Palm Pre Dev Camps Planned
Numerous unofficial Palm Pre "DevCamps" are already being planned in various cities around the world. A not-for-profit group called preDevCamp is currently organizing and helping to coordinate developer gatherings for developing for the Pre and webOS, shortly after its release. The group says there are already over 60 events planned in cities around the world.
The camps will be tentatively held a week after the official Pre launch. Attendees will include mobile developers, web developers, UI designers, and testers and is basically open to anyone interested. Attendees can work solo or in groups and are also encouraged to team up on developing stuff for the Pre.
Thanks to Jason Pratt for the tip.
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RE: Attendance
Pilot Pro, III, IIIe, Nino (yeah...oops!), IIIc, VIIx, m505, NR70V, NZ90, NX60, T3, Zire 72s, NX80V, Treo 90, Treo 650
G1 Android reviewed
Dev Phone, not G1
Her negative points are centered on the hardware: battery life, reception, headphone connector. Reception is probably due to her network. The headphone connector is annoying, but all HTC are like that.
As for battery life, it's not great but it's usable; the iPhone, Hiptop, and comparable big screen smart phones are the same way. You can get a high capacity battery if it's a problem for you.
Camp without Content ???
Yeh you can sign up to organize one, but unless your idea of a camp is sitting around a fire singing songs, just what is going to be discussed?
The people who know stuff can't talk because of NDAs, and those who can talk don't know! When will that change?
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i wonder how attendance will be. early turnout numbers may be an indicator of the success or failure of the platform. if i'm a developer, i keep having iphone $$$ ringing in my ears. follow the money.