Treo Pro Disappears from Palm's Website

Unlocked Treo Pro Best Buy With the recent launch of webOS 1.3.5 and the Pre Plus and Pixi Plus joining the existing Pre and Pixi, the main areas of are now webOS-exclusive. Palm has recently removed the company's most recent non-webOS device, the Windows Mobile-powered Treo Pro from the company's front page, the Palm products page and even the direct links on the online store.

Interestingly enough, a search of brings up a still-active product page for the CDMA Treo Pro in Alltel and Sprint flavors, along with links to purchase an unsubsidized version of either handset. Users seeking an unlocked GSM Treo Pro can still purchase a new unit from Dell for $179.99 with free shipping as well as from Amazon.

Palm first announced the GSM Treo Pro in August 2008, with a mildly updated CDMA version for Sprint and Alltel following in March of 2009.

Interested customers should note that the Pro ships with Windows Mobile 6.1 and Palm will not be releasing an update to WM 6.5. Unsurprisingly, all Palm products older than the Treo Pro, including all Palm OS devices and earlier Windows Mobile smartphones, have long since disappeared from the main areas of

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he's gone

Gekko @ 1/22/2010 10:07:43 AM # Q

Jimmy Conway: Yeah.
Vinnie: Yeah.
Jimmy Conway: Who's this?
Vinnie: This is Vinnie.
Jimmy Conway: Vinnie, what happened?
Vinnie: Well we-...
Jimmy Conway: You get it straightened out?
Vinnie: No, we had a problem... and uh, we tried to do everything we could.
Jimmy Conway: What d'you mean?
Vinnie: Well, you what I mean. He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it.
Vinnie: That's it.
Jimmy Conway: What d'you mean? What d'you mean? Uh...
Vinnie: He's gone. Uh, he's gone.
Vinnie: And that's it.
Jimmy Conway: [smashing telephone] ****. Can't ****in' believe that, can't ****in'...
Jimmy Conway: [crying] **** it, ****... the ****...
[Henry exits diner]
Henry Hill: What happened?
Jimmy Conway: They whacked him. They ****in' whacked him.
Henry Hill: Aw, ****.
[Jimmy kicks phone booth]
Jimmy Conway: Mother****er!
[pushes over phone booth]
Jimmy Conway: [cries]

RE: he's gone
mikecane @ 1/22/2010 4:42:56 PM # Q
So half your twisted mind is Wall Street, the other half Goodfellas?

Explains a lot.

RE: he's gone
Gekko @ 1/22/2010 5:51:41 PM # Q

Con - save your tweets for twitter.

RE: he's gone
mikecane @ 1/23/2010 2:49:08 PM # Q
Like replying to you deserves even a full 140-character reply? Puhleeze.
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WinMo Continues Imploding until 7 arrives

Scotland @ 1/22/2010 12:12:24 PM # Q
Not a surprise. Palm isn't alone in abandoning or deprioritizing WinMo. The Treo Pro hardware is actually pretty nice compared to some of its candybar WinMo competitors (it is clearly the first New Palm/Ruby design) but the software (WinMo 6.1) is bad - not much Palm could do there without a major investment in a custom UI (like HTC did) and Palm did not want to spend the time or money on that.

It served its purpose - it helped hold Palm over until the WebOS based phones could finish their gestation.

The Dell deal is pretty sweet if anyone cares - this phone originally sold for something like $500 so this represents Dell clearing their inventory. And that deal is for the unlocked GSM version - no carrier entanglements required. No 6.5 upgrade, though.

RE: WinMo Continues Imploding until 7 arrives
LiveFaith @ 1/22/2010 2:50:35 PM # M Q
Can't believe Palm has killed off the Treo model. It was not as recognizable as Blackberry, but it was still known out there in the fat middle.
Maybe it will return with WebOS, 4G, 4.3''OLED and SD expansion as a business model this year. Dream!
RE: WinMo Continues Imploding until 7 arrives
CFreymarc @ 1/24/2010 3:52:25 PM # Q
I heard it best this way; when a new CEO takes over a company, especially one hired from outside, they act like a new male lion taking over the pack.

1) They beat up all the other males so they are subordinate to him (show dominance over insides execs and marketing types.)

2) The have sex with all the females to have children only from his inspiration and passion (tell the engineers the new products plans and they start designing to what he wants.)

3) Hunts down all the cubs sired from the previous pack leader so they don't mature and challenge him (discontinue products from the previous generation.)

4) Walks out into the middle of the plains or climb the highest rock to roar to let everyone know in the ecosystem that his is in charge and dominant (holds press conferences and takes public interviews.)

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What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?

Fake Jeff Hawkins @ 1/24/2010 4:05:37 PM # Q
It's been a great ride, but obviously things are coming to an end. This site is now down to four or five regular posters - one of whom has a pathological obsession with Palm that compels him to post non-stop attacks on the company. The feeble chatter between the likes of Mike Cane and Geko is downright emarassing. Perhaps they should just get a room and be done with it.

The Palm we knew is dead. The OS we love to use (still the best mobile OS ever created for those of us who value functionality over flash) has been officially - and stupidly - prematurely killed off by Palm in an effort to prop up its half-baked webOS platform.

Centro production ended in Summer 2009 and the remaining stocks were liquidated to eBay sellers for $50 a pop. Palm hasn't put out a new PDA since the TX in late 2005 and PalmOS is officially EOL. Most retailers haven't sold PalmOS PDAs in several years. Palm Pro and Treo have been killed off. The WebOS rescue team consisting of the ridiculously named Pre and Pixi have been a complete and utter failure. Despite heavy advertising, Palm and its carriers can't even give WebOS phones away. (Raise your hands if you've seen more than 1 Pre or Pixi in the wild.) iPhone on Verizon +/- other carriers in a few months and hordes of Android phones on all carriers will take what little remaining wind (Roger McNamee's hot air?) there is out of Palm's sails. The much-needed buyer Palm had been seeking for the past four years stood the company up at the altar. Sugar daddy Elevation Partners will eventually wise up and cut their losses before it's too late to get more than pennies on the dollar for their investment.

Developers go where the money is and right now that's iPhone OS. Palm had all of the ingredients needed to make an App Store 10 YEARS ago, but instead took their usual lazy way out. As recent as 5 years ago Palm's own people begged the company's senior management to support developers better, but management's response was to fire the people that could have fixed these problems. Decisions made by clueless, overpaid Apple offal like Michael Mace sealed the fate of PalmSource and Palm. Now we have a situation where PalmOS has become abandonware. Users needing updated serial numbers for their purchased shareware (that have become abandonware) are frequently forced to seek help in warez groups. Who would ever have guessed in 2000 that this was where the then-mighty Palm would end up?

So how is Palminfocenter going to respond to Palm's implosion? Will it continue to publish an ever-dwindling number of weak articles on the WebOS devices that the market continues to shun (Palm still has not yet sold 1,000,000 webOS phones to end users)? Or will Palminfocenter become the focal point for those who remember good old Palm OS from its glory days? How about publishing articles reviewing the best PalmOS apps ever made? A top 100 list, with links to developers' sites would be a good start. A complete listing of every PalmOS device ever made would be a nice addition to the site. Palminfocenter could be where the Palm Faithful make their Last Stand.

WebOS is imploding, crushed relentlessly by iPhone OS, Android, Blackberry OS, Symbian and Windows Mobile. Don't let Palm take Palminfocenter down the same way Palm did with HandEra, Chatteremail (Marc Blank got a TON of cash from Palm in February 2007, but he is STILL furious at what they did to him and his superb software), VersaMail,, Be,, ThinAirApps, WeSync, Handspring, and EVERY other company that has had the misfortune to be in any way involved with Palm over the years.

Motorola? Sorry.
Dell? Nope.
Nokia? Heh heh heh...

RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?
Skykeeper @ 1/24/2010 5:41:52 PM # Q
Well, it seems PIC has become the niche for everyone who wants to say how PalmOS is superior in every way to every mobile OS ever created or to come... And what an uber bunch of idiots are now running Palm, and that Elevation Partners have absolutely no clue about what they're doing. Basically, for everyone who wants to sign on Palm's death, and yet can't give up on the good old 1994 PalmOS... because... well propably because nothing's better than an SD card. Or whatever.

I'm sure anyone who's in for a laugh will go to the comment section ASAP.

"This site is now down to four or five regular posters - one of whom has a pathological obsession with Palm that compels him to post non-stop attacks on the company. The feeble chatter between the likes of Mike Cane and Geko is downright emarassing."
Yeah. Right. You certainly know how not to post "downright embarassing" comments. Congratulations.

RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death
mikecane @ 1/25/2010 10:30:35 AM # Q
>>>WebOS is imploding, crushed relentlessly by ... Symbian and Windows Mobile.

You jumped both the track and the shark there, Skippy.

RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?
CFreymarc @ 1/25/2010 9:08:40 PM # Q
If Palm does go totally south, a good idea is to turn this site into a biopsy of what went wrong and get as much internal dirt as the NDAs eventually expire from past employees and executives. It could become a very focused type of site like ****
RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?
BaalthazaaR @ 1/26/2010 7:19:25 AM # Q
Skykeeper wrote:
Well, it seems PIC has become the niche for everyone who wants to say how PalmOS is superior in every way to every mobile OS ever created or to come... And what an uber bunch of idiots are now running Palm, and that Elevation Partners have absolutely no clue about what they're doing. Basically, for everyone who wants to sign on Palm's death, and yet can't give up on the good old 1994 PalmOS... because... well propably because nothing's better than an SD card. Or whatever.

Laugh all you want. I vote with my $$. Right now Webos hasn't got it and neither has that fruity company. They are all about form over function and need to go back to design school. I'm waiting for Android to get to the point that I will commit to that.

RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?
hkklife @ 1/26/2010 7:56:31 AM # Q
After spending nearly 3 months with a Droid, I can safely say that there are some areas where it trounces WebOS (or at least the current crop of devices running WebOS), such as uber-tight Nav/Google Maps integration (definitely the platform's current killer app), the superb voice search/dial capabilities, and the relatively rapid pace of hardware + OS advances.

As far as dislikes, Android 2.x falls down for basic PIM & productivity functionality compared to WebOS, and looks especially feeble next to a good Garnet device (Centro etc). The Droid's native e-mail client (not the Gmail app) is like something from the Palm VII days (VersaMail trounces it). The Droid's performance as a telephone is quite poor, especially considering the fact that Moto dumbphones have always been known for rock-solid voice quality and reception. The battery life alternates betwene terrible and mediocre depending on how much you are tasking the CPU--games in particular seem to be particularly poorly coded. Playing chess for an hour will literally drop a fully-charged battery down to 60% or less.

What worries me about Android is that it's going to end up precisely like another WinMob--too much fragmentation, too many screen sizes/resolutions/OS revisions/input schemes to support.

I maintain my previous stance that WebOS looks nice and has potential but is too dumbed-down and is too drastic of a departure from the STRENGTHS of Garnet (in a bad way). Apple's walled garden ain't cutting it for my needs and I'm far from being an Android champion at this stage of the game.

In short, The smartphone world has got a long way to go until you have a platform that combines simplicity, flexibility, and power AND is available on a reasoanbly broad range of hardware. I'm honestly hoping that WM7 is the dark horse platform we've all been waiting for .
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid

RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death
abosco @ 1/26/2010 9:18:12 AM # M Q
Unfortunately, Apple just sold 8.7 million iPhones last quarter, so you guys aren't going to get much support from the masses.
RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?
BaalthazaaR @ 1/26/2010 10:26:24 AM # Q
abosco wrote:
Unfortunately, Apple just sold 8.7 million iPhones last quarter, so you guys aren't going to get much support from the masses.

I don't need support from the masses. I need a manufacturer to step up to the plate and deliver what I think I need and not what they want me to need. Even if I'm in the minority, I will be able to find what I need in time (DGOS/Aceeca). I can just hang on to what I have for now.

RE: What is Palminfocenter planning to do to survive Palm's death?
CFreymarc @ 1/26/2010 1:07:03 PM # Q
HKK, you have that right. The current version of WebOS is just way too pitty pat for most developers. I know of three outfits that refuse to support WebOS til there is a way for third party apps to ship as full native binaries like in the iPhone or scripted binaries like on the Blackberry.
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Urgent Pre/WebOS voicemail question-help!

hkklife @ 1/25/2010 11:08:52 AM # Q
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the default functionality of the "1/E" key (press & hold for voicemail quick dial) so that it sends the VM password + #?

If I press and hold "1" OR if I use the little voiemail tape icon on the bottom left of the phone app, it goes to voicemail and then I have to manually input the VM password. Level 3 Palm tech support says that this feature has been removed because "WebOS is a much different experience for the user than Palm OS".

Nowhere in the Pre prefs have I seen a screen to change the assigned VM password as it related to the shortcuts. It works fine after I edited the "Voicemail" contact in the Contacts app. Example "VoiceMail" ------"xxx-yyyyyyytzzzz#" (where "t" is a 2-second soft pause).
Right now we are making do with voicemail mapped to the "2/R" key but this sort of thing can be a deal-breaker for those of us used to tapping the VM shortcut onscreen and not having to worry about anything else. No voice dialing and now no edit function for the VM function--this thing is a joke!

Is this a Verizon thing or a Palm thing? I think it's another glaring shortcoming that makes WebOS look like a rushed, half-baked OS. More commentary to follow later...
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid

RE: Urgent Pre/WebOS voicemail question-help!
Gekko @ 1/25/2010 5:44:18 PM # Q

features have been removed because WebOS is a much different experience for the user than Palm OS.

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PIC's future

rpa @ 1/26/2010 4:19:28 PM # Q
Aside from the regular posters here, I feel there is a market, sizable but not massive, for Garnet VM for the platforms like OS X and Android along the lines of the VM for Maemo. Garnet has the best PIM and the seamless sync with Outlook running on a desktop are features simply not available elsewhere. Turn PIC into a developer forum interfacing between nerds and users?

I am tempted to buy a spare Centro JIC mine fails or is left in a taxi.

RE: PIC's future
hkklife @ 1/26/2010 4:34:29 PM # Q
Fantastic idea, but there's no need to shut down PIC in its current form. Most of the chatter here is analysis/prognostication/nostalgia, as opposed to the "how do I do X" found on most other sites, so I think it would just morph nicely into being the last bastion of the Palm OS Garnet faithful.

Maybe Ryan would be open to drop the forums in their current form and/or having a separate section for devs to hang out with Q&A areas, downloadables etc.

For years I've been threatening to start compiling a database of all of the known Palm OS-compatible devices out there ('96-'08 or whenever the new Aceeca Garnet units come out).

FWIW, Centro prices on E-Bay have actually gone UP from what they were back in the summer or so. And sellers on Amazon Marketplace, E-Bay etc are charging a fortune for new or like-new Garnet handhelds like the E2 and TX. Have you seen the various new pieces of cheap hardware released over the years for playing classic NES or Genesis cartridges? Some are officially licensed, some are extremely unauthorized, but they all work to varying degrees. It'd be cool to see something like a $99 Chinese-made PDA with TX-level specs that you could flash with DGOS...
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid

RE: PIC's future
rpa @ 1/26/2010 10:08:03 PM # Q
If Centro prices are going up, is here a market for a Treo Pro 2 running Garnet?? Quick, call HTC with an urgent order!
RE: PIC's future
abosco @ 1/27/2010 6:20:57 AM # M Q
For years I've been threatening to start compiling a database of all of the known Palm OS-compatible devices out there ('96-'08 or whenever the new Aceeca Garnet units come out).

Kris, Dan Royea maintained a site for years on exactly what you're talking about:

It looks like he lost interest around 2005, much like the rest of the Palm economy. Dan used to frequent PIC, and unless I'm mistaken, he wrote a few published articles.

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Best WM phone...

zullnero @ 2/1/2010 12:09:37 PM # Q
...In my opinion. I used to recommend it to people all the time. I always loved doing my WM development on it...don't know if I was the only one, but as someone who hates using WinMob (but likes developing for it), that phone was definitely my favorite.
Palm III->Palm Vx->Palm m505->Palm m515->Tungsten T->Tapwave Zodiac II->Treo 700p
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