Palm Says the Treo Pro is AT&T 'Network Compatible'
Picking right up where the rumored Sprint Treo Pro story leaves off, Palm has just updated their corporate blog with a strange update focusing on the original GSM version of the Treo Pro. Palm is now claiming that the device has been deemed "AT&T Network compatible".
Carrying the misleading title of "Get Your AT&T Network Compatible Treo Pro on", Palm's blog post is little more than rehashed statement that as a quad-band GSM handset, the device is indeed compatible with AT&T's domestic network in all of its EDGE and HSUPA coverage areas. As of this writing, the device remains available only as a pricey unlocked handset, and is not authorized, subsidized, or supported officially by AT&T in the U.S.
According to AT&T, any device deemed worth of inclusion in its "specialty vertical device" lineup is: …a broad range of devices which AT&T does not stock or directly sell. Specialty Vertical Devices include trunk-mounted modems, handheld units, communications modules, point-of-sale devices, fleet tracking "black boxes", and more. AT&T's broad portfolio of certified specialty vertical devices allows you to deploy the right data device for your particular needs.
In short, non-consumer oriented industries such as engineering, construction, transportation, utilities, Government / public safety and various telecom situations are the most likely scenarios to deploy an AT&T vertical device.
With the chances of an official order of Treo Pros looking less and less likely by the day, especially after a post like this one directly from Palm, Sprint's rumored version of the Treo Pro be the first carrier-supported, subsidized version of the Treo Pro available in this country. Palm does enjoy a number of carrier relationships such as Vodafone and O2 for the Treo Pro in various international markets. Additionally, the low-end Palm OS-based Centro remains officially available from AT&T despite the older Treo 750's EOL status.
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- I got one -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Don't we have this already? -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -richf
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -dmitrygr
- Palm phone on HDblog -palmato
- Palm PVG100 -hgoldner
- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Gotta luv them Marketeers!
Sprint =was= a 42% customer of Palm.