Palm Posts New Pre Promo Video
Palm has posted a new promotion video on the Palm Pre in the "Meet Pre" section of its website. The video demonstrates some new functionality and shows some unseen screenshots of WebOS in action. It can be found at and is also embedded after the break.
The 1:44 clip takes a narrated look at checking and changing calendar appointments, viewing upcoming meeting attendees along with a real-time view of who will be present, incoming messages and searching the web. It also shows the simple process of sending a webpage link, which automatically creates an email with the page link and an attached screenshot.
Thanks to GadgetsontheGo for the tip.
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RE: Is it just me?
RE: Is it just me?
I want to see what happens when the Pre is displaying, say, a Facebook calendar entry amongst others and someone goes over to that Facebook site and changes the calender entry.
One (or more) of these four things:
1) The change is automatically pushed to the Pre via Synergy
2) The change is automatically synced on a user-defined interval (do you want it to sync every hour, every thirty minutes, every five minutes...?), and a notification pops up to let you know the event has been changed
3) The change is automatically synced when you hit the "sync Facebook calendar" button:
4) Your Pre explodes, the Internet crashes and civilization as we know it is destroyed.
RE: Is it just me?
So there really IS no difference between a web page sourced from multiple sites (hit "Refresh") and the Pre's calendar etc...(*)
(*) Yeah, yeah, yeah - that and a data extraction into some form of SQL database.
RE: Is it just me?
I was glad to see a *different* wallpaper. That coral was getting on my nerves already.
RE: Is it just me?
No one knows except Palm. But there's really only those three ways to do it.
(1) seems the most likely to me, actually. It's just a matter of webOS pinging the relevant Facebook/Google/Yahoo/Exchange/whatever server every now and then to say "hey, I'm still here!". So long as it does that, updates can be pushed to your Pre, in the same way Facebook or Gmail can pop up new notifications in your browser window without you having to click 'refresh'.
(3) would be there as an option for first-time syncers, or those who don't want to maintain a constant data connection.
RE: 'Add to Launcher'
Add Bookmark
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Apple added this in their v1.1 update shortly after the first iPhone was released.
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
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Is it just me?
Have these guys SEEN the iPhone commercials?
It's all too amazing for words