webOS 1.4 Now Available
Palm has release the long awaited webOS v1.4 update early Saturday morning. Users on the Sprint network in the US and on the O2 UK, O2 DE, O2 Ireland, and Movistar networks in Europe can now find the OTA update via the Updates app. Palm says on its blog that other networks (namely Bell, Telcel and SFR) will see this "soon."
The full changelog is now posted on Palm's support page. Major new features include: video capture and clip editing, performance and battery life changes, various new messaging, contacts & calendar changes and options and updates, LED based notifications, new ringtone/alert options, mail improvements and various other system tweaks and such.
webOS 1.4 also brings support for the Adobe Flash 10.1 Beta plugin. Adobe will presumably release their Flash beta for the Palm Pre sometime soon via the Palm App Catalog.
Update: Verizon users are reporting that the update is now available for the Pre & Pixi Pluses.
Article Comments
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Battery Life
That apparently has to do with marginal signal from Sprint in certain area. That seems to be true even if you stay wifi connected.
Any one experiencing the same problem?
RE: Battery Life
Can you STFU because you are NOT needed? We're all sick of reading your unmedicated hypergraphic schizophrenia here. Get on the mothership already and blast off.
RE: Battery Life
WTF? The first time that I can remember where he actually commented on topic and you jump all over him?
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
If you've already switched to iPhone consider writing apps, the sdk is super powerful and most of the press about the long delays publishing your app is BS. My last upgrade took 2 hours from 'submission' to 'ready for sale'!
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
I was working on it but decided to become a horologist and thought you would like this better...
Where's your iPhone?
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
Couple reasons...
1. I wrote a ToDo app and most people think it sucks
2. I'm too old to learn another OS.
2a. Also think developers will have a hard time actually making any money on Android apps. At least on the iPhone it needs to be jail broke to run pirated apps.
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
Sprint may be pushing harder on the Pre, I saw a commercial yesterday that I don't think I've seen before. I guess it wasn't that memorable though, or my memory is really getting bad.
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
i'm a minimalist and an efficiency expert. i don't like collecting junk and accumulating unnecessary "things" and "stuff". i find a clutter-free environment very calming.
RE: Battery Life
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid
RE: Battery Life
If they survive and if they produce a wifi only version of pixi and if they change its name I might try one.
If I had the extra money I would pick up a Droid but now I might just get the iPad next. I don't think it will be much of a seller for apple but I'll need it to test app compatibility.
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
In a nutshell, its phone performance is awful (worst Motorola device ever), its battery life sucks almost as bad as the Pre, the keyboard blows, Google Maps Navigation is a STUNNING killer app, Android's PIM functions are horrible, the video capture of its camera is phenomenal (DVD quality), the screen is awesome, the build quality is very, very good (despite an uncomfortable formfactor) and its generally pretty responsive. I also like the amount of community support & the inclusion of a microSD slow (plus 16gb freebie in the box).
My Treo remains activated and I still use it occasionally for PIC purposes, legacy apps and PIM reference though the Droid is my daily "phone". Nothing beats Garnet for PIM and fast, efficient, intuitive one-handed navigation & data input.
P.S. If you want to get into Android development this might be a better choice (contract-free, fullsize SDHC compatible & SDK included) :
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid
RE: Battery Life
A Garnet PIM app for android would offer many hardware options but an app for the iPhone might be as good. My Centro as a phone/PDA works for me with data backed up to Outlook running on the desktop but the EOL for this is on the horizon.
RE: Battery Life
iphone PIM looks pretty good to me.
IMO you're asking for problems when you try to graft an ancient PIM emulator onto a modern OS. just cut the cord, move on, and don't look back when the time comes.
RE: Battery Life
I am interested in a new app that works like Garnet PIM, not an emulator as I agree an emulator will have it's own problems. A fresh start on the iPhone O/S with the features of Garnet PIM would be great.
When the Centro dies or is left in a taxi (the usual upgrade path for me), I'll move on of course but finding a PIM as great and simple as Garnet would be nice.
RE: Battery Life
default iPhone PIM looks pretty good to me -
what else do you want?
RE: Battery Life
RE: Battery Life
It looks tempting Kris but at this point it still has to go through a lot of growing pains while the iPod Touch is mature, has tons of user, good app distribution and gets better with each release.
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
Tech Center Labs
RE: Battery Life
no thanks. i don't like using proprietary apps and formats when i can just as easily (and for free) create, customize, store, share, and manipulate my own Excel or Word documents - and use them on any PC or Device regardless of OS.
RE: Battery Life
>>>WTF? The first time that I can remember where he actually commented on topic and you jump all over him?
Yes, because prior to then I had to wade through a billion of his dribblings elsewhere here. Final straw, just seeing his goddammed handle.
RE: Battery Life
RE: Battery Life
RE: Battery Life
WTF are *you* doing lecturing ANYBODY about *logic*, you freaking schizophrenic ponce?!
RE: Battery Life
hmmmmnnnn. i had to look that one up. good one. i learnt something.
RE: Battery Life

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