AlphaSmart Creates Dana Classroom Manager
AlphaSmart has unveiled two new classroom management solutions that allow educators to manage up to 30 AlphaSmart devices at one time from a Windows or Macintosh computer.
AlphaSmart Manager for Dana allows teachers to easily configure and manage an entire classroom set of up to 30 Danas. AlphaSmart Manager for Dana software streamlines the tasks that you do everyday — from retrieving and printing files from students' devices, to updating them with software and word processing files, to performing administrative tasks.
Until AlphaSmart Manager made its debut in 2001, teachers were burdened with the tedious and time-consuming task of installing and maintaining software and files on each student's computer companion individually. With AlphaSmart Manager 2.0 and AlphaSmart Manager for Dana, enhanced administration features make the teacher's tasks easier, including the installation of new software applications, sending and receiving AlphaWord word processor files, assigning passwords and modifying device settings.
"For years AlphaSmart has been delivering effective classroom management solutions, and today's announcement demonstrates our continued commitment to provide both the hardware and software tools necessary to make the promise of one-on-one computing a reality," said Manish Kothari, president of AlphaSmart. "As schools strive to provide students with more access to technology, they must also consider the challenges of managing those products in the classroom. By making our solutions easy to use and administer, teachers and students can focus their time and attention on the learning process rather than worrying about how the technology works."
Features include:
- Installation and Management of SmartApplets: Allows customers to view up to 30 devices at once to determine the files and applications present on each student's device. It then enables the installation of SmartApplets (compact software applications designed for Neo and the AlphaSmart 3000) on a single device, or an entire classroom of devices, in one operation.
- AlphaWord File Management and Printing: Allows customers to retrieve AlphaWord word processing files from all devices with one click and then organize, save, and print them with ease.
- Configuration Flexibility: With the teacher in control, configuring software and settings can be tailored to an individual student's device, a group or an entire classroom of devices.
Thanks to Gaurav for the tip.
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Pat Horne;