Rumor: Treo 650 Production Started
A new report out of Taiwan claims that the contract manufacturer for the upcoming Treo 650 Smartphone has stated volume shipments of the new model.
Digitimes, is reporting that High Tech Computer (HTC) began volume shipments of a new PDA phone model to PalmOne this month and is slated to enter mass shipments in October, according to market sources. It was reported in May, that HTC had won a contract for the next upgrade of the Treo 600.
According to current speculation, the next Treo will retain the same basic form factor and layout with a number of refinements and improvements, most notably a new high resolution 320x320 pixel 65k color TFT display and integrated Bluetooth. It will be powered by Palm OS 5.x, have 32MB of RAM and run on a 312 MHz ARM processor.
The upcoming smartphone will also have a improved 1.3 Megapixel camera with digital zoom and video capture, new dedicated answer and disconnect phone buttons and a SD/MMC expansion slot with SD I/O.
palmOne's CEO Todd Bradley has repeatedly mentioned that they are developing a family of smartphones due in the Fall.
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Treo 600: Good Treo 650: Better
One Palm to rule them all!
RE: Flash?
From the leaked pics that circulated earlier, it does not appear so. :( There is a small circular mirro on the back next to the cam that some had earlier mistaken for a flash, but that is only to help with self portraits...
I support
RE: Flash?
Guess I shall wait for the Treo 700 or 800 or whatever and keep hoping.
RE: Flash?
I support
RE: Flash?
The 650 might be the tie-breaker for me. The real issue is reliability, though. The more devices you combine, the more important it gets. I once had a Treo 270 hard reset on me while on a business trip - fortunately I had my phone numbers in my phone, too. (Yes, the 600's have SD card backup.. indispensable.)
While I never really used one, I feel that the two devices could have been integrated in a way that makes the phone unit independent enough to at least receive calls while the palm part is busy with hotsyncing/restarting. Why insist on one processor handling it all. (I suppose it COULD handle it all - except restarts - if it was programmed to do so. But I digress, it's enough to look at the sorely lacking in innovation PIM functionality provided to see that there is no genius at work there currently.)
Palm M515 and still can't find worthy replacement..
Recent wedding photography:
True and soon
1.) They don't mind the rumor.
2.) They don't care.
In the face of falling stock prices, I am guessing the former and they may have even contributed to the "rumor" to try and create hype.
In any case, it is a nice device!
RE: True and soon
RE: True and soon
A Trini Palm Nut
III - IIIe - IIIx - M500 - T|T - ??
Come visit Trinidad & Tobago at
RE: True and soon
Just my guess
visit us at
RE: True and soon
I think it's funny how the Treo 650 has had much more concrete information and high-quality shots compared to the T|E2/T5 yet there's been far less buzz about it on any site other than Treocentral. I suspect P1 "wants" Treo 650 info to leak out (ie keep up the 600's existing momentum) but wants to keep a lid on any new PDAs.
Dream Treo
Dream Treo
1. No External Antenna
2. 480x320
3. No Thumboard (Graffiti Only)
4. 25%+ Smaller/Lighter
5. Built-In WIFI
6. OS6
7. 64MB RAM
8. 500+ MHz
9. Side Button a la T3
RE: Dream Treo
"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" - Robert F. Kennedy
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
I really doesn't understand the meaning of that stupid thumboard (especially not now with the new virtual thumboard recently announced on PIC)
RE: Dream Treo
No, I'm hoping the Tooth Fairy will leave it under my pillow for me.
RE: Dream Treo
of course, by the time the rest becomes reality this may change.
RE: Dream Treo
I think this is a rather difficult feature to overlook. Having spoken to others with smart phones, I believe the form factor is quite an issue. One individual actually keeps a separate phone as well as the smart phone (the other was too clunky to use). Some of those 'other-brand' devices are reminiscent of those old bricks that were used in the early ‘90s.
I believe many of the current smart phones are only 200MHz – too slow for that other clunky OS they use. Apps like Skype (Voice of IP software) require 400MHz from other brand OS. Ha ha. However, I understand that a Palm OS version of Skype is to be released in October. I am hoping that Palm OS version will not have such a high processor requirement. In any case, the Treo will run like lightning.
I am certainly no expert on smart phones. However, I think it’s fair to say that the rave reviews the Treo receives speak for themselves.
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
Pat Horne;
RE: Dream Treo
Sounds like you're waiting on the i500 or 530 then. Samsung uses those same form$ & exchange the guts.
Pat Horne;
RE: Dream Treo
Dream Treo
1. No External Antenna
2. 480x320
3. No Thumboard (Graffiti Only)
4. 25%+ Smaller/Lighter
5. Built-In WIFI
6. OS6
7. 64MB RAM
8. 500+ MHz
9. Side Button a la T3
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
RE: Dream Treo
photoshopped picture
Sounds Good
RE: Sounds Good
Nokia 3650 bluetooth magnate
RE: Where can i pre-order?
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