New Palm Pre Commercial Gets Metaphysical
Palm has unleashed another new commercial in its series of Palm Pre advertisements. Again Palm has employed the up-close, direct delivery style seen in the past two ads featuring Tamara Hope.
This one involves a conversation about reincarnation and remembering past lives. You can catch the 30 second clip after the break.
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RE: gasp
Might I suggest taking up a hobby? Or maybe getting out of doors for a few hours? You can find some really great books at your local library. Just about anything would be more positive than trying to pick a fight over the Internet.
RE: gasp
that was almost funny - I only attack when getting attacked.
Tell your buttboy freak to mellow out!
RE: gasp
About the only genius attempt I can see in this ad is they going the "weird line" by trying to market this device to the "freaks and geeks" crowd that attend fandom conventions and lead introverted and escapist lives. This crowd doesn't follow mainstream with social interaction (iPhone) and they don't have much personal productivity (Blackberry) but they do like following the latest original concept. It is a form of fad marketing.
Also, the morph of this blonde Mona Lisa's face into the Pre at the end of the commercial is a bit out there to the point of subliminal. I'd bet good money you will see the Pre placed in several SciFi channel TV shows this fall if this really is the market they are going after to avoid going head on with iPhone or Blackberry.
My god! its full of geeks!
RE: compare and contrast
Unless of course the Pre's target market is new-age blonde bimbos who-speak-with-unusual-affectations-and-pauses-who-think-the-palm-pre-is-cool!
RE: compare and contrast
In my not-humble-at-all opinion Sprint's ads are a lot better"
yeah right but what the hell do we care about opening a dunkin donuts in space?
It's perfectly clear that the pre isn't intended for those of us that stayed with palm through the years and these stupid commercials by palm & sprint will just drive the remaining palm diehards to the iPhone.
what a bunch of dipshits this new palm management is !
Tech Center Labs
RE: compare and contrast
Yow! Whatta successful launch!
Ya mean the ad ISN'T suggesting that?
RE: compare and contrast
That ads says "thousands are using the Palm Pre", not "hundreds of thousands" not "tens of thousands", but "thousands".
Oh my.
What a bust of a launch!
RE: compare and contrast
gmayhak wrote:
It's perfectly clear that the pre isn't intended for those of us that stayed with palm through the years....
Very well put. Yes, the old Palm is gone. The "zen" is gone (apparently replaced by reincarnation). I really don't think the "new Palm" is going to be the company that creates the device to replace my TX.
I hated the last ad. I think I hate this one even more. I clearly am not in their target audience.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: compare and contrast
twrock wrote:
I really don't think the "new Palm" is going to be the company that creates the device to replace my TX.
Looks like Access is the only one looking at interest in a non-windows PDA. You might have to stick with GarnetOS. There are of course the Dell Android PDA rumors.
RE: compare and contrast
Yes, that's what Palm said with the Pre.
RE: compare and contrast
BaalthazaaR wrote:
Looks like Access is the only one looking at interest in a non-windows PDA. You might have to stick with GarnetOS. There are of course the Dell Android PDA rumors.
Actually, I'm very ready to get a smartphone vs. separate devices. But the smartphone has to at least have good PIM software. So yes, I am looking very carefully at what develops with Android devices.
If I wasn't increasingly avoiding proprietary software/OS's, I'd probably have moved to Apple by now, even though I don't think they still have any decent PIM software. But I am really getting sick of being locked into proprietary systems, and I'm trying to get out.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: compare and contrast
> Android devices...
HTC is majorly moving to Android:
RE: compare and contrast
Very well put. Yes, the old Palm is gone. The "zen" is gone (apparently replaced by reincarnation). I really don't think the "new Palm" is going to be the company that creates the device to replace my TX.
Reincarnation is a tenet of Zen Buddhism (of all forms of Buddhism really). And Zen Buddhist koans and practices are the inspiration for the idea of "Zen" in computing which is where the "Zen of the Palm" idea came from. So the ad does evoke the old Zen in a very roundabout way. The idea seems to be to appeal to women by stripping out the geekier, more abstract aspects of the concept and relate them in terms of the more concrete aspect of juggling our busy work and family lives.
More to the point, it seems kind of silly to assume that just because a company makes a few bad ads, that it somehow makes their products suspect. Having retired my own Palm TX, I would say that the Pre is definitely a worthy successor even if all the pieces aren't in place yet. (Memos and Tasks need to be syncable to Google just like Contacts and Email.)
I hated the last ad. I think I hate this one even more. I clearly am not in their target audience.
I liked the first ad with the Chinese dancers (it grew on me). But have hated the more recent ones. I think that they were made in part because Palm probably spent a lot of money on the first ad and thought that they could get a bigger bang for the buck by doing these follow up ads with the same actress (they probably did them on the same day or days that they did the original). I don't think that the weirdness of the ads are a problem. I think that it's more that they radiate a certain smugness that I find very unappealing.
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
RE: compare and contrast
Looks like Access is the only one looking at interest in a non-windows PDA. You might have to stick with GarnetOS. There are of course the Dell Android PDA rumors.
Is Access really looking at PDAs at all? I haven't seen anything from them since that silly demo with a bare motherboard and chips from a few years ago. In any case, most Garnet programs run just fine on the Palm Pre under Classic.
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
RE: compare and contrast
DarthRepublican wrote:
Is Access really looking at PDAs at all? I haven't seen anything from them since that silly demo with a bare motherboard and chips from a few years ago. In any case, most Garnet programs run just fine on the Palm Pre under Classic.
They sent surveys to people who replied to Tom. More details here:
Palm, let's talk
You're a ****ing phone company.
Now fire your entire marketing department and do this:
Have the new commercial begin exactly as all current iPhone commercials do. Have a guy's hand holding a bright iPhone, currently switching between AIM and an email. Have a voiceover (similar to the Sprint guy's voice) explain what happens when you switch to another application and have the wonderfully useless Apple notification feature ping you. Enter Pre left, with another guy's hand (if you want that hip diversity dollar, make it a black hand, but not too dark as to scare away that heartland racist dollar), performing the same task on the Pre, getting pinged with a new message, and handling it much more smoothly than the iPhone.
This fits in 30 seconds, goes after your exact market (people who want a cool smartphone but do NOT want anything to do with Apple), and highlights a great feature of the Pre.
No confusing Prozac ads, no Chinese slave dancing labor, and no pale women scaring away the majority of your userbase.
RE: Palm, let's talk
RE: Palm, let's talk
Been looking over Youtube this morning. Palm's done plenty of alright ads before, dunno how they dropped the ball so badly on this series.
(not that this would work on a Pre. beaming is dead!)
Interesting, in that it's very close to "there's an app for that".
Amusing in espousing the value of mobile Internet.
Pre's first web ad would have been a lot better if it had shown the phone actually doing stuff....
RE: Palm, let's talk
wow weird to see those commercials. seems like ancient history since the last time people actually used PDAs.
RE: Palm, let's talk
Too close to Apple's ads, methinks. You wouldn't wanna remind people too much of that other phone.
But that is exactly the goal. You can't sell a Pre by pretending people don't know about the iPhone. Everybody knows about the iPhone, so exploit that fact by showing them, in a familiar environment, how the Pre is plainly better at certain tasks. In my opinion, this would be the most effective way to get first-time smartphone buyers.
RE: Palm, let's talk
- Turn on the Pre and the iphone and demonstrate how fast the iphone is.
- Demonstrate voice recognition on the iphone.
- Highlight the lack of apps for the Pre.
RE: Palm, let's talk
Also, Apple would be stupid to acknowledge any such ads from Palm, since most people have no idea about the Pre. Any rebuttal ads would just bring awareness to an alternative. Apple already has a smash hit with the iPhone, iPod Touch, and their whole marketing campaign and ecosystem. They don't need to change a thing.
RE: Palm, let's talk
On the upside I guess they're selling 'em as fast as they make 'em.
RE: Palm, let's talk
The latest articles say that there are very few locations that do NOT have Pres in stock.
RE: Palm, let's talk
RE: Palm, let's talk
Now fire your entire marketing department and do this:Have the new commercial begin exactly as all current iPhone commercials do. Have a guy's hand holding a bright iPhone, currently switching between AIM and an email. Have a voiceover (similar to the Sprint guy's voice) explain what happens when you switch to another application and have the wonderfully useless Apple notification feature ping you. Enter Pre left, with another guy's hand (if you want that hip diversity dollar, make it a black hand, but not too dark as to scare away that heartland racist dollar), performing the same task on the Pre, getting pinged with a new message, and handling it much more smoothly than the iPhone.
This fits in 30 seconds, goes after your exact market (people who want a cool smartphone but do NOT want anything to do with Apple), and highlights a great feature of the Pre.
This would be just about the worst thing that Palm could do. Worse even than what they are doing now. Not only would you know who be there to condemn the Pre as a "me too" device but like those "let's compare our brand to the 'leading brand'" soap commercials, it would permanently brand the Pre as an also ran device.
No confusing Prozac ads, no Chinese slave dancing labor, and no pale women scaring away the majority of your userbase.
But that's the point isn't it? To reach out to a new audience other than the hardcore gadget geeks who spend every waking moment on PIC having a cow over every single aspect of their new devices. A better question is whether or not this campaign is working. My guess is that it's not working since I've mostly seen and heard people describing these commercials as "creepy." Having said that, Palm is in pretty good company since most companies seem unable to reach out to the primarily female audience that Palm is going after. At least they've avoided embarrassing themselves the Dell did with its attempts to sell netbooks to women which simply fed into stereotypes and led to widespread derision.
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
iPhone is cannibalizing the iPod
5:07: "We expect our traditional MP3 players to decline over time as we cannibalize ourselves with the iPod Touch and the iPhone. However, we have a great business that we believe will last for many, many years and which we will continue to manage well and offer the world's most innovative products."
There's no reason to buy/manage/charge/carry/sync/fight/fumble with 2+ devices when ONE Smartphone can do it all.
RE: iPhone is cannibalizing the iPod
By the way, the iPod Touch is a traditional PDA.
RE: iPhone is cannibalizing the iPod
no it's not, silly.
traditional PDA is defined by PIM. PIM. PIM.
few if any do PIM on an iPod Touch.
RE: iPhone is cannibalizing the iPod
If people just wanted to play music, the best selling iPod would be the Classic. It's not.
The iPod Touch is not just a music player. It's everything people on this site were askig Palm to do since OS 5. It is plainly obvious to me that it is a PDA.
RE: iPhone is cannibalizing the iPod
On a side note, not aimed anyone in particular...
I don't understand the people that pass up a great product based on the company ceo lifestyle, while Howard Hughes was doing his weird things the company was innovating .
Hughes Space and Communications Company was formed as a subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft in 1961 following the merger of the company's Space and Communications Group and the Hughes Space Systems Division.[3] This division built the world's first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom, in 1963 and followed it closely with the first geosynchronous weather satellite, ATS-1, in 1966. Later that year their Surveyor 1 made the first soft landing on the Moon as part of the lead-up to the moon landings in Project Apollo. Hughes also built Pioneer Venus in 1978, which performed the first extensive radar mapping of Venus, and the Galileo probe that flew to Jupiter in the 1990s.[3] The company built nearly 40 percent of commercial satellites in service worldwide in 2000.[6]
Tech Center Labs
RE: iPhone is cannibalizing the iPod
5:07: "We expect our traditional MP3 players to decline over time as we cannibalize ourselves with the iPod Touch and the iPhone. However, we have a great business that we believe will last for many, many years and which we will continue to manage well and offer the world's most innovative products."'s no reason to buy/manage/charge/carry/sync/fight/fumble with 2+ devices when ONE Smartphone can do it all.
Well that's the same situation with Palm's PDA business going into decline as the smartphone business took off. Having said that, my iPod Classic has about 100 GB of music, video, pictures, and podcasts on it and plenty of free space left for schlepping other files as a removable drive. I've yet to see any smartphone with that kind of capacity.
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
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what's with the big gasp before saying "her ultimate question"???
bad acting or an effort to offend and insult me???
who in the f**k talks like this????????