Gets Overhauled
Word has just come this evening in that Palm has just updated its website. The new design is a bold departure from their old layout with a fresh new look which seems to coincide with the upcoming new launch.
The refreshed site places an upfront focus on the products with large high resolution, interactive images and panoramic backgrounds. At the moment the homepage seems to single out the Treo Pro, Centro and Treo 800w as the company's only current products at this time. Handhelds are no longer featured on the main site.
At the time of publication a number of sections were still being updated. Checkout the Palm management team page for some interesting shots as well as the new about us page, which shows a large arial shot of Palm's Sunnyvale offices.
Article Comments
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RE: clever design
Palm's "active" lineup for the first half of '09 will basically be: Centro 64mb GSM & CDMA, Centro 128mb CDMA, Treo Pro GSM & CDMA. And that's all they will continue to have until whatever is announced Thursday hits the market in May/June/July/August (take yer pick!)
On a related, I LOVE the new site facelift. Great sense of design and style given the rather bland topic of candybar smartphones. I really like the direction Palm is going aesthetically starting with the Treo Pro. Let's hope they can keep it up and translate it to Nova and new product(s)!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: clever design
after the CDMA Treo Pro breaks cover
Looks like it's starting to peek over the covers. The Treo Pro is alreddy listed as "3G CDMA + EDVO on the new site.
Someone in the promotions department has gotten ahead of them selves.
Att Palm:
I am one of many T|X owners who would happily be Beta testers for Nova.
We could give you valuable feedback without ever having to go threw the networks for approval.
RE: clever design
RE: clever design
I believe "was" is the correct tense.
RE: Yup - Claus is gone
they should already be out with another ad campaign though i guess they are waiting until after thursday
but honestly, who knows when they will start advertising again?
Treo Pro: Work - Life, perfectly balanced
Palm III> Palm IIIx> Palm IIIc> Sony T615> Sony T665> Sony TH55> Palm T|E> Palm T|E2> Palm T|X
RE: Treo Pro: Work - Life, perfectly balanced
Nice redesign!
RE: Nice redesign!
Seems like theyd keep offering the PalmOS Treos until new devices
I'm surprised the PalmOS treos are gone. I considered the centro, but opted for the classic treo for several reasons including a bigger screen. Perhaps they didn't want to 'confuse' the market with lots of very similar choices. Perhaps a good idea. I think palm was historically TERRIBLE about clarity in their offerings! The palm 680 vs the 700 vs the 750 vs the 755. Who'd have thought that the 680 and 755p are fundamentally the same device differing only by network choice. I know a guy who bought a 'higher number' thinking it was newer. Not a bad assumption, but a wrong one.
The centro had a better plan for naming. Centro was centro, even if it was CDMA vs GSM-as it should be. Centro meant PalmOS. And now it appears that all treos are WinMobile. Probably the Nova devices will have a new name for the lineup-Orgazmo or some such.
Also, what happened to the "We'll keep selling PDA-only devices as long as there is demand" thing. I seriosuly doubt that demand dried up on the same day they turned-up their claus-free web site.
Visually nice though.
RE: Seems like theyd keep offering the PalmOS Treos until new devices
I'd be surprised if many folks visit to browse for PDAs to buy - bet the vast majority - if not all - are done in some electronic store on the spur of the moment.
RE: Seems like theyd keep offering the PalmOS Treos until new devices
That leaves Best Buy (now apparently in the process of removing the PDAs on a store-by-store basis) and some Staples locations as the remaining purveyors of Palm handhelds.
And yes, the Z22 & E2 are sold in hanging, blister-packed retail-oriented packages. The TX is still being offered in Palm's traditional square cardboard "cake box" packaging.
My theory is that the PDAs have been out of production for some months now but there is still sufficent inventory in the channel to carry Palm through the next quarter or two. Expect another "Free Z22 w/ purchase of TX" type blowout pricing and/or a myseriously large quanitty of like-new refurbs appearing on in the coming months...
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: Seems like theyd keep offering the PalmOS Treos until new devices
MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
MacWorld keynote was a frikkin bore.
Who cares about a Battlestar Galactica-sized notebook selling for THREE GRAND in this economy?
It's all on YOU YOU YOU now.
Don't screw this up!
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
Colligan, the spotlight is ALL ON YOU, now.
Cue the gold threaded Carl Yankowski suit!
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
If only it was offered with these specs & price in convertible tablet form...sigh.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
> will be there ...
Jeff Hawkins said, months ago, that he was a "former exec".
I do not believe he is affiliated with Palm nor has been for months.
In fact, I humbly believe his departure and the hiring of Rubenstein was a condition of EP buying 1/4 of Palm, but have little other than weak anecdotal thoughts to back that up.
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
I do, however, have a sneaking suspicion that these hipsters will be on hand handing out autographed Centro brochures and posing for pictures. They should provide more than enough star power for the event:
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
More Nova tidbits/rumors
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
Pat Horne
But what about the MacBook Wheel?!!
Love you, Onion...
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
That new hp 12" = FAIL. 12" is too big for a netbook. It's not the first 12" they've had - and I've seen that older one.
Ed Colligan is the Point Man. He'll be the main cheerleader. Maybe someone from OS development and some others from specific app developments will demo. But this will be ALL ED COLLIGAN.
"Breakthrough level of innovation" - if it's not THAT, Colligan, the audience will drag you out of the hall and beat up your ass. Either way, I wish *I* was there to see.
Hey, Ryan! Are YOU going? I don't want to have to look at those snarks at Engadget!
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
Why in the world would anyone be interested in Numenta emails?
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
And 12" is FINE for a not-a-netbook ultraportable. From the initial stills & specs, that HP is the screen size, formfactor & price I'been begging for since the original Toshiba Libretto AGES ago!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
The one person who SHOULD show is Rubenstein - from A to Z, if Nova is going to be shown, this purportedly is his baby.
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
2. And isn't Rubinstein a "hardware" kinda guy? So far all that we've heard from accurate sources about his Palm involvement are 11th hour tweaks to the Centro in '07 (from the NY Times piece done shortly after the Centro's debut IIRC) and the Treo Pro. And one of the recent articles-SF Gate??-said that Nova will bear "some" stamp of Rubinstein's influence but is not his "baby" per se from what I gather.
3. They don't NEED anyone to really show. Palm has never really had the obsessive cultist thing going on ala Apple or John Romero & John Carmack or John Mayer + RIM etc. A small handful of PR drones showcasing some tantilizing hardware & hands-on time with Nova is all they need to generate a huge buzz!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
Colligan, the spotlight is ALL ON YOU, now.
The spotlight is on PALM, not Ed. This really will be the end for the company if their main attraction this week is a 50 year-old CEO in a gold threaded suit. Ah, sweet memories.
Web Designer,
Tech writer for weblogs inc. @
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
We'll see what happens. The nostalgic side of me wishes the very company that first kindled my love for mobile technology will once again blaze trails and take a leadership position, but then again, having followed this company for the past decade that seems highly unlikely.
Oh well. See you at the craps table. Drinks are on me.
Web Designer,
Tech writer for weblogs inc. @
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
No, Ed is the Point Man, as I said. If this is FAIL, he must go. Either a tarted-up Resignation or a plain Get The Fek Outta Here from the Board.
And you've pointed out *excellent* reasons why Palm shouldn't release a damned *phone* first.
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
And thus your limited appreciation of intelligence is again revealed.
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
Keep on forgetting that...
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
[his last SEC filing (for his "Insider stock sales" was made July 1st and noted that he was a "former exec" so it's about time Palm updated their management page to show he wasn't there, huh?]
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
You'll have it your own way, anyway, but I like to keep up on someone who created *one* field - PDAs - and has the brains to create *another* one.
(Let's just kick that whole Foleo thing under the rug over there, 'k?)
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan! need to study Computer Science a little more.
May I suggest something out of ... say ... the 1970's?
> ...Let's just kick that whole Foleo thing under the rug...
What is the device in front of the CFO?
RE: MacWorld Keynote = FAIL. Cue Colligan!
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clever design
Yep, not a mention of anything but those 3 phones, you'd think that's all they have. BUT - if you dig down deep via the "shop" link, you'll eventually make it to a legacy designed page that has the TX, E2, and Zire22 - cobwebs and all.
Perhaps the site is just in transition, but it's pretty silly of them to hide the fact they also have handhelds. Colligan's island seems to act as though PDAs are the devil's spawn nowadays, such a strange reaction probably fostered by the jackboot of the cell companies...