Treo 680 Retired at AT&T
In what should come as little surprise, the Palm Treo 680 smartphone has just been EOL'd at AT&T according to a newly leaked company document obtained by the Boy Genius Report. The document lists both the standard and crimson colored 680 as end of life. The nearly two year old GSM device has largely been superseded by the trendier Palm Centro, which nearly matches the device spec-wise with a smaller package and lower price point. The Treo 680 debuted on AT&T (then Cingular) back in November 2006. It sold for $199 with a two year contract and data plan.
The leaked AT&T roadmap is also notable for what it does not mention in the upcoming "launch column". There are no references to any other upcoming Palm devices, which is not a good sign for anyone holding out for a carrier subsidized Treo Pro.
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RE: Here we go
What do you think?
I think that if you're not interested in a side-grade to a Centro and don't want to switch to Windows Mobile, then you're not Palm's target audience.
RE: Here we go
>What do you think?
i think you should start drinking more beer. octoberfest is almost here.
RE: Here we go
RE: Here we go
I think Palm has made the fateful decision that Palm OS in it's current and future iterations no longer will pursue the enterprise market with much fervor. If Palm OS Nova was to continue the legacy of enterprise, then surely Palm would not be EOLing the 680 and 755.
A bridge for business and Palm OS would be needed over to Nova. None is coming and we are left to play with the Centro kids toy as a replacement. Palm has said, we either embrace WM for business productivity or go elsewhere. Nova, if it miraculously makes it into a retail device, has never been promised to be backward compatible with current Palm OS.
I hold a Treo 680 that was 1-2 years outdated when I got it 2 years ago. My US cell subsidy is up and I now hold a worn out device with no upgrade path. Sadly, it looks like I'm going to have to leave. Pretty sad.
Pat Horne
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Here we go
For me, a device like the Centro is NOT a replacement for the 680 - with the 680 out of the way, business customers are left in the rain for good (unless Palm continues to peddle them)...
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