
That and five dollars will buy you a sandwich.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
No where do I see anything about jewel encrusted buttons with a platinum shell, crystal screen, carbon fiber screws and gold inlays. You should get right on that ET.
I, like you, am shocked that no one would want to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a device like this that would have enough heft to it you'd always know it was with you without having to do the geek gesture of tapping your pockets real quick. It would also be nice to know that years after the OS and innards had been surpassed by newer code and faster technology, your investment was well placed in the technologically ancient device that has more bling than an MTV video from the late 90's.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
ET, no offense intended, but you need to dial back the frequency of your repetitive posts. It is getting harder to find posts that I want to read among the flotsam and jetsam that you spew out. And reading your aggravating posts makes me want to put my fist through the screen.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Pat Horne
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
P.S. I picked up a 2nd VZW Centro as a backup to my backup of my Treo 755p backup. I'm knee deep in FrankenGarnet for long haul, baby!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
:-(lol) that would be nice. Though the we-com virtual wallet is very much a part of my thoughts. Plan-et can bring an interactive we-com virtual wallet to market.- E-T
>>>It is getting harder to find posts that I want to read among the flotsam and jetsam that you spew out. And reading your aggravating posts makes me want to put my fist through the screen.
Amen!- mikecane
If all else fails true one can always pray for a solution. Who knows perhaps your prayer will be answered. It is definitely better than crying.- E-T
Me thinks that ET's got too much metal lodged in his brain.
ET, no offense intended, but you need to dial back the frequency of your repetitive posts. It is getting harder to find posts that I want to read among the flotsam and jetsam that you spew out. And reading your aggravating posts makes me want to put my fist through the screen.- BaalthazaaR
No one is forcing you to read my thoughts. May i suggest anger management classes ... no offense taken. -E-T
This is interesting. Social Times has a list of 10 things Palm could do that might help save Palm
No where do I see anything about jewel encrusted buttons with a platinum shell, crystal screen, carbon fiber screws and gold inlays. You should get right on that ET.
I, like you, am shocked that no one would want to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a device like this that would have enough heft to it you'd always know it was with you without having to do the geek gesture of tapping your pockets real quick. It would also be nice to know that years after the OS and innards had been surpassed by newer code and faster technology, your investment was well placed in the technologically ancient device that has more bling than an MTV video from the late 90's.-EdH
The beauty is one can always update the software to keep up with the value of the hardware. It is true we have become a society that is used to throwing away low cost items. It is nice to know some people still want to invest in quality. Perhaps such quality can unlock some of Palms true value.-E-T
About all Palm has at this point is a plan.
That and five dollars will buy you a sandwich.-jca666us
Sounds like a pretty cheap plan? Thats about all we can buy at the current Palm stock price. Perhaps some more thoughts will help unlock more of Palms true value we we can buy more than one sandwich ... sharing is nice-E-T
i am happy to know some people share my enthusiasm for other material than low grade plastic hardware. The hardware would be premium quality such quality that can keep up with the constant updates needed to keep up with the desire of the Palm customer.
Thanks for your thoughts.
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RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
P.S. I picked up a 2nd VZW Centro as a backup to my backup of my Treo 755p backup. I'm knee deep in FrankenGarnet for long haul, baby!- hkklife
e-knarr could also be called friendship. After all a knarr was a trading ship that set out to make friend through trade. True we did not always make friends on the sagas, lord knows we tried.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
So, you don't have to make the thing out of billet aluminum but a small metal trim piece could be made of something nicer to give a feeling of better manufacturing without causing a weight penalty. Maybe a piece of titanium that has a distinctive brown sheen to it.
Products have sailed off into success for lesser reasons.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Over the past decade or so, Palm would periodically refresh their lineup with an aluminum-clad device that had better build quality than the rest of the lineup. We went from the V series to the m500 series to the T|T line. Then Palm started playing the shell game with us, became Palm0ne, and got cheap and we had a serioes of plasticky junk until the LifeDrive came around....which despite being the best-constructed Palm device EVER was also the poorest spec'd and conceived Palm device EVER. And then that was it for Palm's forays into "premium" devices. For another example look at the Handspring Visor Edge. It was sleek AND built like a miniature tank. Had it just appeared a few years later as a Palm product with a proper SDIO slot instead of that mini Springboard nonsense and a better stylus (retratable T|T style?) I feel it would've made a minor splash. And despite its ergonomic flaws, the original Moto RAZR WAS a trend-setter and was quite sturdily built. Again, alumimum in important areas, with plastic in other areas where weight/cost/signal strength concerns come into play. There's no reason Palm couldn't do that now.
Now you have various high-end HTC handsets and the Motorola Droid and of course the iPhone gobbling up the "premium quality" market. That's still no excuse for Palm to have spec'd such horrible components in certain areas of the Pre (the slider mechanism, the power button, the microUSB port cover etc).
I just don't think there's any need whatsoever (nor any profitability!) in crafting Palm devices from precious metals. A nice Guerilla Glass screen, aluminum-clad body and solid build quality (sourced from HTC perhaps?) and solid internal hardware would be more than sufficient to improve upon Palm's past efforts.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Tuckermaclain wrote:
He makes a good point. I think you flamers just don't see it.
Tucker, you're right.
ET, I apologize. I think that I accidentally read one too many of your posts while tired and in a bad mood resulting in an unfair characterization of your post.
I usually read this site early before having any coffee and late at night after putting in 12-18 hours when I don't have patience for your usual repetitive and convoluted drivel (at least from my perspective at the time). I apologize if my calling that seems offensive. If you spent a little time re-reading your post and editing it for quality before posting it, I'm sure it would make a lot of difference.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Still ET, you've posted the same thread at least 50 times in unrelated topics.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Regardless of how good Palms quality is today looking at new premium and ultra premium markets offer Palm new opportunities to satisfy more customers. Perhaps the signature series is a limited number of offerings. A set number of Palm devices that can pay for itself. A premium Palm Classic made from high end plastics such as carbon fiber and premium Palm Classic made from premium metals such as titanium. Then the ultra premium Palm Jewel made from precious metal such as gold, silver and platinum.
The quality of thought is always judged by others. The content is the value added, how it is said helps understanding. Though one can always ask questions for clarity. Content gives the English language purpose. One could write in other languages and include English. The planet is a big sphere of opportunity that encompasses many languages am sure several of the languages would appreciate premium and ultra premium Palm choices.
Perhaps English is an innovative language as a consequence of the people that choose to speak English.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
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RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Have those that have purchased both Palm products and Palm stock helped Palm get to the future? Is Palm's future home still in North America? Will Palm incorporate exotic metals and exotic plastics into their product?
Does having a premium and ultra premium market offer more for Palm to build? Does this activity enhance Palms value by demonstrating that Palm is thinking about the future and investing in their future while learning from the present and past?
Please continue to share your thoughts too.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached|fr|
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
To your point, yes, a device that feels cheap won't do as well as one that feels solid, all other things being equal. WebOS's problem though isn't the device, it is the platform. Developers haven't embraced it. The old Palm faithful haven't embraced it since there isn't any real support for PalmOS. The ads were horrible so the uninformed consumer had no idea what was being advertised, sort of like the 90's Infinity commercials that were about trees and babbling brooks, but never had a car in them.
Adding bling to the device won't save it. The chance for success was last summer when it launched and there was a lot of buzz around the product. Now the only buzz is about how long the company will survive. They missed their chance and few care anymore. I cannot even conceive of a device they could create that would reignite the discussion. WebOS just has a failed taint to it now in my opinion.
Metal lipstick on a pig
Even this seems somewhat outdated- Apple has been gradually taking the hardware out of the equation.
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
faster CPU along with a larger - and higher resolution display - along with an optimized version of webos and a native sync solution and palm might have a chance!
RE: Do people want more metal in their hardware?
The platform is evolving.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached|fr|
How to survive the death of Palm
It's time to face what we have dreaded for years, yet tried try to pretend was not inevitable: Palm's demise.
As a public service, I, Fake Jeff Hawkins am pleased to offer the following advice to current PalmOS users that are not sure what to do next in these uncertain times.
1) Decide whether or not it's time to completely pull the plug and abandon PalmOS for good. Review the advantages and disadvantages of PalmOS for your unique usage patterns and compare them to the features offered by competing operating systems like iPhone OS, Android, and Windows Mobile. In many cases, these competing operating systems have evolved to the point that you may feel that they are competitive with PalmOS. If you dislike the features and user interface of these other operating systems then it is probably in your best interest to stick with Palm for at least a little longer.
2) Review the programs that you use the most and check to see whether or not the same or equivalent programs are available on competing operating systems or whether or not a PalmOS emulator that can run all of your favorite PalmOS applications is available for the competing operating systems. Make sure that you actually test any emulators yourself and inquire as to whether or not these emulators are compatible with any conduits that are necessary to work with your applications. In many cases developers have begun releasing versions of former Palm-only applications and in some instances these non-Palm versions are actually superior to the original Palm applications (e.g. the superb application tryda was recently released for iPhoneOS). Given the size of the Palm application catalog it will not be surprising if you find that there are some applications that you use that have no equivalents on competing operating systems. In those cases you will need to decide whether or not the lack of availability of these unique programs are a dealbreaker for you.
3) Review how much it will cost in both hardware and repurchasing all of the software needed to fully recreate your previous PalmOS application environment. Decide re: whether or not these costs are prohibitive.
4) Review your current PalmOS hardware and decide how important it is to you that unique form factors (e.g. Palm Centro, Sony CLIE UX50, Palm Vx) may not be available in the hardware running competing operating systems.
5) Decide re: whether or not you are willing to carry a separate phone and PDA or if you want to carry only a single device. If you are interested in only carrying a single device, in many cases modern non-PalmOS hardware is significantly superior to the hardware running PalmOS smartphones. In these instances, sticking with PalmOS would be ill advised, given the number of features that users would miss out on if not taking advantage of newer smartphones running competing operating systems. If you are willing to carry 2 separate devices decide re: how best to combine these devices. By using 2 separate devices users maximize flexibility, ease of upgrading, data redundancy and work efficiency at the cost of added bulk. Some of the combination options include:
Latest smartphone hardware (e.g. Sprint HTC EVO) + old PalmOS PDA (e.g. Palm Vx)
Latest smartphone hardware (e.g. Apple iPhone) + unique PalmOS PDA (e.g. Sony CLIE UX50)
Latest smartphone hardware (e.g. Google Nexus One) + PalmOS smartphone (e.g. Palm Centro 2)
PalmOS smartphone (e.g. Palm Treo 755p) + non PalmOS PDA or tablet device (e.g. Apple iPod Touch)
Dumbphone (e.g.Samsung Rogue) and PalmOS PDA (e.g. Palm Tungsten X)
webOS smartphone (e.g. Palm Pixi) and PalmOS smartphone (e.g. Palm Centro 2)
Dumbphone (e.g. Blackberry Bold) and PalmOS smartphone (e.g. Palm Centro 2)
6) If deciding to carry 2 separate devices decide if you want to have 1 or 2 active cell phone plans and 1 or 2 active data plans. Factors in this decision include need for having a backup cell phone; desire to have the option to have a SIM chip-enabled device to facilitate easy switching of phones or easy use in other countries; local coverage and voice quality issues; availability of alternate means of making voice calls with each device, including Skype; availability of phones provided by one's employer; and cost issues.
7) Download the latest (often final) copies of all PalmOS applications that you have purchased, use, or even think you may use in the future, as in many cases these applications will eventually disappear from availability on the Internet. Obtain registration codes for all device names for all purchased software from developers ASAP and write these down in a text file, as once the developers stop selling PalmOS applications in many instances they cease supporting these programs almost immediately. Burn at least 2 DVDs containing copies of all applications that you are interested in, in addition to the corresponding registration codes. Also include copies of useful articles, reviews, etc. you may have come across over the years on the Internet or via other sources. Assume that if something has not been backed up it will never be available to you again.
8) Make yourself familiar with all competing operating systems so that you are capable of making an informed decision as to whether or not these OSes have the potential to replace PalmOS. Personally test as many different hardware and software configurations running competing operating systems as you can, because there remains wide variation in quality amongst these implementations (see Android hardware and software as Exhibit #1).
9) Experiment with new hardware, software and other technologies and become familiar with their advantages and disadvantages - you may ultimately find that you no longer need or want a PalmOS device. Examples of some interesting hardware/software/technologies include:
- "Cloud" based services. But be aware of risks of compromised security and potential loss of data availability whenever connections go down
- Pimlical
- Evernote
- Xobni
- ritePen
- iPad
- Windows Speech Recognition
10) If you decide that you want to stay with PalmOS, purchase at least 1 or 2 backup devices (ideally in new condition). Cell phones and PDAs get lost, broken or just plain fail at alarming rates. Also purchase the corresponding accessories like styli and charging stands. If you are planning to rely on PalmOS for a long time it makes sense to get reliable backup hardware while it is still available. If possible, always purchase devices that have been proven to be superior performers over the years:
Palm IIIxe, Palm Vx, Palm m500, Palm TX, Palm Centro 2 (revised 128 MB model that had been released for Sprint only), almost every Sony CLIE, TRGpro, HandEra 330.
Good luck!
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
FJH, please do not encourage people to give up on Palm. Without Palm pushing the envelope of innovative PDAs and now smartphones you would not have the choices you have today.
Palm brand is a North American pioneer that does not need to sell itself unless those seeking Palm can afford the price of staying a North America enterprise. Palm, a pioneer, has pushed the envelope of innovation and inspired people to think. This creative environment is priceless.
To my understanding Palm is a brand that is in it for the long haul.
Please share your thoughts on Palms future too. People invest in the future unless short selling. Palm is currently under valued, what Palm can become in the future is where the value is at.
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: FJH,請不要鼓勵人們放棄在Palm
Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Michael Cane types would be well advised to pick one of these up for PDA use: 128 MB RAM, reasonably fast processor, small, decent battery life as a PDA-only, nice grippy keyboard, final version of Garnet, decent screen, half-decent construction, microSD... all for less than $100.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Now I have a pile of new old-stock Palms.
4 T2s.
4 TXs. Just started using one of them.
1 m500.
2 CDMA Centros just started using them
My old Palms I still have are a:
2x Zire 71
Zire 72
2 GSM Centros
1 GSM Centro with a broken screen
20 Plams!
I Can't help it when one is a steal on eBay.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
For those of us that are happy with our Palm apps and PIM this is the way to go. The Centros for $99 on eBay are an amazing deal for what you get.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Michael's posting abilities have been reduced to 140 character spurts of diarrhea by TWITter. And he still doesn't realize how tacky it is posting links to his blog here in a desperate attempt to get readership.
He is incapable of answering your question, so he just pretends to be flippant and runs off and hides under the pizza boxes in his apartment. We saw the same thing recently when the abosco child utterly DESTROYED him here. Michael embarassed himself thoroughly (again) and resorted to a string of ad hominem attacks, never once responding to the points that abosco had made.
Michael lacks the skills and knowledge needed to debate his superiors with anything other than hyperactive, incoherent "Tweets". How sad.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Just because you're satisfied with a Small Square Screen, doesn't mean everyone else needs to follow your tech retardation. Hey, where's that cache of TH55s, Skippy?
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Michael, evidently TWITter has also killed whaever limited reading skills you once possessed.
Read this S L O W L Y, in front of a mirror:
"We saw the same thing recently when the abosco child utterly DESTROYED him here. Michael embarassed himself thoroughly (again) and resorted to a string of ad hominem attacks, never once responding to the points that abosco had made."
YOU were the one that was destroyed. Evidently you're too clueless to realize it. Sounds like you've done more "inhaling" than what's left of
your brain can handle.
As usual, you run and hide when someone slaps you around like the partially-anatomically-correct blow-up doll you keep in your closet.
By the way, your last post was over 140 characters and failed to link to one of your incoherent blog posts. Are you feeling OK? Looks like you should stick with TWITter and blogging - where no one will bother pointing out the BS you spew.
Don't post while high on your "medical marijuana", Michael. You're embarassing yourself.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
When will your unemployment benefits end so we'll be free of your insane hypergraphia for a time?
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
"abosco, go to a frikkin business school or read some damned business books or get some *real* frikkin work. Your crap doesn't need refutation. Your crap is ignorance. And *education* and *experience* cures it, not debate."
"Once again, nothing but insults. You have given nothing in response to anything I've said."
Sure, Michael. You REALLY did destroy abosco there, actually. Really. You did. If that's what you need to believe to get you through the days.
Keep up with the TWITter length posts, Michael. That's about all your remaining neuron can produce these days. It's a shame that penicillin wasn't available for you back in the day. One shot could have saved you from your tabes dorsalis and the syphilitic snuffles.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
It's really easy, just forget about them and move on.
Centro's a cute little phone but app development for Palm OS is pretty much over and the hardware is obsolete.
If you want a 'state of the art' ( )
phone or pda they are available from Apple. iPod, iPhone, iPad. You don't have to be a Steve fanboy, these products were developed by some of the best hardware & software people on the planet regardless of who the boss is.
Palm/HP will probably give it a good try but the fact is they will always be playing catch up plus it's still a big question... Will people accept the Cloud of webOS?
Most mobile app developers know where to put their efforts,you need a user base or it's a waste of time. a Million iPads sold in a month, compatible with 200000 apps written for 75 million iPhones & iPod Touch plus 5000 iPad specific apps in the first month!
It's easy to switch... after all, x Apple people are pulling the strings at Palm now ;-)
Tech Center Labs
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
In addition to playing catchup with both Apple & Google, HP needs to surpass Apple & Google's best efforts.
RE: How to survive the (temporary?) COMA of Palm
In addition to playing catchup with both Apple & Google, HP needs to surpass Apple & Google's best efforts.
1) HP has the resources to stick it out year after year and wait for webOS to catch on, like Microsoft did with Windows Mobile, Zune, XBox,etc.
2) HP should realize that webOS failed because it came on crappy hardware, was buggy + slow, and was poorly marketed. They should easily be able to bring out a smartphone with iPhone or HTC EVO quality hardware before the end of the year. They already have the tablet that webOS can be loaded onto. The bugs are being fixed and now Palm will have additional resources to adequately finish development of webOS + fix any new "issues" quickly. HP has massive marketing resources, in addition to significant Brick & Mortar presence. Running promotions like giving away/heavily discounting a webOS phone with every high end desktop or laptop package could be used to buy marketshare and get webOS back in the public eye.
Unless HP is clueless or Palm runs into some showstopping bugs/deficiencies in the webOS architecture it's hard to envision a scenario where webOS will fail to grab a decent marketshare. Hopefully HP will expand the sync abilities to allow users to create their own server that webOS devices can sync to. Still, the current Pre and Pixi are lame duck devices. I doubt many people are going to seriously consider a webOS device until HP produces the first post-Palm hardware. How quickly HP can release some quality hardware will decide how much more of a lead they are willing to give Apple and Google before they try to claw back marketshare. Whatever HP does, they need to make sure that every webOS device that is released is of VERY high quality, with as few bugs as possible from Day 1. Apple and the Google minions have the marketshare, mindshare and momentum. Releasing a string of crappy webOS hardware could doom webOS - even despite HP's resources.
It's pathetic how Apple just delivered, while for 10 years Palm's various so-called "leaders" sat still and made excuses year after year, while its marketshare dwindled. WTF were they thinking?
Foleo Father, new HP employee
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Centro's a cute little phone but app development for Palm OS is pretty much over and the hardware is obsolete.
Nonsense. My "obsolete" Centro is more functional than the latest Android and iPhone OS devices. Lack of new hardware or software doesn't change the fact that PalmOS devices - even 10 year old hardware - just get the job done and are reliable ways to access data quickly. I'll take a Sprint Centro 2 with Chatteremail, DateBk 6, TCPMP, the Palm PIM apps, Launcher X, etc. any day when I want to quickly access and enter info. The main advantage of newer devices is bigger screens and (soon) faster connections with 4G. Nice, but not essential for my purposes.
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
I also must respectfully disagree. My little Centro has more built-in functionality than a new Android device OR a new WebOS device. Now, take a Centro, load it up with apps, and compre it to a Pre or Android phone (or anything else cloud-centric) that has had its service terminated or is off the grid. They are practically useless!
In short, all of the new generation of devices are for FINDING & SHARING data. I don't particularly WANT to find or share stuff. I like to ORGANIZE my OWN data in the manner I see fit and Palm OS did that *perfectly*. No other current smartphone OS does that very well, but iPhone probably does the best of the lot but it loses about a gazillion points in my book by not support drag & drop USB mass storage functionality. Of course, Palm OS equally shows its age with the non-esistant capabilities of Blazer, a small square screen, and very weak telephone performance. Let me go on a rant and give you a few examples:
-Lame-brain Android doesn't even support sorting contacts by last name, first name.
And if I enter a phone number as, for example)
Work: 111-123-5555 (Main office)
Work: 222-333-5555 (New York Office)
Home: 333-444-5555 (Main house)
Home 333-444-6666 (Beach house)
the braindead Android contacts app will try to dial the "Main office" or "New York" office as numeric digits! So if I want to fully distinguish between each number have to create separate entries for person X's home office, their secondary office, and both of their residences. It's either that or have a lot of ambiguous "other" fields that you cannot assign anything other than a pre-determined name to! Dumb, dumb, dumb!
All of the modern smartphones' PIM capabilities were seemingly designed by a group of brain-dead, halfway illiterate hipster 20-somethings who don't make voice calls, use landlines, send snail mail or faxes. And they certainly don't have the patience to faithfully maintain a contacts list of 1,400+ entires for well over a dozen years!
Here's another example: my Droid, despite several hard resets, 2 OS updates, a new SD card + several reformats still chokes at trying to index more than 200 thumbnails on a microSDHC card in its newly dumbed-down "3G" Cooliris photo gallery app. This is absolutely apalling and unforgivable on a "modern" smartphone. My m505 did this process perfectly with SplashPhoto 8 or 9 years ago! And when playing back videos, the Android media player will frequently crash as it cannot cope with the demands of playing a locally stored video whilst (presumably) indexing thumbnails in the background. Please tell me I don't need to buy a Class 6 microSDHC card just to index my photos in less than an hour! If you ask me, Google might even be trying to borrow a page from Palm and make their newly-crippled devices even more dependent on the cloud. I'm glad to see HTC making widescale changes to the most feeble aspects of Android but it's still not enough.
So, I will stick to my assertion that all smartphone OSes are STILL shit other than iPhone. And iPhone is not for me because of no CDMA, no memory card support, no physical keyboard, mandatory iTunes integration and no removable battery.
The only reason I continue to stick it out with the Droid is because of the superb (free) Google turn by turn Navigation, the screen size/res/quality and the browser. And the fact that I've already paid for the damn thing and there are simply no other alternatives out there! Please, HP, hurry it up with that WebOS overhaul!!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
"So, I will stick to my assertion that all smartphone OSes are STILL shit other than iPhone."
(which I totally agree with)
My assertion was that Apple mobile products are the 'state of the art' and everyone wanting to survive in the mobile market will be copying them to some degree.
PS, I love the built in battery in my iPod Touch, 2 years and no problem, just like the Palm Vx (some of mine are 9 or 10 years old and the batteries still work)
FJH, I know what you're saying, my old Ford truck is obsolete too but it still gets the job done for me ;-)
Tech Center Labs
RE: How to survive the death of Palm
Dear freaking god! That's appalling!

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Latest Comments
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Don't we have this already? -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -richf
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -dmitrygr
- Palm phone on HDblog -palmato
- Palm PVG100 -hgoldner
- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Do people want more metal in their hardware?
Palm could make their hardware from carbon fiber, high tech metal and precious metal so why only use low grade plastic? Could other material other than low grade plastic help unlock some of Palms true value?
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