Palm EOL's the Treo 680 and Various Accessories
This month's Palm Channelsource newsletter for its reseller partners has a large list of Palm peripherals now classified as having reached end-of-life status. In addition, it also makes the Treo 680 EOL status official, which has been expected for some time.
A rather surprising product that has just met its demise is Palm's most recent GPS Navigator by Garmin kit. This was Palm's only branded GPS solution officially listed as compatible with the Centro and was Palm's response to TomTom's withdrawal from the PDA-based GPS software market.
The Garmin-powered Palm GPS Navigator was released a bit over a year ago and holds the distinction of still being actively supported by Garmin. A fairly recent (September 2008) update to Garmin's Palm OS software is available and, unlike the older TomTom navigation software, the Palm Centro is officially supported. An older 4.10.30p version from 2007 is available here that supports the most recent Palm OS handhelds such as the 320x480 Palm TX and LifeDrive.
Another notable Palm accessory being EOL'd this month include the Palm Care extended warranty kit, which is essentially an extension of the retail warranty on a Palm handheld alongside a one-time screen replacement. This could be yet another harbinger of an imminent EOL notice of Palm's remaining handheld models.
The full list of Palm EOL announcements is presented below:
- 1048NA Palm Treo 680 Smartphone (Generic)
- P10950U Palm Care for Handhelds
- 3291WW Palm Vehicle Power Adapter for Treo 800w
- 3262WW Palm GPS Navigator Car Kit for Treo 680 and Treo 700p
- 3380NA Palm GPS Navigator featuring Garmin
- 3264WW Sudoku Deluxe CD
- 3358WW 1 GB MicroSD Expansion Card with SD adaptor
- 3359WW 2GB MicroSD Expansion Card with SD adaptor
- 3360WW 4GB MicroSD Expansion Card with SD adaptor
- 3294WW Advanced Brain Trainer
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RE: Water Water Everywhere ...
You might wanna consider a new, factory-fresh (or as we say in the south, FRAYSH!) GSM Centro that's under warranty. It's the horrid white but you can always put a skin case or a wrap on it. Of course, that warranty is only valid assuming someone's around to honor it but still...
You can get one now for ~$200ish shipped from Palm with their new Black Friday discount promo.
With the Centro you'd get less lag, newer bundled apps/OS (DTG 10 is the main attraction), a better camera and Google Maps location functionality. But is it worth the trade-off in screen/keyboard/stylus size &comfort, fullsize SDHC card compatibility and battery capacity? You make the call!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: Water Water Everywhere ...
In any case, the G1 is a beautiful device. Great browser with a big screen and it automatically connects to my home wifi network. This means that I can just pull the SIM card at home and use the G1 as a web tablet and put it back into my 680 and use it as my phone and PDA at home-the two things it does best. When I'm out and about, I can put the SIM card back and have a web tablet and phone that works well anywhere (3G coverage here in Chicago is great).
The G1 already has enough free applications in its store to keep me up until the wee hours of the night downloading them. My Treo 680 works very well when freed of the need to handle that pesky internet thingie. So between these two devices, I should be just fine for the time being whether or not Nova comes out.
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680
RE: Water Water Everywhere ...
I must call it nada on the Centro. My son has one and it's great. But you hit the nead on the hail ... I can't live with with any less screen real estate. Maybe the keyboard, but not display. I've never fallen outta love with my first pieced together T3 with the killer Sony HVGA. If Nova magically appears and only comes in SSS, I'm bailing to the GSM Storm or something else. My psyche can't take another Palm disappointment.
Actually, I think I'll buy a used orange 680 on eBAY and rest on the couch while Nova explodes and / or the Storm gets tweaked and GSMed.
If only the future were as rosy as an Elevation Partners press release. :-D
Pat Horne
RE: Water Water Everywhere ...
# 3358WW 1 GB MicroSD Expansion Card with SD adaptor
# 3359WW 2GB MicroSD Expansion Card with SD adaptor
# 3360WW 4GB MicroSD Expansion Card with SD adaptor
Oh no... don't tell me that Palm is changing their flash format yet again!!! What's it going to be THIS year, Palm- Memory Stick? xD? Smartmedia?
Paying my annual PDA update tax to Palm since 1997.
Rumors are afloat that Palm has gotten a great deal on 5.25" floppies from a Taiwanese company and are slating the format for the new Nova tablets. Double sided gets up to 720K I hear. Should be interesting and could be a market mover.
Pat Horne
The first Nova device leaked? The 'Palm OS Treo Pro'?
Just a typo of course....but this is exactly what I'd expect Palm do for the first Nova device, in both nomenclature and design (assuming, of course, that Nova was actually a real OS and was coming out in the next year).
(Credit for this find goes to the PIC forums)
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
Latest Comments
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Don't we have this already? -Tuckermaclain
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- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Water Water Everywhere ...
My tired torn and tattered 680 still functions to this day with only a jiggly audio jack. Beautiful GSM smartfones everywhere, but no Palm OS to upgrade too.
Looks like I'm gonna have to eBAY a unlocked Big Orange stopgap as I wait for a Nova "revolution". Hey, EP sounds convinced. :-
Pat Horne