Missing Sync for the Palm Pre Released for Mac OS

Missing Sync Palm PreMark/Space has released version 1.0 of its Missing Sync for the Palm Pre for the Mac OS. The synchronization software allows Pre users to sync contacts, calendars, music, ringtones, photos and more between a Mac and the new Palm Pre phone. In addition, the company has announced that a Windows Vista and Windows XP version is also in the works.

The Missing Sync for Palm Pre works with the built in Mac applications such as: Address Book, Entourage, iCal, iTunes, iPhoto and others. Syncing is initiated over USB or wirelessly via a Proximity Sync technology which can automatically sync your calendar and contacts at specified intervals.

missing sync palm pre

The Missing Sync works with iTunes and iPhoto making it easy to transfer and sync favorite photo albums and playlists of music and podcasts — both audio and video. Plus, The Missing Sync converts and transfers digital video and home movies optimized for the best viewing experience on Pre.

The software utilizes both a Mac desktop software and a webOS app that is available from the Palm App Catalog. It was previously available in beta form.

The Missing Sync for Palm Pre, for Mac, is available for purchase from the Mark/Space Online Store for $39.95. Owners of any Mark/Space product can crossgrade to The Missing Sync for Palm Pre for $29.95.

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Too Expensive:(

robera @ 7/8/2009 3:12:53 PM # M Q
$30,00 to use my old and good palm OS applications and now plus $40,00 to perform a hotsync. The Palm Pre is becaming too expensive:(
RE: Too Expensive:(
robera @ 7/8/2009 3:15:50 PM # M Q
At least is the same price as the Iphone version:)
RE: Too Expensive:(
LupinTheThird @ 7/8/2009 4:07:55 PM # Q
What? The iPhone doesn't need Missing Sync. It syncs with the Mac and PC right out of the box, unlike the Pre.
RE: Too Expensive:(
cstamper @ 7/10/2009 5:08:37 AM # Q
Where do you live, dude?

*That's* expensive!

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When the hell do we get notes and tasks?

scstraus2 @ 7/8/2009 4:17:25 PM # Q
What gives? Why do none of the sync options offer notes and task syncing? This is a total deal killer for me. I'm gonna have to get an iphone until someone figures out this hurculean task of engineering. At least match the features that the original palm pilot had from day one. Sigh.
Palm Pilot 5000->Palm Pilot Professional->Handspring Visor->Handspring Visor Prism->Handspring Visor Neo->Handspring Treo 180->Handspring Treo 270->Palm Treo 600->Tapwave Zodiac 2->Palm Treo 650->Palm Treo 680->Samsung i780->Palm Pre..!?
RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
justauser @ 7/8/2009 5:29:31 PM # Q
I've said it before - iPhone was not capable of syncing it's own notes with the Mac for the couple of years. They only added notes sync capability a couple of months ago in Version THREE of iPhone http://tinyurl.com/nmjxu3.

iPhone does not come with a built in task manager but there are a number of 3rd party apps (the most popular 3rd party app for tasks is "Things" http://tinyurl.com/6qwrwn and, to my knowledge, it this only syncs with it's own desktop version of the same app)

Sorry, your gripe is legitimate scstraus2, and I agree. But it bugs me when someone criticises Palm for not being able to sync some apps and then in the same breath refers to iPhone.

RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
justauser @ 7/8/2009 5:36:27 PM # Q
Link regarding recent addition of iPhone notes doesn't seem to work. For what it's worth http://www.theiphoneblog.com/2009/03/19/iphone-30-notes-sync-finally/

(and apologies for bad grammar above including using "it's" instead of "its")

RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
Marshall Flinkman @ 7/9/2009 7:28:55 AM # Q
Hey, don't apologize for getting it right! That one should be "it's" (as in "it is") rather than "its" (belonging to it).

We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion thread already in progress.

RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
justauser @ 7/9/2009 3:21:13 PM # Q
No I meant in my first post I used the possessive form incorrectly in the line "... this only syncs with it's own desktop version" :-)
RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
scstraus2 @ 7/11/2009 2:07:31 PM # Q
Hey justauser, there is no doubt what you say is true, and this is one of the reasons I didn't purchase an iphone yet. But unfortunately when choosing a product you have to buy it based on the features it has today, not 3 years ago.

Now the iphone syncs notes and does a bunch of other stuff it should have done at launch and finally has the features I need. I'm upset about some small things like notes sync on the pre because I really wanted to get one instead of the iphone, but I'll have to wait until it does what I need it to. It is so close that it's frustrating for a couple small missing things to ruin it for me. I'm not going to lose the notes I've built up over 10 years.
Palm Pilot 5000->Palm Pilot Professional->Handspring Visor->Handspring Visor Prism->Handspring Visor Neo->Handspring Treo 180->Handspring Treo 270->Palm Treo 600->Tapwave Zodiac 2->Palm Treo 650->Palm Treo 680->Samsung i780->Palm Pre..!?

RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
justauser @ 7/11/2009 4:54:53 PM # Q
By all means go with the phone you want. All I'm saying is this obviously wasn't a 'deal breaker' for millions of iPhone users for the last few years. I mean it couldn't sync notes OR CUT AND PASTE until a few months ago!?!?! So any data entered in notes was kinda stuck there. And version 3 and STILL no built in tasks. lol. Obviously not important to the bulk of the iPhone crowd.

There are 3rd party apps and dodgy work arounds for syncing notes/tasks on Palm Pre too http://tinyurl.com/ktuzsk It's early days so of course there will be more.

I'll probably use Classic. They're also working on a syncing option fix http://tinyurl.com/lbop4s Regardless, I'm confident I wouldn't LOSE any memos/tasks if Aus ever gets the Pre.

Good luck with the switch to iPhone. Something makes me think you're going with it regardless :-)

RE: When the hell do we get notes and tasks?
DarthRepublican @ 7/13/2009 2:56:22 PM # Q
Well, I've imported all my PalmOS memos into Classic on my Pre. Of course that still leaves the problem of having no sync solution. Buried deep in justauser's Precentral link is an interesting alternative. A guy is planning on building a Pre app for his secure note-taking service at http://examancer.com/exanotes/index.php. What I like about the guy's website is that it promises secure synching with AES encryption which should be reassuring for anyone who is interested in privacy in the coming age of cloud computing. It's a very minimalist solution but minimalism can also be very appealing in the age of bloatware. My biggest concern about such a service - as with all cloud services - is scalability. It's one thing to sync notes for a hundred or even a thousand people. What happens when millions of users are synchin notes to their phones?
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
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Why can't the pre do CANT?

xImtc @ 7/9/2009 9:48:44 AM # Q
And when is this most basic functionality going to be delivered by a 3rd party?
RE: Why can't the pre do CANT?
cstamper @ 7/10/2009 5:07:56 AM # Q
It can do can't.

Stated another way, it can't do can!

(Yeah, that's about how much sense you made)

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