So Where's the Palm Pre webOS Facebook App?
When former Palm chief Ed Colligan invited Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg onto the stage at CES in January, to regale the tech press with tales of the social networking company's awesomeness, there was little doubt in most of our minds that there would be a native Facebook app for the Palm Pre, in addition to the Synergy integration with webOS's PIM databases. (Yours Truly was confident enough to predict exactly that in February.)
But the Pre launched without such an app, and months have gone by with no positive omens - apart from an early homebrew program, in FriendsFlow. Meanwhile, the iPhone is about to receive its third iteration. So what gives? PalmInfocenter reached out to Facebook for iPhone developer Joe Hewitt to ask whether or not he was involved in a webOS app. His response:
"I get asked this question a lot, including by Palm. I can't really comment on what Facebook and Palm might do together in the future, but I am an iPhone developer and so I will continue to concentrate on our iPhone offerings"
Intriguing: if Palm is chasing Mr. Hewitt's talents and was rebuffed, does this mean they've since approached someone else? Undeterred, we next approached Facebook themselves. Director of Communications Brandee Barker was happy to tell us:
"The integration of Facebook with the Palm Pre local address book has been very successful and we look forward to doing more on this platform. Generally, our goal is to enable the development of a Facebook application and integration on every mobile platform. There are several mobile platforms that we don't yet have an app for, including the Palm Pre, Symbian s60 or Google Android among others. Users can still access Facebook on their device through our mobile site that is optimized for touch screens and the Palm Pre at"
To apply our own interpretation: Facebook are happy to work with Palm on such an app, but won't be doing the heavy lifting themselves... which leaves only Palm themselves to turn to for information.
We've emailed Developer Community Manager Chuq Von Rospach for a comment, to see if we can tease out any details of such an app being developed by either Palm or a third party. We'll update the story as soon as we receive a response, but the bottom line seems to be: native Facebook on webOS is not happening anytime soon. Bummer, poke addicts.
Update: Mr. Von Rospach has responded to our incessant harrassment of him on Twitter (with graciousness and patience). Palm does not wish to "set expectations by accident" and thus has declined to comment.
Article Comments
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RE: So, what you're saying is
RE: So, what you're saying is
RE: So, what you're saying is
RE: So, what you're saying is
You don't actually know anything but you needed fodder for the trolls?
I'm saying that everyone is curious why there is no native app, and this is all that the major players are willing to say about it. Palm's silence on the issue is the troll fodder, not my story.
That's what you'd call 'ironic'
I wish Palm all the success but I have to laugh.
RE: That's what you'd call 'ironic'
Seriously, with such a good browser, I would not want to be limited by the Web2 FB app anyway, if it functions like the Palm OS version. Not a great big deal with a real browser.
Pat Horne
RE: That's what you'd call 'ironic'
It's a generation obsessed with the dumbest things. ;-)
RE: That's what you'd call 'ironic'
A bit off the subject
RE: A bit off the subject
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
RE: A bit off the subject
Lots. And lots. Of Lolcatz.
My comments
Wasn't it supposed to be? Didn't they talk about it at one of the confs?
I Hate Facebook
Oh, Facebook. You cyberland of rampant narcissism and wasted time. What started out as a social networking site for college kids has somehow turned into a cesspool of self-absorbed way-too-old-to-be-****ing-around-on-Facebook adults who think that the rest of us actually give a shit about what they're drinking, eating, thinking, reading, watching, and/or are listening to every five minutes. They post their top 5 records, movies and TV shows. They post "25 Random Things About Me" lists. And they tell us constantly what they're "fans of." One person is a fan of "grilled cheese." I kid you not. What have we come to when grilled cheese has its own Facebook page? Someone clearly has way too much time on their hands.
I think I've figured out Facebook's major appeal. It offers uber-narcissists an opportunity to have their proverbial 15 minutes every five ****ing minutes!. The site is overcrowded with attention-starved grown-ups essentially screaming "look at me... look at me!" all day long. They change their profile photos as often as I change my underwear, and they've somehow convinced themselves that their lives are infinitely interesting all the time. The "audience factor" is just way too attractive to these folks. It's drunken karaoke without the booze and the bad singing, but with all the requisite self-indulgence.
Case in point the "What's on your mind" section, formerly the "status" box. It's full of pretentious, inane ramblings like "Bob is making some soup," "Annie is dry-heaving right now," "Louie is sitting in traffic, pondering the meaning of life," "Joe is hungry," "Debbie is tired," "Maggie is perplexed," "Phil's ass hurts from yoga," "Archie's dreaming of Tulsa," "Seth is a fan of Fellini," "Leslie is drinking her morning OJ," "Dan is contemplating a nap," "Ellen is feeling empowered," "Jack is boarding a flight home from LA," "Susie is feeding her brain!" Somebody please get me an ice-pick to jab into my skull.
RE: I Like Facebook
If you're really annoyed by the mundanities of your Facebook Friend's lives, you really should just block them and be done with it.
RE: I am ok with Facebook
I was a freshman in college just as Facebook was getting popular. Let me just come out and say it. It was a way to scout ass before you went after it. And it worked incredibly well, and all was good in the world.
I can't blame them for the decision to open it up to more than college students. They've become huge and very profitable. But I use it less these days. What was once a repository for photos of my nights with college sluts is now something that I have to maintain at a PG rating for fear of an employer gaining access. My profile is locked down tighter than a nun.
One of the benefits of Facebook? I found out freakout has a hot sister. Not kidding.
First person to find Gekko's Facebook gets $10. Swear to god.
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
RE: I Hate Facebook
Dellusions of attention grabbing adults is very sad and FB is full of these crazy individuals....but hey its fo anybody who wants to use it...take it or leave it...its what you make of it.....
But being obsessed to FB is kinda weird !
RE: I don't know Facebook
As with incessant chatting on a cell phone while driving (to whom about what!?) I never saw the utility in Facebook's "Here's who I am in detail! Impressed!?"
I don't think that's because I'm an old fart...
RE: I Hate Facebook
Why is this necessary?
No need even for the mobile site, the main site still loads pretty quickly.
Why would having an app be beneficial at all?
RE: Why is this necessary?
Not to say the browser experience is bad, just that it could be better.
RE: Updated with brief, unofficial comment from Palm
It may not be perfect, but its not early alpha anymore.
Interesting timing ...
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